Quantum mechanics replacing bohr model

In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of electrons in atoms, specifically their movement between energy levels and the emission of photons. It is noted that when an electron changes energy levels, one photon is released carrying away the energetic difference. The potential impact on an atom's stability and chemical properties is also discussed. The conversation then shifts to the topic of rubbing objects together and the generation of heat from friction, which is explained as the transformation of kinetic energy into thermal energy. The concept of thermal radiation and its relationship to temperature is also mentioned. Finally, the conversation concludes with the clarification that heat does not normally cause electronic excitations at normal temperatures.
  • #1
do all of the electrons in an atom have to move up or down an energy level or is it just the valence electrons or what? is there one photon released per electron and are they all the same wavelength?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You are trying to ask something like. "I heard an explanation on how atoms emit light. I understand it has to to with electrons jumping from one energy state into another. I am confused as to which atoms participate in this process, and how many photons are emitted."
I'll answer anyways: It doesn't matter which electron changes its energy state, when it does one photon is released carrying away the energetic difference.
  • #3
but if only one electron did this and changed energy levels wouldn't it change the chemical properties of the atom? for instance, if one electron in helium moved up an energy level it wouldn't be stable anymore and it would have different chemical properties
  • #4
kashiark said:
but if only one electron did this and changed energy levels wouldn't it change the chemical properties of the atom? for instance, if one electron in helium moved up an energy level it wouldn't be stable anymore and it would have different chemical properties

It would have different chemical properties, yes. I'm not sure what you mean by 'stable' - atoms are quite stable. But if you excite (move up in energy) an electron with enough energy (the ionization potential), it may leave the atom altogether.

If you're referring to molecules, then yes - exciting an electron can destabilize it, causing it to fall apart (photodissociation). Or form a bond. Most molecules are, in most cases, stable. But for example: if UV light hits an electron in the double-bond in a thymine base-pair in your DNA, it'll temporarily break that bond - at which point the thymine might react by forming a bond to a neighboring thymine instead - causing what's called a 'thymine photodimer'. Which in turn distorts the shape of the DNA double-helix, which means the DNA of that cell stops working correctly, and if you're real unlucky, you get a melanoma. (now that summer is on its way, a skin-cancer warning would be appropriate - wear sunblock all you pasty white physics geeks! :D)

But at ordinary temperatures, electrons don't stay in excited states for very long. (how long does your average object glow after you turn out the lights?) So you don't usually talk about chemical properties of excited molecules - since they can't be kept around and chemically isolated and so on. Rather you just talk in terms of which photoreactions, if any, can take place.
  • #5
ah i see ok ty and i meant chemically stable but i have another question; if you rub two objects together underwater they can keep putting out heat energy forever; once all of the electrons are in their lowest level wouldn't the heat energy stop being put out? or does the kinetic energy from moving the objects cause some of the electrons to move up an energy level?
  • #6
When you rub two objects together and generate heat from the friction, the energy comes from you, and is transformed into vibrational/heat energy in the object. You can't cool an object by rubbing it. Is this what you meant?
  • #7
oooh ok i get it now i was thinking that when you rubbed two things together their electrons interacted and emitted infrared radiation but i take it that they interact without dropping energy levels by emitting virtual photons and cause the opposite object's atoms to move erratically or move however solids do when they're hot
  • #8
Here's what happens when you rub two objects together:

1. You add kinetic energy to the object by rubbing the objects together, striking them together, etc. The atoms in the object gain kinetic energy. Soon enough this internal kinetic energy reaches thermal equilibrium. If you dropped the object on the ground, you might have vibrations of a certain frequency and a large amplitude ringing throughout the object, especially if it's metal and the ground is hard, but eventually that one frequency component with a big amplitude becomes a distribution of frequency components with small amplitudes. This is thermal energy.

2. All objects emit thermal radiation, which consists of light in a distribution of many different frequencies. The higher the temperature, the higher the frequency that's being emitted the most. At room temperature, the peak amplitude is in the infrared, but if we heat something up enough, it'll be glowing hot, and the peak amplitude will be in the visual frequencies.

This is not to say the electrons from different surfaces don't interact with each other and emit stuff. I mean, if you can peel Scotch tape in a vacuum and create x-rays, then it seems anything's possible. Nevertheless, you don't need to consider the surface interactions to explain why rubbing objects produces heat.
  • #9
kashiark said:
ah i see ok ty and i meant chemically stable but i have another question; if you rub two objects together underwater they can keep putting out heat energy forever; once all of the electrons are in their lowest level wouldn't the heat energy stop being put out? or does the kinetic energy from moving the objects cause some of the electrons to move up an energy level?

No, not with normal temperatures. The states that normally correspond to heat is the kinetic energy of the atoms/molecules (their translational speed), their rotational energy levels, and their vibrational energy levels. (they have discrete levels just like the energy levels of the electrons).

Heat can cause electronic excitations, but only at very high temperatures.
  • #10
ooh ok i get it thanks guys!

FAQ: Quantum mechanics replacing bohr model

1. What is quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior and interactions of particles at the subatomic level. It provides a mathematical framework for understanding the fundamental properties of matter and energy.

2. How does quantum mechanics differ from the Bohr model?

The Bohr model of the atom was proposed in 1913 and is based on classical physics principles. It describes electrons orbiting around a nucleus in specific energy levels. In contrast, quantum mechanics takes into account the wave-like nature of particles and describes the behavior of electrons in terms of probabilities and wave functions rather than fixed orbits.

3. Why is the Bohr model no longer considered accurate?

The Bohr model was successful in explaining some properties of atoms, but it failed to explain the complex behavior of electrons in more complex atoms. It also did not account for the dual nature of particles as both waves and particles. Quantum mechanics provides a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the behavior of particles at the atomic level.

4. How has quantum mechanics impacted our understanding of the physical world?

Quantum mechanics has revolutionized our understanding of the physical world by providing a more accurate and comprehensive description of the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. It has led to advancements in technology, such as transistors and lasers, and has also allowed for the development of new fields of study, such as quantum computing and quantum information theory.

5. Can quantum mechanics fully replace the Bohr model?

While quantum mechanics has largely replaced the Bohr model in terms of accurately describing the behavior of particles, the Bohr model is still used as a simplified model in some contexts, such as introductory physics courses. However, quantum mechanics provides a more complete and accurate understanding of the physical world and is considered the foundation of modern physics.

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