Quantum Mechanics-Perturbation time independent theory

So the ψ0* will cancel out the ψ0, leaving me withϵ = H1∫ψ0*ψ0 dxWhich is exactly what I wanted. Thanks again, i tried a few approaches and this was the one that worked the best.
  • #1
1. (a)

If ^H_1 is a small perturbation to the Hamiltonian ˆH0, show that the first order
correction to the ground state (gs) energy is:

∆E = ∫ψ*_0(x)ˆH1 ψ_0(x) dx

between negative and positive infinity.

where ψ0(x) is the gs wavefunction of the unperturbed system.


(b) Take a 1D “particle in a box” of width L to be the unperturbed system, with V = 0
inside the box, and V = ∞ outside.
ˆH1 introduces a perturbing potential V (x) = V0
in the region L/2 − ϵ ≤ x ≤ L/2 + ϵ.
(i) Assuming that the origin is placed at the left hand corner of the box, write down
the normalised gs wavefunction ψ0.
(ii) Sketch the potential for the Hamiltonian ˆH0 + ˆH1.
(iii) Show that the gs energy in the perturbed system is

E =(hbar/2m)(pi^2/L^2)+((2 V_0ϵ)/L)+(V0/pi)sin((2 pi ϵ)/L)

(iv) Evaluate E in the limit when V0 → ∞ and ϵ → 0, but where the product ϵV0 is
constant. Comment on your result.

I'm not sure where to start with this one, we have no course notes to cover perturbation, and neither textbooks covers the area well. Please could someone help me with the method and process. Even any relevant theory would be helpful, I have no idea how to get started.
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  • #3
sorry, 1a) and B refer to a homework question, derive the results it asks for. Thanks for the link, ill check that out.
  • #4
I just meant it's kind of hard to reply to "I don't get perturbation theory." On the other hand, if you're getting stuck on one particular step of the derivation and say "I don't see how xxxx follows from yyyy," that's a lot easier to answer. Part of the reason the forum rules require you to make an attempt at a problem first is that sometimes just trying to formulate a focused question can help you clarify things in your own mind.

Anyway, you should be able to do most of problem (b) without any perturbation theory, and you can answer part iii if you take the result in problem (a) on faith.
  • #5
thanks, i think i can make a start now. sorry you were right i should have made it clear. I know almost nothing about perturbation theory as in it wasn't covered so i wasn't sure where to start.
  • #6
Ah i am familiar with Dirac notation but we haven't come across it yet on the course so i am uncertain how to implement it fully. Most of the resources i have come across use Dirac notation for perturbation problems.

However after a bit of fiddling i have this:
Adding a small perturbation to the Hamiltonian H0 i get...
If H0 → H0 + H1, then E0 → E0 + ϵ and ψ0 → χ,
where the new wavefunction is given by

χ = ψ0 + ϕ = ψ0 +∑cnψn.

Therefore new TISE is
(H0 + H1)(ψ0 + ϕ) = (E0 + ϵ)(ψ0 + ϕ),
As with the normal form H0ψ0=E0ψ0

Multiply out, and ignoring 2nd orders as this is first order corrections, I get this:

H0ϕ + H1ψ0 = E0ϕ + ϵψ0.

This is where I'm stuck, I'm not really sure of the next step, I think I multiply by ψ0* but how do I cancel the ϕ terms? they don't feature in the answer.
  • #7
Use the orthogonality of the eigenstates. All of the terms will vanish except for the ones involving ψ0.
  • #8
vela said:
Use the orthogonality of the eigenstates. All of the terms will vanish except for the ones involving ψ0.

Of course! Thanks again.

FAQ: Quantum Mechanics-Perturbation time independent theory

1. What is quantum mechanics-perturbation time independent theory?

Quantum mechanics-perturbation time independent theory is a mathematical framework used to describe the behavior of quantum systems when they are subjected to a small perturbation, or disturbance, from their equilibrium state.

2. How is perturbation theory used in quantum mechanics?

Perturbation theory is used in quantum mechanics to approximate the behavior of a system that cannot be solved exactly. It involves breaking down the system into smaller, solvable parts and then using those solutions to build up a solution for the entire system.

3. What is the difference between time independent and time dependent perturbation theory?

Time independent perturbation theory is used for systems that do not change over time, while time dependent perturbation theory is used for systems that do change over time. In time independent perturbation theory, the perturbation is constant, while in time dependent perturbation theory, the perturbation changes over time.

4. What are the limitations of perturbation theory in quantum mechanics?

Perturbation theory is limited in its applicability to systems with small perturbations. It also assumes that the perturbation is small compared to the overall system, and that the system is in a stable equilibrium state. In cases where these assumptions do not hold, perturbation theory may not provide accurate results.

5. How does perturbation theory relate to the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics?

Perturbation theory and the uncertainty principle are both fundamental concepts in quantum mechanics. The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. Perturbation theory takes this into account when approximating the behavior of a system, as the perturbation can introduce uncertainty into the system's behavior.

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