Quantum Physics question (Heisenburg uncertainty principle)

In summary: This is one of those questions where if you don't see what to do, you're kind of stuck. Look over the energy equation that you have found. Is there anything in that equation that can tell you the SIZE of the hydrogen atom? Hint: Look at each variable and convince yourself what each means. Eventually you should see it. Post again if you are still having trouble!E=-e²/(4πε0a) + h'/(8ma²) ?I don't understand how to estimate the size of the hydrogen atom in ground state.
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Homework Statement

Hi all i am doing past exam paper questions and this question i am not sure about, i check notes and books but can't find relevant information

Q1i.) If we try to confine an electron in a small region of size a, then this electron has to have a non-sero average kinetic energy, K in order to satisy Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Find an expression for the minimal kinetic energy K(a) as function of a.

Q1ii.) In a hydrogen atom the attraction between the electon and the nucleus, effectively confine the electron in a region of size a. The total energy of this electron is the sum of its potential energy U(a)=-e²/(4πε0a) and its kinetic energy K(a), as computed in part (ii). Find an estimate of the size of the hydrogen atom.

Homework Equations

Heisenberg uncertainty principle is
ΔxΔp = h'/2

h' = Planck's constant over 2π = h/2π

The Attempt at a Solution

I have tried the question is this right?

Using Heisenberg uncertainty principle rearranged, p=h'/(2Δx) and replaced in kinetic energy equation, K=p²/2m and i got

K=(h')²/(8m(Δx)²), and in terms of a

For part ii, is the total energy

E=-e²/(4πε0a) + h'/(8ma²) ?

I don't understand how to estimate the size of the hydrogen atom

thanks for helping
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  • #2
This is one of those questions where if you don't see what to do, you're kind of stuck. Look over the energy equation that you have found. Is there anything in that equation that can tell you the SIZE of the hydrogen atom?

Hint: Look at each variable and convince yourself what each means. Eventually you should see it. Post again if you are still having trouble!
  • #3
umagongdi said:
E=-e²/(4πε0a) + h'/(8ma²) ?

I don't understand how to estimate the size of the hydrogen atom

Look - as a -> 0 energy E ~ const/a^2 and as a -> infinity E ~ -const/a (both constants are positive). Hence somewhere in between E(a) has to be minimal... thus you can estimate the size of the hydrogen atom in ground state.

FAQ: Quantum Physics question (Heisenburg uncertainty principle)

1. What is the Heisenburg uncertainty principle?

The Heisenburg uncertainty principle is a fundamental principle in quantum physics that states that it is impossible to know both the exact position and momentum of a subatomic particle at the same time. This is due to the inherent uncertainty in measuring the position and momentum of particles on a quantum level.

2. How does the Heisenburg uncertainty principle affect our understanding of the physical world?

The Heisenburg uncertainty principle challenges our classical understanding of the physical world, where it was believed that the position and momentum of particles could be known with absolute precision. It also highlights the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, where the exact behavior of particles cannot be predicted, only the probability of their behavior.

3. Can the Heisenburg uncertainty principle be violated or overcome?

No, the Heisenburg uncertainty principle is a fundamental law of nature that cannot be violated or overcome. It is a consequence of the wave-particle duality of quantum particles and is supported by experimental evidence.

4. Does the Heisenburg uncertainty principle apply to macroscopic objects?

No, the Heisenburg uncertainty principle only applies to subatomic particles. On a macroscopic scale, the uncertainties become negligible and the classical laws of physics apply.

5. How does the Heisenburg uncertainty principle relate to other principles in quantum physics?

The Heisenburg uncertainty principle is closely related to other principles in quantum physics, such as the wave-particle duality and the observer effect. It also plays a crucial role in other theories, such as the uncertainty principle of energy and time, and the uncertainty principle of angular momentum.
