Quark Constituents: Scientists Figure Out & Recognize New Quarks

In summary, scientists use deep inelastic scattering experiments and particle accelerators to study the structure of matter and determine the constituents of particles like quarks. The mass of quarks is predicted by studying a variety of hadrons and taking into account the binding energy between quarks. The mass of a quark-anti-quark-pair can also change depending on the vacuum in which it is placed.
  • #1
how do scientists figure out the quark constituents of particles, and recognize new quarks when they do?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
To see what's inside a proton, you can do what are called "deep inelastic scattering" experiments, which involve smashing an electron into a proton with an enormous amount of energy, and watching where all the resulting bits of matter go. When you analyze the data of many such experiments, you can determine that there are small constituent particles inside the proton, which stay "solid" even while the proton itself is pretty much blasted completely apart.

Here's a good page for some introductory reading on how particle accelerators can be used to probe the structure of matter.


- Warren
  • #3
daveed said:
how do scientists figure out the quark constituents of particles, and recognize new quarks when they do?

Quarks are studied by looking at baryons and mesons while keeping in mind that the colour-quantumnumbers all add up to "white", i.e. neutral. This is called the quark confinement.

Finding quarks experimentally was achieved in accelerator-experiments by looking at collisions and keeping in mind the energy conservation and momentum conservation. When you detect for example two particles after the collision and measure their momentum, it has to have the same value of the totel momentum before the collision. If this law is not obeyed, then extra new particles have to be introduced with momentumvalues that deliver the extra momentumquantity needed for the conservation law...

quarks were developed theoretically by the mathematical grouptheory applied in QFT. The socalled eightfold way.

Let me know if you need or want more info

regards marlon
  • #4
i understand that single quarks have never been observed, anywhere. so how do they predict the masses, since the sum of the quarks masses don't add up to the particle's?
  • #5
Free single quarks are theorized to be impossible. The binding energy of a pair of quarks is larger than the rest mass-energy of the quarks themselves. To pull them apart, you have to put it in enough energy to make new quarks. Thus, you never get isolated quarks.

The masses are currently very difficult to work out, but the only way I know of is to study a wide variety of hadrons (particles composed of quarks) of different quark composition and compare their characteristics.

- Warren
  • #6
chroot said:
Free single quarks are theorized to be impossible. The binding energy of a pair of quarks is larger than the rest mass-energy of the quarks themselves. To pull them apart, you have to put it in enough energy to make new quarks. Thus, you never get isolated quarks.

The masses are currently very difficult to work out, but the only way I know of is to study a wide variety of hadrons (particles composed of quarks) of different quark composition and compare their characteristics.

- Warren

True story, besides keep in mind that this quantity called quark-mass does also alter when looked at in certain specific conditions. To exemplify : the mass of a quark-anti-quark-pair can change when this pair is put in the QCD-vacuum filled with monopole-condensates. i am talking about the dual vacuum here where the roles of magnetic and electric fields have been interchanged. The effective quarkmass depends on the quarkmomentum when we calcutate this quantity in euclidian field-theory. This mass really represents the "classical" correlationfunctoe between the two quarks. This means that the interaction between them two quarks can change depending on its speed. When the interaction changes due to a certain vacuum-background, so will the mass.

Offcourse when we are talking about restmass, which was the original idea I think. Then the vision of Warren is correct. Three quarks with certain restmass do not sum up to the total protonmass because there is binding-energy between the quarks (whatch it, as i stated before : it is this binding-energy that can alter depending on the vacuum-interactions of quarks). This binding-energy is taken into account to deliver the remaining necessary mass to constitute the whole proton-mass.


FAQ: Quark Constituents: Scientists Figure Out & Recognize New Quarks

1. What are quarks?

Quarks are fundamental particles that make up protons and neutrons, which in turn make up the nucleus of an atom. They are considered to be the building blocks of matter.

2. How many types of quarks are there?

There are six known types, or "flavors", of quarks: up, down, charm, strange, top, and bottom. The newly discovered quarks are a type of bottom quark.

3. How were the new quarks discovered?

The new quarks, known as "tetraquarks", were discovered using data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Scientists analyzed the data and found evidence of particles containing two bottom quarks and two anti-bottom quarks.

4. What is the significance of the discovery of new quarks?

The discovery of new quarks provides further evidence for the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which describes the interactions between quarks and the strong nuclear force. It also helps us better understand the structure of matter and the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

5. How will the discovery of new quarks impact future research?

The discovery of new quarks opens up new avenues for research and could potentially lead to a better understanding of the strong force and the nature of matter. It may also have implications for the development of new technologies and applications in fields such as energy and medicine.

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