Quantum statistics expectation value

In summary, the expectation value, <x>, for the function: f(x)=e^(-.5(x-mu)^2(sigma^-2)) given the distribution over the interval from – to + infinity is given by: E[g(X)] = \int_{-\infty}^\infty g(x) f(x)\,dx.
  • #1
1. What is the expectation value, <x>, for the
given distribution over the interval from – to + infinity of the function: f(x)=e^(-.5(x-mu)^2(sigma^-2))

2. This is a statistics problem i think. I just need to know how this type of problem is worked out because it is relevant to my quantum class.

3. I have absolutely no idea where to begin.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The expectation value of a function of a random variable X is given by
[tex]E[g(X)] = \int_{-\infty}^\infty g(x) f(x)\,dx[/tex]
Do you know how to integrate a Gaussian?
  • #3
Not exactly. My professor ran very very quickly through the gaussian integral once before but I don't quite have the math background to have taken it in (in multivariable calculus currently).
  • #4
  • #5
Okay so the Gaussian integral is just the integral from -to+infinity of e^(-x^2). I see what they did through to get the answer. Where does the Gaussian fit into that other integral you listed?
Thanks for the help. I was pretty clueless when this was presented in class because I haven't seen this math before so I apologize for how slow I am.
  • #6
Tell us what integral you need to calculate to find <x>.
  • #7
So do I just take this
[tex]E[g(X)] = \int_{-\infty}^\infty g(x) f(x)\,dx[/tex]
and use the function, [tex] f(x) = e^{(-(x-μ)^2/2σ^2)} [/tex] as f(x) and would g(x) be the Gaussian function? Not really sure what g(x) is unless that guess is correct.
  • #8
g(X) is what you're finding the expectation value of. In this case, g(X)=X.
  • #9
Oh! That makes a lot more sense.
[tex]E[x] = \int_{-\infty}^\infty xe^{(-(x-μ)^2/2σ^2)}\,dx[/tex]
is the integral I'm left with. I see it's similar to the an example on the gaussian integral wiki page where [tex]\int_{-\infty}^\infty x^{2n}e^{-ax^2}\,dx[/tex]
So I figured I'd go off and see if I could solve it with just some sort of u substitution but the closest I can bring the integral i have to that is [tex]e^{-μ^2}\int_{-\infty}^\infty xe^{-x^2/2σ^2}e^{xμ/σ^2}\,dx[/tex] So I doubt it's that easy and probably requires some sort of harder method. How should I go about this?
  • #10
Try the substitution u = x-mu.
  • #11
okay so to double check so far:
[tex]E[x] = \int_{-\infty}^\infty xe^{(-(x-μ)^2/2σ^2)}\,dx[/tex]
[tex]u=x-μ[/tex][tex]du=dx [/tex]
[tex]E[x] = \int_{-\infty}^\infty ue^{(-u^2/2σ^2)}\,du + μ\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{(-u^2/2σ^2)}\,du [/tex]
These look like 2 of the examples on wikipedia but if I just solve them I get something like
[tex]σ^5(2π)^{1/2} + μσ(2)^{1/2}(-1/2)![/tex]
is that right? a concern i have is that I never had to substitute x-μ=u back in
  • #12
You should find the first integral is 0. You can integrate it using a substitution or simply note that the integrand is an odd function.

What's (-1/2)! equal to?
  • #13
Okay I see that. I don't understand the gamma function but I take it from wikipedia that (-1/2)! is equal to Γ(1/2)
So I guess it comes down to Γ(1/2)μσ(2)^(1/2) which is
[tex]μσ(2)^{1/2}\int_{0}^\infty t^{-1/2}e^{-t}\,dt[/tex]
I also don't know where to go about this integral, by parts I get left with something minus the gamma function of -.5 which doesn't seem to go anywhere.
  • #14
Look at the very first integral on that Wiki page I linked to earlier.
  • #15
Thanks for the help! I finished and got through it in time for class. Doubled checked with a peer.

FAQ: Quantum statistics expectation value

1. What is an expectation value in quantum statistics?

An expectation value in quantum statistics is the average value of a measurement that we would expect to obtain from a large number of identical quantum systems. It is calculated using the wave function of the system and the corresponding operator for the observable being measured.

2. How is the expectation value related to the uncertainty principle?

The expectation value is related to the uncertainty principle by providing a measure of the spread or uncertainty in the measurement of an observable. The smaller the uncertainty in the expectation value, the more accurately we can predict the outcome of a measurement. This is directly related to the uncertainty principle, which states that the more precisely we know the position of a particle, the less we know about its momentum, and vice versa.

3. How is the expectation value different from the average value?

The expectation value is different from the average value in that it takes into account the probabilities of obtaining different values in a measurement. The average value simply takes into account all the values obtained in a measurement, without considering their probabilities. In quantum statistics, the expectation value is a more accurate representation of the average behavior of a system.

4. Can the expectation value be negative?

Yes, the expectation value can be negative. In quantum mechanics, the wave function can have both positive and negative values, and the expectation value is calculated by taking the average of these values. Therefore, it is possible for the expectation value to be negative, depending on the specific wave function and operator being measured.

5. How is the expectation value used in practical applications?

The expectation value is used in practical applications to make predictions about the behavior of quantum systems. It is used in calculating the energy levels of atoms and molecules, and in predicting the outcomes of experiments in quantum mechanics. It is also used in developing technologies such as quantum computing and cryptography, which rely on the principles of quantum statistics.
