Quantum operators and commutation relations

P## with ##a(q)^{\dagger}## is ##q## times the same operator. I think you can also see that right away by computing the commutator explicitly using the definition of ##\mathbf P##.I'm not quite sure what you were supposed to do with the second part. Were you to use your result for ##[\mathbf P,a(q)^{\dagger}]## to compute the commutator of ##\mathbf P## with your expression for ##\exp(-iP \cdot z) a(q)^{\dagger} \exp(i P \cdot z)##? I'm not sure what you mean by "h
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

Given the mode expansion of the quantum field ##\phi## and the conjugate field one can derive $$\mathbf P = \int \frac{d^3 \mathbf p}{(2\pi)^3 2 \omega(\mathbf p)} \mathbf p a(\mathbf p)^{\dagger} a(\mathbf p)$$ By writing $$e^X = \text{lim}_{n \rightarrow \infty} \left(1+\frac{X}{n}\right)^n$$ calculate ##[\mathbf P, a(\mathbf q)^{\dagger}]## and hence evaluate $$\exp(-i \mathbf P \cdot \mathbf z) a(\mathbf q)^{\dagger} \exp(i \mathbf P \cdot \mathbf z),$$ with ##\mathbf z## a constant vector.

Homework Equations

##[AB,C] = A[B,C] + [A,C]B##

Commutation relations for the creation and annihilation operators.

The Attempt at a Solution

I think I can show that ##[\mathbf P, a(\mathbf q)^{\dagger}] = \mathbf q a(\mathbf q)^{\dagger}## but why in particular is this definition of the exponential useful? I can use it to rewrite the exponential factors appearing in that expression but that gives me $$\text{lim}_{n \rightarrow \infty} \text{lim}_{r \rightarrow \infty} \left(1- i \frac{\mathbf P \cdot \mathbf z}{n}\right)^n a(\mathbf q)^{\dagger} \left(1+ i \frac{\mathbf P \cdot \mathbf z}{r}\right)^r$$ but I can't see an easy way to proceed.

It seems to me that I could make more progress using the Baker Campbell Hausdorff formula for non commuting exponentials
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  • #2
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  • #3
Hi strangerep,
strangerep said:
I think you can just use a well-known commutator->derivative formula, which comes up quite regularly in the quantum forum. See, e.g., these threads:


Is this to help me in computing ##[\mathbf P,a(q)^{\dagger}]?## I think I managed to do this using the integral representation of the spatial momentum in terms of c/a operators. My result was ##qa(q)^{\dagger}##. So this tells me that ##a(q)^{\dagger}## and ##\mathbf P## do not commute and so the expression ##\exp(-iP \cdot z) a(q)^{\dagger} \exp(i P \cdot z)## can't be simplified trivially. i thought about using the BCH formula for ##e^{-X} A e^X## and operators X and A but I am instructed to use the limit definition of the exponential and I can't see how to progress using such a definition.
(I presume your c/a operators are bosonic?)
Yup, I should have said ##\phi## is a real scalar field.
  • #4
Can you use your commutation relation for ##[\mathbf P,a(q)^{\dagger}]## to move ##a(q)^{\dagger}## all the way to the left in the expression ##\left( 1-i P \cdot z \right)a(q)^{\dagger}##?

Repeat for ##\left( 1-i \Large{\frac{P \cdot z}{2}}\right)^2a(q)^{\dagger}##.
  • #5
Hi TSny,

I suppose you are maybe hinting at me trying a few cases and seeing if there is a generalisation? $$(1-iP \cdot z) a(q)^{\dagger} = ((a(q)^{\dagger} - i((a(q)^{\dagger} P \cdot z + q \cdot z a(q)^{\dagger}))$$ Then $$\left(1-i \frac{P \cdot z}{2}\right)^2 a(q)^{\dagger} = (1-iP \cdot z) a(q)^{\dagger} - \frac{1}{4} (P \cdot z)^2 a(q)^{\dagger}$$ It seems like the first term will be common but the second term is not?

