Quantum uncertainty after passing through a slit

In summary, the particle passes through a slit with width y = 1 mm = 10^-3 m in the y axis. The spatial uncertainty associated with y doubles in the instant t = 0. The particle has an initial speed of vz = 1 m/s. The law of propagation of uncertainty for the calculation of the spatial uncertainty of y at a given instant is considered. If you have a range of potential initial y positions, and a range of potential y velocities, you can compute the range of potential y positions in the future using the equation [;\sigma_{y}^{2}(t) = (1 + v_y_0 \times t + 0.5 \times a \times
  • #1

Homework Statement

A given particle is confined to a certain potential. At a given instant that potential is turned off and the particle is accelerated by gravity. In the initial instant t = 0, when the potential is turned off, it has an initial speed of vz = 1 m/s.

In the instant t = 0 the particle goes through a slit with width y = 1 mm = 10^-3 m in the y axis. How much time does it take for the spatial uncertainty associated with y to double? Consider the law of propagation of uncertainty for the calculation of the spatial uncertainty of y at a given instant. Consider the particle a proton.

Homework Equations

[;\sigma_{x}\sigma_{p} \geq \frac{\hbar}{2};]

[;\mathbf{p} = m\mathbf{v};]

[;v = v_0+at \,;]

[;\left |\Delta X\right |=\left |\frac{\partial f}{\partial A}\right |\cdot \left |\Delta A\right |+\left |\frac{\partial f}{\partial B}\right |\cdot \left |\Delta B\right |+\left |\frac{\partial f}{\partial C}\right |\cdot \left |\Delta C\right |+\cdots;]

The Attempt at a Solution

I understood that, as the particle passes through the slit, we have [;\Delta y\right;] equal to the slit's width.

But, from that, I don't really get how to proceed, considering the particle is moving along the z axis. I can relate the errors along the z axis, but since there's no momentum along the y axis, I am kind of lost.

How am I supposed to use the propagation of uncertainty?

Thank you in advance. I don't expect to be just given the solution, I just want a little push forward. (I am new here, so please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong!)
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  • #2
I'm not sure I understand this problem entirely but...

To start, ignore the z axis. What does the uncertainty in y position tell you about the uncertainty in y momentum?
  • #3
I'm not sure either, actually!

And well, according to the Uncertainty principle:

[;\sigma_{py} \geq \frac{\hbar}{2\sigma_{y}};]

But since they mention the propagation, and even with this info, I'm really lost.
  • #4
Ok, that's right. (I think you should check that it's really supposed to be an initial v_z and not an initial v_y)

If you have a range of potential initial y positions, and a range of potential y velocities, how would you compute the range of potential y positions in the future?
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  • #5
(Confirmed! It really is an initial v_z.)

So, taking this:

[;\sigma_{py} \geq \frac{\hbar}{2\sigma_{y}};]

[;\sigma_{y_0} = 10^{-3};]

[;\sigma_{py_0} \geq 5.275 \times 10^{-32} ;]

Which means... (dividing by the proton mass)

[;\sigma_{vy_0} \geq 3.153 \times 10^{-5};]

Do I propagate to [;\sigma_{y};], using the info I have from [;\sigma_{vy_0};] and [;\sigma_{y_0};]? (using a normal position equation, like [; x = x_0 + v_0 \times t + 0.5 \times a \times t^2 ;])
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  • #6
Yeah that's the idea. Basically, what I'm thinking is: what's the furthest in one direction it could be? what's the furthest in the other direction? Presumably the particle is somewhere in between these two points.

Also I figured out why the v_z matters: if there was no v_z, then the particle would still be in the slit, and the y position uncertainty would never change.
  • #7
That's the uncertainty, no? For example, in the y direction, at t = 0, the particle could be anywhere within the slit, from one border to the other.

The thing is, now that I propagated (using the partial derivatives of y in respect to y_0 and vy_0), I have a few questions: are the initial position / velocity null? I now have an expression for [;\sigma_{y};] with respect to t, y_0, vy_0, and a. Considering none of those apart from t really apply to the y-axis in this problem, I'm kind of confused. I got an expression similar to:

[;\sigma_{y}^{2}(t) = (1 + v_y_0 \times t + 0.5 \times a \times t^2)^{2} \times (\sigma_{y_0})^{2} + (y_0 + t + 0.5 \times a \times t^{2})^{2} \times (\sigma_{v_y_0})^{2} ;]

Am I making a complete mess of things or am I going the right way? I'm definitely understanding the problem better, but the way to get there I'm quite not grasping yet.

FAQ: Quantum uncertainty after passing through a slit

1. What is quantum uncertainty?

Quantum uncertainty refers to the inherent unpredictability and indeterminacy of quantum particles, such as electrons, as they move through space. It is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics and states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with complete accuracy.

2. How does passing through a slit affect quantum uncertainty?

When a quantum particle, such as an electron, passes through a slit, its position becomes more uncertain. This is because the particle's wave function spreads out and overlaps with itself as it passes through the slit, making it impossible to determine its exact position. This results in a diffraction pattern, as seen in the famous double-slit experiment.

3. Can quantum uncertainty be observed in everyday objects?

No, quantum uncertainty is only observed at the microscopic level, such as with subatomic particles. At the macroscopic level, the effects of quantum uncertainty are negligible, and classical physics can accurately predict the behavior of objects.

4. How does the size of a slit affect quantum uncertainty?

The smaller the slit, the greater the uncertainty in the particle's position. This is because a smaller slit allows for less diffraction and thus less spreading of the particle's wave function. As the slit gets larger, the uncertainty decreases, and the particle's position becomes more predictable.

5. Can quantum uncertainty be overcome?

No, quantum uncertainty is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics and cannot be overcome. However, scientists have developed theories and tools, such as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and quantum mechanics equations, to help predict and understand the behavior of particles with uncertainty.
