Quantum Theory in Curved Spacetime

In summary, the book is from 1982 and does not discuss the anomalies in string theory and superstring theory. Wald's book from 1994 does discuss these anomalies. The book is worth reading, but more modern and accurate perspectives may be found in other books.
  • #1
I recently checked out Davies' and Birrell's book "Quantum fields in curved space" and I noticed that it was written in 1982. My question is, did the authors know about the anomalies and that QFT could not incorporate gravity at that time? The table of contents has nothing on anomalies. I am asking because I don't want to read the book only to get to the end and see they were naive.

So another way to pose my question: is the book worth reading, or is there a more modern and accurate perspective modulo string theory?
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  • #2
Birrell and Davis is not about quantum gravity, it is about quantum fields propagating in classical curved spacetime backgrounds. This leads to stuff like the Unruh effect, Hawking radiation, and particle production in expanding universes.

Wald's https://www.amazon.com/dp/0226870278/?tag=pfamazon01-20 is somewhat more recent (1994).

Even more recent is https://www.amazon.com/dp/0521868343/?tag=pfamazon01-20, by Mukhanov and Winitzki (2007). This book is substantially more elementary than the other two books (e.g., only 1+1 spacetime is considered), but, because of this, it can be read in a relatively short period of time.
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  • #3
thanks, I actually looked at Wald's book but found the equation editor he used unbearably cryptic. My library doesn't have the "Intro..." book so I'll have to look for it elsewhere. I realize that this isn't quantum gravity, however, the equations require one to introduce a curved space metric, implying a graviton, no? Can you self consistently curve the space without having a full curved space theory?
  • #4
alphanzo said:
thanks, I actually looked at Wald's book but found the equation editor he used unbearably cryptic. My library doesn't have the "Intro..." book so I'll have to look for it elsewhere. I realize that this isn't quantum gravity, however, the equations require one to introduce a curved space metric, implying a graviton, no? Can you self consistently curve the space without having a full curved space theory?

It's a semiclassical approximation: you quantize the fields while treating the background spacetime classical. So it is an approximation. The question of whether it is self-consistent and in what approximation is it valid is a good one and I will let more knowledgeable people like Georges address this.

By the way the Mukhanov et al book is indeed a gentle introduction and as a bonus there are 40 pages of detailed solutions of the problems given throughout the chapters. It is a bit expensive given that it is relatively short (it's a hardback) but a very valuable reference.
  • #5
alphanzo said:
My question is, did the authors know about the anomalies and that QFT could not incorporate gravity at that time?

Which anomalies? The anomalies in string theory and superstring theory whose cancellation requires spacetime to have dimension 26 or 10?

The only connection between these books and sting theory is that if string theory gives a correct theory of quantum gravity, then string theory should (probably), in some appropriate limit, produce the results in these books.

alphanzo said:
I realize that this isn't quantum gravity, however, the equations require one to introduce a curved space metric, implying a graviton, no?

No gravitons in these books; see nrqed's comments.

alphanzo said:
Can you self consistently curve the space without having a full curved space theory?

I'm not sure what you mean. Many physicists think that many of the semiclassical results in these books are valid, but I don't think we''ll really know until we have a quantum theory of gravity that fully reproduces these results. This is why I said "probably" above.

alphanzo said:
So another way to pose my question: is the book worth reading, or is there a more modern and accurate perspective modulo string theory?

This is a very difficult question to answer. What is appropriate and interesting reading very much depends on the person.

If you're interested in the details of the Unruh effect, Hawking radiation, or black hole entropy, then I think you should read some of the stuff in the books already mentioned.

There have been suggestive results in string theory along these lines, but theses results are somewhat exotic.

If you are interested in string theory, maybe you should look at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0521831431/?tag=pfamazon01-20 by Becker, Becker, and Schwarz. 16 String thermodynamics and black holes, is a chapter in the first book, and, 11 Black holes in string theory, is a chapter in the second book. The first book is more elementary than the second.

Maybe you should read Mukhanov and Winitzki (should be available by inter-library loan) followed by Zwiebach, but maybe not.

Whatever works for you!

nrqed said:
By the way the Mukhanov et al book is indeed a gentle introduction and as a bonus there are 40 pages of detailed solutions of the problems given throughout the chapters. It is a bit expensive given that it is relatively short (it's a hardback) but a very valuable reference.

I wasn't sure that I wanted to get it, but I'm very glad that I did! I hope to study this book closely over the next couple of months.
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  • #6
thanks everyone for your comments. I've been persuaded to check out Mukhanov's book. I guess my original question has been answered so I will just make a few comments for clarity.
George Jones said:
Which anomalies? The anomalies in string theory and superstring theory whose cancellation requires spacetime to have dimension 26 or 10?
I think so. Specifically the anomalies that arise when one tries to incorporate a curved space connection into the gauge theory and renders the theory non-unitary.

George Jones said:
I'm not sure what you mean. Many physicists think that many of the semiclassical results in these books are valid, but I don't think we''ll really know until we have a quantum theory of gravity that fully reproduces these results.
I guess it was a vague question, or at least a difficult question. "Is the semiclassical approximation valid?" I heard that string theory has reproduced Hawking's equation in the context of AdS/CFT but haven't seen the paper. Does anyone know if these calculations are stringy, or are they semi-classical as well?

FAQ: Quantum Theory in Curved Spacetime

1. What is quantum theory in curved spacetime?

Quantum theory in curved spacetime is a branch of physics that combines the principles of quantum mechanics, which deals with the behavior of particles on a microscopic scale, with the theory of general relativity, which describes the effects of gravity on a macroscopic scale. It seeks to understand the behavior of particles in the presence of strong gravitational fields, such as those found near black holes or during the early stages of the universe.

2. How does quantum theory in curved spacetime differ from traditional quantum mechanics?

Quantum theory in curved spacetime takes into account the effects of gravity, which is not included in traditional quantum mechanics. This is important because gravity can significantly alter the behavior of particles, especially in extreme environments. Additionally, quantum theory in curved spacetime allows for the possibility of spacetime itself being quantized, rather than being continuous as in traditional quantum mechanics.

3. What is the role of black holes in quantum theory in curved spacetime?

Black holes play a crucial role in quantum theory in curved spacetime as they are regions of intense gravity that can cause significant distortions in spacetime. This makes them ideal laboratories for studying the interaction between gravity and quantum mechanics. Additionally, black holes are believed to play a key role in the evolution of the universe and understanding their behavior is important in developing a complete theory of quantum gravity.

4. How does quantum theory in curved spacetime relate to the concept of the "fabric of spacetime"?

According to general relativity, gravity is not a force between masses, but rather a curvature of the fabric of spacetime caused by massive objects. In quantum theory in curved spacetime, this fabric of spacetime is treated as a quantum field that can interact with particles. This means that the presence of matter can affect the shape of spacetime, and vice versa, leading to a complex and dynamic relationship between gravity and quantum mechanics.

5. What are some potential applications of quantum theory in curved spacetime?

Quantum theory in curved spacetime has the potential to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the fundamental laws of nature, including the behavior of particles in extreme environments. It may also lead to new technologies, such as quantum computers, that can take advantage of the unique properties of quantum mechanics. Furthermore, a complete theory of quantum gravity, which is the ultimate goal of quantum theory in curved spacetime, could potentially revolutionize our understanding of the universe and lead to new insights into the nature of time and space.

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