Quantum Mechanics in Spacetime: Is it Discrete?

In summary: The wave function is continuous over space and time. With continuous spacetime you wind up with discrete energy levels, which is the quantized aspect.Quantum mechanics does not require discrete space or time. The wave function is continuous over space and time. With continuous spacetime you wind up with discrete energy levels, which is the quantized aspect.In summary, quantum mechanics requires a discrete foundation for particles and energy to exist, but this is not necessary for quantum mechanics to work.
  • #1
Gold Member
A long time ago, someone told me that Einstein thought spacetime is "smooth and continuous."

Quantum mechanics is a proven fact. Quantum mechanics exists in spacetime, though.

So can we at least conclude that spacetime is not continuous, and instead discrete? ...quanta of space and time?

Without a discrete foundation (spacetime) for particles and energy to exist within, how can we have quantum mechanics?


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  • #2
I suggest, as with most such basic questions, you do a forum search. This subject has been beaten to death here on PF
  • #3
jaketodd said:
So can we at least conclude that spacetime is not continuous, and instead discrete? ...quanta of space and time?
The fact that quantum field theory (what you are calling "a proven fact") is a relativistic quantum theory would suggest that the answer is "no".

A quantum theory of gravity might revise that answer, but it might not. My (very limited) understanding is that some of our current candidate theories do (although not in any naive pixel-grid kind of way) and some don't.
  • #4
jaketodd said:
Without a discrete foundation (spacetime) for particles and energy to exist within, how can we have quantum mechanics?
Quantum mechanics does not require discrete space or time. The wave function is continuous over space and time. With continuous spacetime you wind up with discrete energy levels, which is the quantized aspect.
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  • #5
Dale said:
Quantum mechanics does not require discrete space or time. The wave function is continuous over space and time. With continuous spacetime you wind up with discrete energy levels, which is the quantized aspect.
Thanks Dale, but don't discrete energy levels require a discrete fabric, in which to exist? I'm building from the bottom up; discrete spacetime, leading to discreetness in everything that exists within it. It sounds like you're assuming continuity, and somehow, mysteriously, arriving at discrete energy levels...sounds like you're playing both sides...no offense. Thanks again, please clear this up.

  • #6
jaketodd said:
Thanks Dale, but don't discrete energy levels require a discrete fabric, in which to exist?
No, they do not, and the easiest way to see that a discrete fabric is not required is to look at the quantum mechanical solutions for simple bound systems: the energy level are quantized but neither time nor position are, This is stuff you'll encounter in the first few ("baby steps, let's walk before we run") weeks of an introductory QM course.
I'm building from the bottom up; discrete spacetime, leading to discreetness in everything that exists within it.
Building WHAT from the bottom up? Quantum mechanics has been built from the bottom up over the past century with convincing experimental evidence supporting every step. Starting over again at the bottom only makes sense if you have reason to believe that there is something wrong with the existing structure, and you cannot make that argument if you have no idea what's actually in that existing structure.
(And please do be mindful of the Physics Forums rule about personal theories)
It sounds like you're assuming continuity, and somehow, mysteriously, arriving at discrete energy levels
Not "assuming" - it's right there in the math, which is why I mentioned looking at the solutions for simple bound systems above. The appearance of discrete energy levels is only "mysterious" if you haven't tried solving Schrodinger's equation for such systems. If you haven't done the math you haven't done anything, and if you've done the math the discrete energy levels are no more "mysterious" than the appearance of the term ##\sqrt{b^2-4ac}## in the quadratic formula.
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  • #7
jaketodd said:
Thanks Dale, but don't discrete energy levels require a discrete fabric, in which to exist?
No. I am not sure why you would think that. There is nothing in the math to suggest it.

jaketodd said:
It sounds like you're assuming continuity, and somehow, mysteriously, arriving at discrete energy levels...sounds like you're playing both sides..
It isn’t me, that is just the way the math works out. Nothing mysterious about it, the derivations are straightforward and available for anyone to read.

Even in QM not all systems have quantized energy levels. For example a free particle is not quantized. The discreetness is not something that is added by hand or otherwise assumed. It is something that arises naturally from the math and even then only for certain systems.

You may want to start here:

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  • #8
Dale said:
Even in QM not all systems have quantized energy levels. For example a free particle is not quantized. The discreetness is not something that is added by hand or otherwise assumed. It is something that arises naturally from the math and even then only for certain systems.

The why of it is quite deep - see the following interesting videos that examines it and other 'strange' issues like summing divergent series:

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  • #9
jaketodd said:
Thanks Dale, but don't discrete energy levels require a discrete fabric, in which to exist? I'm building from the bottom up; discrete spacetime, leading to discreetness in everything that exists within it. It sounds like you're assuming continuity, and somehow, mysteriously, arriving at discrete energy levels...sounds like you're playing both sides...no offense. Thanks again, please clear this up.


In QM, the energy levels of a free particle form a continuous spectrum. I.e. they are not discrete. If the particle is in a potential well or a harmonic oscillator, then the energy levels are discrete.

There's a certain analogy with a guitar string, say, which allows standing waves of discrete natural frequencies.
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  • #10
jaketodd said:
don't discrete energy levels require a discrete fabric, in which to exist?

You don't in general have discrete energy levels. When you study quantum mechanics you learn the conditions under which energy is and isn't quantized.

You don't need quantized spacetime to explain every observation ever made or every experiment ever conducted. We have no evidence to indicate that space or time is quantized.
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FAQ: Quantum Mechanics in Spacetime: Is it Discrete?

1. What is quantum mechanics in spacetime?

Quantum mechanics in spacetime is a concept in physics that combines the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity. It proposes that space and time are not continuous, but rather made up of discrete units or “quanta”. This theory is still being studied and debated by scientists.

2. How does quantum mechanics in spacetime differ from classical mechanics?

Classical mechanics is based on the idea of continuous space and time, while quantum mechanics in spacetime suggests that space and time are made up of discrete units. It also incorporates the principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and uncertainty, which do not exist in classical mechanics.

3. What evidence supports the concept of quantum mechanics in spacetime?

While there is ongoing research and debate on this topic, some evidence that supports the idea of discrete spacetime comes from quantum gravity research and the study of black holes. Additionally, experiments such as the double-slit experiment and the observer effect show the principles of quantum mechanics in action.

4. What are the implications of quantum mechanics in spacetime?

If quantum mechanics in spacetime is proven to be true, it could revolutionize our understanding of the universe and potentially lead to new technologies. It could also help reconcile the differences between quantum mechanics and general relativity, which currently are two of the most successful theories in physics but have yet to be unified.

5. How does quantum mechanics in spacetime relate to the concept of the fabric of spacetime?

The concept of the fabric of spacetime, also known as the spacetime continuum, is a visualization of how gravity affects the curvature of space and time. Quantum mechanics in spacetime suggests that this fabric is not continuous, but rather made up of discrete units or “quanta”. This adds another layer of complexity to our understanding of the fabric of spacetime and how it behaves.

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