Quantum mechanics - operator problem

But \Omega_1 and \Omega_2 are the operators for which \Omega_1|1,1\rangle=\Omega_1|-1,-1\rangle=|1,1\rangle and \Omega_1|1,-1\rangle=\Omega_1|-1,1\rangle=-|1,-1\rangleI.e. for \Omega_1, the eigenvalues are 1 and -1.As far as I can see, no general expression for D or D' can exist in terms of \Omega_1 and \Omega_2, since the action of D and D' on the kets depends on the eigenvalues \omega_1 and \omega_2.In summary,
  • #1

Homework Statement

A system is characterized by two commuting operators [tex]\Omega_1,\Omega_2[/tex], each of whose eigenvalues are ±1. Thus the eigenkets are [tex]\left|\omega_1,\omega_2\right\rangle[/tex], where [tex]\omega_i=\pm 1[/tex]. The system is passed through device D which measures [tex]\omega_1+\omega_2[/tex]. It leaves intact those systems for which [tex]\omega_1+\omega_2\geq0[/tex], but rejects [tex]\omega_1+\omega_2<0[/tex].

a) Using the above notation for bras and kets, write the expression for operator D.
b) A second device D' has the property that
Give the expression for the operator D'. Show that it is Hermitian.
c) Determine the characteristic equation for D'.
d) What are it's eigenvalues and their multiplicities? Find corresponding eigenkets.
e) Find the expectation value of D' for a state obtained by the action of D on a state shich is an equal admixture of the four basis kets [tex]\left|\omega_1,\omega_2\right\rangle[/tex].

Homework Equations

An operator is Hermitian if it is it's own adjoint/is represented by a Hermitian matrix
The eigenvalues of an operator are the roots of it's characteristic polynomial.
The characteristic equation can be found by taking successive powers of the operator and finding a combination that produces zero.

The Attempt at a Solution

This is the one problem on the assignment I've just been staring at, without any idea of how to proceed. I've never seen a problem like this, either in my notes, textbook, or remember on from lectures. Probably the most bothersome part is not fully understanding the notation used. I assume that D and D' can be expressed in terms of the two operatos [tex]\Omega_1,\Omega_2[/tex], but can't figure out how to combine them, or what they mean on kets of the form [tex]\left|\omega_1,\omega_2\right\rangle[/tex]. Once I get that, parts b, c and d should easily follow, as I know how to go about finding characteristic equations/eigenvalues/etc.

Lastly, I do not understand exactly what part e is asking. I'm familiar with calculating expectation values, but that was more of the usual things like position/momentum/energy operators. Help is greatly appreciated with this one.
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  • #2
You don't really need to worry about expressing [itex]D[/itex] or [itex]D'[/itex] in terms of [itex]\Omega_1[/itex] and [itex] \Omega_2[/itex]...the fact that the system is completely characterized by [itex]\Omega_1[/itex] and [itex] \Omega_2[/itex] with eigenvalues [itex]\pm 1[/itex], just tells you that any pure state in the system can be written as [itex]|\psi\rangle=|\omega_1,\omega_2\rangle[/itex], where [itex]\omega_1[/itex] and [itex]\omega_2[/itex] (the eigenvalues of [itex]\Omega_1[/itex] and [itex] \Omega_2[/itex], respectively) each will be [itex]\pm1[/itex] (depending on which pure state the system is in)...

What part (a) asks you to do, is find an equation that describes [itex]D[/itex], the same way that the equation given in part (b) describes [itex]D'[/itex]...If an operator measures the quantity [itex]\omega_1+\omega_2[/itex], what is the definition of its projection operator [itex]\mathbb{P}_{\omega_1+\omega_2}[/itex]?...What, in terms of [itex]\mathbb{P}_{\omega_1+\omega_2}[/itex], will happen to the state [itex]|\psi\rangle=|\omega_1,\omega_2\rangle[/itex] when [itex]D[/itex] measures [itex]\omega_1+\omega_2[/itex]?...What does the problem statement tell you that result is?

(Remember, any mixed state can be written as a superposition of the pure states [itex]|\omega_1,\omega_2\rangle[/itex], so determining the action of [itex]D[/itex] on the pure states, completely determines its action on the system)
  • #3
Actually, I think the problem is asking for the expressions of [itex]D[/itex] and [itex]D'[/itex] in terms of [itex]\Omega_1[/itex] and [itex]\Omega_2[/itex]. The relation given in part (b) is just a constraint, not an expression that defines the operator... and if by "expression for the operator" they did mean something of that form, then what would be the point of asking for an expression for [itex]D'[/itex] in part (b)?

