Quantum Mechanics: Uncertainty and Commutation relation

In summary, this question is asking about the relationship between the uncertainty relation and the commutation relation. The relationship between the two is somewhat complex, but I think they are asking more about the uncertainty relation itself---which (happens) to be associated with the given commutation relation.
  • #1
I am stuck on one part of my Quantum Mechanics HW. Above the question it says "Try and answer the following question." So I can only assume that he isn't looking for something incredibly detailed. (Ill explain why after the question is given.)

Homework Statement

What is the meaning of the uncertainty relation [itex]\Delta \overline{x}\overline{p}≤\hbar /2[/itex] associated with the commutation relation [itex][\overline{x},\overline{p}]=i \hbar[/itex] (The bars over x and p are supposed to be hats, as in a unit vector but I do not know how to do them with Latex.)

The Attempt at a Solution

At this point in time we only had one class and the whole first chapter of the book doesn't delve much into either one of these relations. It says that
That is really all I know about this relation. There is nothing in the lecture notes and nothing about these relations until Chapter 3. Can anyone lead me in the right direction?
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  • #2
The relationship between the uncertainty relation and the commutation relation given is somewhat complex; but I think they're asking more about the uncertainty relation itself---which (happens) to be associated with the given commutation relation.
  • #3
I think you mean: [itex]\Delta x \Delta p_x \leq \hbar/2\pi[/itex] in terms of [itex][\hat{x},\hat{p}_x]=i\hbar[/itex] and I think he means the hats to indicate operators.

The 1D x-p commutation looks like:[tex]\int_\infty \psi^\star (\hat{x}\hat{p}_x-\hat{p}_x\hat{x})\psi.dx = i\hbar[/tex][tex]\hat{x}=x \; ; \qquad \hat{p}_x=-i\hbar\frac{d}{dx}[/tex]

The question is about what the uncertainty relation means - which you can presumably describe OK ... but they want to to describe it in terms of the commutation. The commutation implies Heisenberg's uncertainty - you have to find out how and write it down.

The bars over x and p are supposed to be hats, as in a unit vector but I do not know how to do them with Latex
[itex]\text{\hat{a}} \rightarrow \hat{a}[/itex]

LaTeX reference - get one of the pdf's (bottom of page).
For PF you only need the chapters on math typesetting, but hey: it's all good.
There's a PFLaTeX guide someplace around here but I keep losing it.
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  • #4
I do not know what commutation means though. This question is throwing me for a loop because this was not discussed at all in our lecture. And there is very little on it in the first chapter of the book. There is a proof that relates the generalized uncertainty principle with the commutation relation but how can I describe what anything means if I do not know what commutation means? I know it is defined as AB-BA, but I do not know the physical significance of this definition and how it relates the the uncertainty principle. :(
  • #5
Wait! I think I may be getting somewhere! (just did some more reading and something clicked!)
So for two physical quantities to be simultaneously observable then [A,B]=0. But since [itex][A,B]=i\hbar[/itex] this implies only one quantity to be observable. Relating this to the uncertainty principle, this means that either x OR p can be observable not both.

Am I close?
  • #6
Close - they are both observable, but the quantities are related in such a way that the uncertainties of the measurements are inversely related. They are not independently observable. The commutator describes and quantifies this.
  • #7
Exactly you can actually see that quite clearly. Picture applying an operator to a wavefunction as measuring it for the property that belongs to that operator (x is measuring location, p is measuring momentum). The fact that the commutator is not zero means ,measuring first momentum and then location does not lead to the same results as first measuring location and then momentum.

The commutator gives you a description of the difference which then gives rise to the uncertainty relation. So be prepared there is not just one uncertainty relation all non-commuting operators give rise to one.
  • #8
Cool! Thanks everyone!

Related to Quantum Mechanics: Uncertainty and Commutation relation

1. What is quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that describes the behavior of particles at a very small scale, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It explains how these particles behave and interact with each other, and has led to many important discoveries and technologies, such as transistors and lasers.

2. What is the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics?

The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time. This is because the act of measuring one of these properties will inevitably disturb the other, making it impossible to have precise measurements of both simultaneously.

3. What is the commutation relation in quantum mechanics?

The commutation relation is a mathematical concept in quantum mechanics that describes how two physical quantities, such as position and momentum, relate to each other. It involves taking the product of the operators that represent these quantities and comparing it to the product in the reverse order. If the two products do not equal each other, the quantities do not commute, meaning they cannot be measured simultaneously with complete accuracy.

4. How does the uncertainty principle relate to the commutation relation?

The uncertainty principle and the commutation relation are closely related. The uncertainty principle is a consequence of the commutation relation, as it shows that certain pairs of physical quantities do not commute and therefore cannot be measured simultaneously with complete accuracy. This is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics and helps explain the probabilistic nature of particles at the quantum level.

5. What are some real-world applications of the uncertainty principle and commutation relation?

The uncertainty principle and commutation relation have many important applications in modern technology. For example, they are used in the development of quantum computers and atomic clocks, as well as in medical imaging techniques like MRI. The principles also play a crucial role in understanding the behavior of electrons in materials, which is essential for advancements in fields such as electronics and nanotechnology.

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