Quantum random number generator with radioactive decay

In summary, the conversation discusses the questions and considerations for building a generator that can shield a geiger-muller tube from background radiation and trigger it without a radioactive decay present. The use of thorium as a radioactive source is also mentioned, along with potential external factors that could affect the decay. The idea of using a noise source as an alternative is also suggested.
  • #1

i'm planning to build such a generator, but i have some questions:

1. what dimensions and materials are needed to shield one typical geiger-muller tube
from the background radiation?

2. even with the complete protection, is it possible that the counter tube will trigger
without any radioactive decay present?

3. I'm thinking about to use thorium as radioactive source in form of wolfram welder rods
(these rods are 98 percent wolfram and 2 percent thorium oxide) and hoping for 100-150
events per sec, is this possible?

4. i read that some external parameters can affect the radioactive decay, but my goal is
to protect my radioactive material from any such external sources, so again what kind of
protections should i use? i can provide some kind of isolation box with constant temperature
but what about the high speed particles?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
1. You can't. Even 2000 feet below the Earth in a mine there is background.

2. Yes, the tube can trigger without a real decay.

3. My experience with welding rods is that it's easy to get tens of Hz of counts. 100 or 150 might be tricky.

4. External parameters do not affect radioactive decay.

Wouldn't it be easier to use a noise source? Johnson or shot noise could be used.

FAQ: Quantum random number generator with radioactive decay

1. How does a quantum random number generator with radioactive decay work?

A quantum random number generator with radioactive decay works by using the unpredictable and random nature of radioactive decay to generate random numbers. It involves measuring the decay of a radioactive substance and using the results to produce a stream of random bits.

2. Why is a quantum random number generator with radioactive decay considered more secure than traditional random number generators?

A quantum random number generator with radioactive decay is considered more secure because it relies on the fundamental randomness of quantum mechanics, which is impossible to predict or manipulate. Traditional random number generators, on the other hand, can be influenced or biased by external factors.

3. What are some potential applications of a quantum random number generator with radioactive decay?

A quantum random number generator with radioactive decay has various applications in fields such as cryptography, simulations, and statistical sampling. It can also be used in gambling and lottery systems, as well as in scientific experiments that require truly random data.

4. How accurate and reliable is a quantum random number generator with radioactive decay?

A quantum random number generator with radioactive decay is highly accurate and reliable as it is based on a physical process that is inherently random. The decay of a radioactive substance is an unpredictable and unbiased event, making it a trustworthy source for generating truly random numbers.

5. Can a quantum random number generator with radioactive decay be used in practical, everyday applications?

Yes, a quantum random number generator with radioactive decay can be used in practical applications such as secure communication systems, online banking, and data encryption. It can also be incorporated into electronic devices to generate random numbers for tasks like password generation and authentication.
