Quantum Mechanics: Harmonic Oscillator

In summary, the given conversation discusses a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator and a particle with mass m in a state that has a 50% probability of having an energy of ##\hbar\omega/2## and a 50% probability of having an energy of ##3\hbar\omega/2##. The average value of the momentum ##\langle p_x\rangle## at time ##t=0## is given, and the discussion goes on to calculate the state of the particle and the momentum at a different time. The solution states that the particle is in a superposition of two energy eigenstates, represented by the equation ##|\psi\rangle = c_1|0\rangle +c_2|1\r
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle of mass m in the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator is in a state for which a measurement of the energy yields the values ##\hbar\omega/2## or ##3\hbar\omega/2## each with a probability of one-hald. The average value of the momentum ##\langle p_x\rangle## at time ##t=0## is ##\sqrt{m\omega\hbar/2}##. What is this state and what is ##\langle p_x\rangle## at time ##t##?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

The solution states that since ##|\psi\rangle## is the superposition of ##n=0## and ##n=1## then ##|\psi\rangle = c_1|0\rangle +c_2|1\rangle## but why is that? What information specifies the state of the particle?

It goes on by calculating $$|psi\rangle =
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle+e^{i\phi}|1\rangle)$$ $$\langle p_x\rangle=-i\sqrt{m\omega\hbar}/2\langle\psi|(a-a^{\dagger})|\psi \rangle$$ $$=\frac{-i}{2}\sqrt{\frac{m\omega\hbar}{2}}(e^{i\phi}\langle0|a|1\rangle-e^{-i\phi}\langle1|a^{\dagger}|0\rangle)$$ but why does ##\langle0|a|1\rangle## and ##\langle1|a^{\dagger}|0\rangle## equal one?
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  • #2
Robben said:
What information specifies the state of the particle?
The part saying that is in a superposition of two of the energy eigenstates.
Robben said:
but why does ⟨0|a|1⟩\langle0|a|1\rangle and ⟨1|a†|0⟩\langle1|a^{\dagger}|0\rangle equal one?
What are the properties of the raising and lowering operators?
  • #3
Orodruin said:
The part saying that is in a superposition of two of the energy eigenstates.

What are the properties of the raising and lowering operators?

Oh, I see for the second part of my question. Thank you. For the first part I am still not sure how they got ##|\psi\rangle = c_1|0\rangle +c_2|1\rangle##.
  • #4
Robben said:
is in a state for which a measurement of the energy yields the values ##\hbar\omega/2## or ##3\hbar\omega/2##
Which states have an energy of ##\hbar\omega/2## and ##3\hbar\omega/2##?
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Likes Robben

FAQ: Quantum Mechanics: Harmonic Oscillator

1. What is a harmonic oscillator in the context of quantum mechanics?

A harmonic oscillator in the context of quantum mechanics refers to a physical system that exhibits a regular, repeating motion around a stable equilibrium point. This motion can be described by a mathematical function known as a wavefunction, and is characterized by a set of discrete energy levels.

2. What is the significance of the harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics?

The harmonic oscillator is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics, serving as a building block for more complex systems. It is used to model a wide range of physical phenomena, from the motion of atoms and molecules to the behavior of subatomic particles. Additionally, the harmonic oscillator plays a key role in understanding the principles of quantum mechanics, such as the uncertainty principle and wave-particle duality.

3. How is the potential energy of a harmonic oscillator related to its wavefunction?

The potential energy of a harmonic oscillator is directly proportional to the square of its wavefunction. This means that the shape of the wavefunction reflects the potential energy profile of the oscillator, with the highest energy points corresponding to the peaks of the wavefunction and the lowest energy points corresponding to the valleys.

4. What is the difference between a classical harmonic oscillator and a quantum harmonic oscillator?

In classical mechanics, a harmonic oscillator is described by a continuous, smooth motion and can have any energy value. In contrast, in quantum mechanics, a harmonic oscillator has a discrete set of energy levels and its motion is described by a wavefunction that exhibits both particle-like and wave-like behavior. This is due to the principles of quantum mechanics, which show that particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously.

5. How is the concept of the harmonic oscillator used in practical applications?

The harmonic oscillator is used in many practical applications, such as in quantum computing, where it serves as a basis for quantum algorithms. It is also used in spectroscopy and other analytical techniques to study the energy levels and properties of atoms and molecules. Additionally, the principles of the harmonic oscillator are applied in various fields, including chemistry, materials science, and engineering.
