Quantum Uncertainty in the Holographic Principle

In summary, the Holographic Principle is a concept that suggests there is a limit on the amount of information that can be contained within a given volume. This is based on the uncertainty principle and the idea that as the size of a bit of information decreases, the energy required to observe it increases. There are still some questions and uncertainties about this principle, including whether it holds under certain assumptions and if there is any conclusive proof of an entropy bound. However, it has been applied in areas such as AdS/CFT correlation and is being studied by notable physicists.
  • #1
Hi all,

A question about the Holographic Principle. I've recently started reading up about this, and watched Bousso's neat introductory video .

I thought, "Ah, this is so refreshingly simple!", and proceeded to write down my own notes. However here things revealed themselves to be not quite what they seemed.

Firstly I believe Bousso's argument for an entropy bound goes as follows:

By the uncertainty principle, the energy required to observe a "bit" of information is inversely proportional to its size. So if we try to make our bits smaller and smaller as such, we will need larger and larger amounts of energy to observe them. But as there is a limit on the energy inside a given volume - that is, so a black hole doesn't form - then there is a limit to how small we can have our bits, and hence there is a bound on the amount of information (entropy) which we can contain inside a given volume.

On thinking about this more, I've come across a few points that I'm not comprehending. It depends on what Bousso was saying. Either
1. The bit particle is very localised, so has a very large energy by the uncertainty principle.
2. The bit particle is very localised, so it takes a very high energy object to observe it (i.e. "read" the bit).

In the first case, I'm stumped by this logic (and have been for a while). For shouldn't point 1 read "The particle is very localised, so has a very uncertainty in its energy, by the uncertainty principle." For example, a particle can be inside a tiny box and still have zero energy...it's just you're extremely unsure about that! Is my interpretation correct here? If so, how can one recover Bousso's argument?

If Bousso was meaning the second case, then again I'm not sure where the need for a higher energy object comes from. I'm aware that this holds in practice...you need smaller wavelength photons/particles to observe smaller things. But what is the justification for this? And even if this does hold, am I not correct in saying that the energy of the observing particles has no relation to the energy of the particles actually inside the volume?

Those are my two main qualms about this talk given by Bousso. I believe there are much more rigorous derivations for an energy bound based on black holes and the generalised second law, but I have read that these only hold under certain assumptions, for example spherical geometry or weak (strong?) gravity. Is there any "conclusive" proof of an entropy bound, that follows from the generalised second law? Is Bousso's Covariant Entropy Bound an example of this?

I admit my reason for looking into this is to consider Verlinde's paper more thoroughly. I believe he starts with the Holographic Principle as an assumption however. Although I'd like to keep this thread focused on my issues with the Holographic Principle and the entropy bound, pertinent comments about Verlinde's results may be appreciated.

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  • #2
Holographic Principle is very interesting for me. The coherent state's location in the complex plane (phase space) is centered at the position and momentum of a classical oscillator of the same phase θ and amplitude (or the same complex electric field value for an electromagnetic wave).
Since the uncertainty (and hence measurement noise) stays constant at 1/2 as the amplitude of the oscillation increases, the state behaves more and more like a sinusoidal wave, as shown in Figure 1. And, since the vacuum state is just the coherent state with α = 0, all coherent states have the same uncertainty as the vacuum. Therefore one can interpret the quantum noise of a coherent state as being due to the vacuum fluctuations.
I assume the uncertainy is due to relation between information. The basic relation is just a virtual particle-antiparticle pairs which create the vacuum. When we relate the pair with a sufficent amount of another particles we can separate the real particle and real antiparticle.
Therefore the uncertainty decreases due to a number of the relations and we observe it in thermodynamics as an increase of the energy.
Holography is just a relation between coherent states.
  • #3
ianhoolihan said:
For shouldn't point 1 read "The particle is very localised, so has a very uncertainty in its energy, by the uncertainty principle." For example, a particle can be inside a tiny box and still have zero energy...it's just you're extremely unsure about that!
I think you're giving the observer some special "powers" here. It's not just your uncertainty on the particle's position, the uncertainty is real. The particle's location has a probability distribution and this is a property of reality, not an artifact of your limited ability to measure it.
  • #4
Thanks JollyJoker
It's not just your uncertainty on the particle's position, the uncertainty is real. The particle's location has a probability distribution and this is a property of reality, not an artifact of your limited ability to measure it.

I think I understand this - sorry if I worded it poorly. However how does this answer the problem? How does a small uncertainty in position lead to a large energy?

And thanks czes. Unfortunately your comments were a bit too quantum mechanically involved for me, and hence it seemed like you didn't address my question. However maybe this is just because I didn't understand your explanation?
  • #5
I would like to discus the problem of the localisation and holohraphic principle. Since AdS/CFT correlation may notable physicists working with it.
In holography there are relations visible only. We do not see an information alone.
I assume the basic relation between two information is a vacuum made of virtual particle-antiparticle pair and it is also the lowest background vacuum energy. This simplest relation shows a space and we do not know where and what. When we relate more information (more virtual particles-antiparticles) together we obtain a field which becomes localised in a large area. When we have a sufficient magnetic moment we can separate this field of virtual particles-antiparticles into real particles and real antiparticles. We are doing it in CERN and Fermilab.
It is natural here that more relation increases energy and defines localisation.

The Black Hole has its very strong gravitational field and it means there are many relations between the virtual p-ap. If the BH has a magnetic field (most of them have) there is a natural separation of the information and antiparticles fall down into the BH and particles are ejected in a jets. Observed jets are made of particles mostly.

Therefore we observe our Observable Universe made of matter because antimatter is hidden in the Black Holes. It means our visible matter which is about 6% of the mass of the Universe is divided - 3% matter and 3% antimatter in Black Holes.
94% is a virtual plasma in Dark Energy and Dark Matter.

The Universe's hologram would be here an interference of the modeled information (matter) in relation to the reference information (antimatter).
  • #6
Czes if you would like to discuss such things, could you please begin a new thread? Whilst your question may be interesting, I am hoping to gain some insight into my own questions.

Thank you.
  • #7
I thought to develope your thread. What is the uncertainty due to Holographic Principle is very interesting.
There are many problems which have to be explained due to Holographic Principle because it is new idea.
I will try to write my thread too.

Related to Quantum Uncertainty in the Holographic Principle

1. What is the Holographic Principle?

The Holographic Principle is a concept in theoretical physics that suggests that all of the information about a three-dimensional space can be encoded on a two-dimensional surface. This means that the laws of physics in a certain volume of space can be described by a theory on the boundary of that space.

2. What is Quantum Uncertainty?

Quantum Uncertainty, also known as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that it is impossible to know certain pairs of physical properties of a particle, such as its position and momentum, simultaneously with absolute certainty.

3. How does Quantum Uncertainty relate to the Holographic Principle?

In the context of the Holographic Principle, Quantum Uncertainty suggests that the information about a three-dimensional space is not perfectly encoded on its two-dimensional boundary. This is because the uncertainty in certain physical properties of the space would result in a loss of information.

4. What are the implications of Quantum Uncertainty in the Holographic Principle?

The implications of Quantum Uncertainty in the Holographic Principle are still being explored and studied. It has been suggested that this uncertainty may play a role in the nature of black holes and the information paradox, as well as in the fundamental nature of space and time.

5. Is the Holographic Principle and Quantum Uncertainty proven to be true?

Currently, the Holographic Principle and Quantum Uncertainty remain theoretical concepts and have not been definitively proven or disproven. However, there is significant evidence and support for both theories through various experiments and observations in physics.

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