For part (a), I would start by considering the condition given in the problem, that device/operator D measures the quantity [itex]\omega_1 + \omega_2[/itex]. Mathematically, that means (if I'm not too tired to think this through properly) that the eigenvalues of [itex]D[/itex] are [itex]\omega_1 + \omega_2[/itex]. Hopefully you can guess an expression for [itex]D[/itex] that satisfies that condition.
  • #4
diazona said:
Actually, I think the problem is asking for the expressions of [itex]D[/itex] and [itex]D'[/itex] in terms of [itex]\Omega_1[/itex] and [itex]\Omega_2[/itex]. The relation given in part (b) is just a constraint, not an expression that defines the operator... and if by "expression for the operator" they did mean something of that form, then what would be the point of asking for an expression for [itex]D'[/itex] in part (b)?

I'm fairly sure that the expressions asked for will be expected in the form

[tex]D=\sum_{i,j,k,l=\pm1}\alpha_{ijkl}|i,j\rangle\langle k,l|[/tex]


[tex]D'=\sum_{i,j,k,l=\pm1}\alpha'_{ijkl}|i,j\rangle\langle k,l|[/tex]

(Basically, the expansions of the operators in the eigenbasis of [itex]\Omega_1[/itex] and [itex]\Omega_2[/itex])

The constants [itex]\alpha_{ijkl}[/itex] can be determined in a straightforward manner once the expansion of [itex]D|\omega_1,\omega_2\rangle[/itex] is found...I don't see how either [itex]D[/itex] or [itex]D'[/itex] could be written in terms of [itex]\Omega_1[/itex] and [itex]\Omega_2[/itex].

For example, if I found

[tex]G|\omega_1,\omega_2\rangle=\left\{\begin{array}{lr}(\omega_1+2\omega_2)|-\omega_2,\omega_1\rangle &, \omega_1=\omega_2 \\0 &, \omega_1\neq\omega_2\end{array}[/tex]

I would calculate the following,


And hence, I would conclude [itex]G=3|-1,1\rangle\langle 1,1|-|1,-1\rangle\langle -1,-1|[/itex]

FAQ: Quantum mechanics - operator problem

What is the "operator problem" in quantum mechanics?

The operator problem in quantum mechanics refers to the challenge of defining and understanding the behavior of operators, which are mathematical representations of physical observables such as position, momentum, and energy. This problem arises because operators in quantum mechanics do not always behave in the same way as their classical counterparts, leading to paradoxes and difficulties in interpretation.

What is the significance of the "operator problem" in quantum mechanics?

The operator problem is significant because it highlights the fundamental differences between classical and quantum mechanics. In classical mechanics, operators are simply mathematical functions that act on physical quantities, whereas in quantum mechanics, operators are associated with non-commutative properties that result in uncertainty and probabilistic behavior. The resolution of the operator problem is crucial for fully understanding the foundations of quantum mechanics and its implications for our understanding of the physical world.

How have scientists attempted to address the "operator problem" in quantum mechanics?

Scientists have proposed various approaches to address the operator problem in quantum mechanics. One approach is to use mathematical techniques such as functional analysis and Hilbert spaces to better define and understand the properties of operators. Another approach is to develop new theories and interpretations of quantum mechanics, such as the Copenhagen interpretation or the many-worlds interpretation, to reconcile the behavior of operators with our observations of the physical world. Ongoing research and experimentation continue to shed light on this complex problem.

What are some examples of paradoxes or difficulties that arise from the "operator problem" in quantum mechanics?

One example of a paradox that arises from the operator problem is the uncertainty principle, which states that certain properties of a particle, such as its position and momentum, cannot be measured simultaneously with complete accuracy. This is a direct result of the non-commutative properties of operators in quantum mechanics. Other difficulties include the measurement problem, which raises questions about the role of the observer in determining the outcome of a measurement, and the EPR paradox, which challenges our understanding of the connection between entangled particles.

How does the "operator problem" impact our understanding of the physical world?

The operator problem has significant implications for our understanding of the physical world. It highlights the limitations of classical physics in describing the behavior of subatomic particles and the need for a new framework to explain their behavior. The resolution of the operator problem is crucial for developing a unified theory of physics that can reconcile the seemingly contradictory principles of classical and quantum mechanics. It also raises philosophical questions about the nature of reality and the role of human observation in shaping our understanding of the universe.

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