  • #6
CAF123 said:
Hi TSny,

I suppose you are maybe hinting at me trying a few cases and seeing if there is a generalisation?
$$(1-iP \cdot z) a(q)^{\dagger} = ((a(q)^{\dagger} - i((a(q)^{\dagger} P \cdot z + q \cdot z a(q)^{\dagger}))$$
Simplify by factoring ##a(q)^{\dagger}## out to the left on the RHS.
Then $$\left(1-i \frac{P \cdot z}{2}\right)^2 a(q)^{\dagger} = (1-iP \cdot z) a(q)^{\dagger} - \frac{1}{4} (P \cdot z)^2 a(q)^{\dagger}$$ It seems like the first term will be common but the second term is not?
Write $$\left(1-i \frac{P \cdot z}{2}\right)^2 a(q)^{\dagger} = \left(1-i \frac{P \cdot z}{2}\right) \left(1-i \frac{P \cdot z}{2}\right)a(q)^{\dagger}$$ Try moving ##a(q)^{\dagger}## all the way to the left (one set of parentheses at a time).
  • #7
TSny said:
Simplify by factoring ##a(q)^{\dagger}## out to the left on the RHS.
$$a(q)^{\dagger}(1-i(P+q)\cdot z)$$
Write $$\left(1-i \frac{P \cdot z}{2}\right)^2 a(q)^{\dagger} = \left(1-i \frac{P \cdot z}{2}\right) \left(1-i \frac{P \cdot z}{2}\right)a(q)^{\dagger}$$ Try moving ##a(q)^{\dagger}## all the way to the left (one set of parentheses at a time).
I get that $$a(q)^{\dagger}\left(1-\frac{i}{2}(P+q)\cdot z \right)^2$$

So, we end up with $$\text{lim}_{n,r \rightarrow \infty} a(q)^{\dagger} \left(1-\frac{i}{n}((P+q)\cdot z)\right)^n \left(1+\frac{i}{r} P \cdot z \right)^r = a(q)^{\dagger} \exp(-i(P+q)\cdot z) \exp(i P \cdot z) = a(q)^{\dagger} \exp(-iq \cdot z)$$

Similarly, I can compute e.g $$I = \exp(-iP \cdot z) \phi(x) \exp(i P \cdot z)$$ where $$\phi(x) = \int \frac{d^3 q}{(2\pi)^3 2 w(q)} (a(q) e^{-iq \cdot x} + a(q)^{\dagger} e^{iq \cdot x})$$ and using the results above gives the result that ##I## is ##\phi(t, \mathbf x - \mathbf z)## so that ##I## is a space translation operator for the field ##\phi## in the ##-z## direction. The last result makes sense to me, so I guess my answer to the first part was also correct?
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  • #8
That looks good. You've shown that the momentum operator is the generator of translations in space. I think most people would refer to ##\exp(-iP \cdot z)## as the translation operator rather than ##I##.

Yes, I believe you worked the first part correctly.
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  • #9
CAF123 said:
Is this to help me in computing ##[\mathbf P,a(q)^{\dagger}]?##
No. That part's easy.

I think I managed to do this using the integral representation of the spatial momentum in terms of c/a operators. My result was ##qa(q)^{\dagger}##. So this tells me that ##a(q)^{\dagger}## and ##\mathbf P## do not commute and so the expression ##\exp(-iP \cdot z) a(q)^{\dagger} \exp(i P \cdot z)## can't be simplified trivially.
I'm not sure whether you need any more hints from me -- maybe TSny's hints are enough?

Related to Quantum operators and commutation relations

1. What are quantum operators in physics?

Quantum operators are mathematical representations of physical quantities in quantum mechanics. They act on quantum states and produce new quantum states as a result.

2. How do quantum operators relate to observables?

In quantum mechanics, observables are physical quantities that can be measured. Quantum operators correspond to these observables and their eigenvalues represent the possible outcomes of measurements.

3. What are commutation relations in quantum mechanics?

Commutation relations describe the order in which two quantum operators act on a quantum state. They determine whether the operators commute (produce the same result regardless of order) or do not commute (produce different results depending on order).

4. Why are commutation relations important in quantum mechanics?

Commutation relations play a crucial role in understanding the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. They also help us determine which physical quantities can be measured simultaneously with a high degree of precision.

5. How are commutation relations calculated?

Commutation relations are calculated using the commutator, which is the difference between the product of two operators and the product of the same operators in reverse order. The specific form of the commutator depends on the operators and their mathematical representations.

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