Quantum Mechanics particle in a box question

Add energy eigen value of x and y5.Get energy eigen value of two dimentional square box from the sum of both energy eigen value of x and yIn summary, the conversation discusses the Schrödinger equation for an electron in a one dimensional box, the process of electron decay and the energy levels, and the energy levels of an electron in a two dimensional square box. The conversation provides equations and solutions for parts i and ii and suggests using separation of variables for part iii to find the energy levels in the two dimensional case.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider an electron that is constrained to be in a one dimensional box of size L, but is otherwise free to move inside the box.

i.) Write down the (time independent) Schrodinger equation for this particle, the boundary conditions for the wavefunction Ψ and find an expression for the energy levels.

ii.) Consider the process where the electron decays from the nth energy level to the ground state by emitting a photon. Find the wavelength of the emitted photon as function of L, n and m.

iii.) Consider now an electron that can freely move in a two dimensional square box. What are the energy levels in this case. Please motivate your answer.

Homework Equations

I let, h' = h/2π

EΨ(x) = h'/2m * d²Ψ(x)/dx² + U(x)Ψ(x)

p = h/λ

k = nπ/L = 2π/λ

The Attempt at a Solution

HI thanks for taking the time to help me. I have completed part i and ii and need them to be checked. As for part iii i don't have a clue any help is greatly appreciated. These are not h/w questions but past paper questions.

i.) EΨ(x) = -h'/2m * d²Ψ(x)/dx² + U(x)Ψ(x)


For the particle in the box U(x) = 0

EΨ(x) = -h'/2m * d²Ψ(x)/dx²

Ψ(x) = A1e^(ikx)+ A2e^(-ikx)
= (A1+A2)cos(kx) + i(A1-A2)sin(kx)
Ψ(0) = (A1+A2) = 0, therefore
A1 = -A2

Ψ(x) = i2A1sin(kx)
d²Ψ(x)/dx² = -i2A1k²sin(kx)

E[i2A1sin(kx)] = (-h'/2m)(-i2A1k²sin(kx))

E = (h')²k²/2m


En = p²/2m
= h²/2mλ²
= h²k²/2m(2π)²
= (h')²n²π²/2mL²
= n²π²(h')²/2mL²

E = En - E1
= n²π²(h')²/2mL² - π²(h')²/2mL²
= π²(h')²/2mL²(n-1)

λ = hc/E
= hc/[π²(h')²/2mL²(n-1)]
= hc2mL²(n-1)/π²(h')²
= 8cmL²/h(n-1)

iii.) ?
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  • #2
For part (i), you should probably have an expression in terms of the quantum number n, not in terms of k.

In part (ii), I think your n2 turned into an n somewhere.

For part (iii), conceptually you can say that the electron is free to move in two dimensions independently. So there will be an energy in the x direction and an energy in the y direction. If you want to prove it to yourself mathematically, use separation of variables on the Schrödinger equation (i.e. assume a spatial wavefunction of the form [tex]\psi(x, y) = \psi_x(x)\psi_y(y)[/tex], plug in, and separate the equation into two equations, one in each dimension)
  • #3
sin(2pi+kx) = sin(kx)...you need to add n in somewhere for your answer of part i.
about the problem of part III i think the method is in many textbook.
1.Separation of variable.
2.Apply boundary conition for both x and y
3.Get energy eigen value

FAQ: Quantum Mechanics particle in a box question

1. What is a "particle in a box" in quantum mechanics?

A "particle in a box" is a theoretical model used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior of a particle confined to a one dimensional space, such as a box. It is used to illustrate the principles of quantum mechanics and is a simplified version of more complex systems.

2. What does the "box" represent in the particle in a box model?

The "box" in the particle in a box model represents the boundaries of the confined space in which the particle is contained. It can be thought of as a potential well, where the particle is free to move within the boundaries but cannot escape.

3. How does the energy of a particle in a box change as the size of the box is altered?

The energy of a particle in a box is quantized, meaning it can only have certain discrete values. As the size of the box is altered, the energy levels of the particle change accordingly. A smaller box will result in higher energy levels, while a larger box will result in lower energy levels.

4. What is the significance of the "particle in a box" model in quantum mechanics?

The "particle in a box" model is significant because it helps us understand the principles of quantum mechanics, such as quantization and wave-particle duality. It also allows us to make predictions about the behavior of particles in more complex systems.

5. Can the "particle in a box" model be applied to real-life systems?

While the "particle in a box" model is a simplified version of more complex systems, it can still be applied to some real-life situations. For example, it can be used to describe the behavior of electrons in a semiconductor or the vibrations of atoms within a solid material. However, it is important to note that the model is just a theoretical construct and may not accurately reflect the behavior of particles in all real-life systems.
