Quark Seeding: Info & Possibilities

In summary, the conversation revolves around the possibility of replacing electrons with quarks in a solid material's crystal lattice and the potential effects on the mass, charge, and fission of protons. The idea appears to stem from a paper written by Dr. F Winterberg in 1975, but is considered outdated and not supported by modern physics. The conversation also touches on the difficulty of focusing a laser to a picometer and the lack of evidence for the existence of free quarks.
  • #1
Hi. I'm wondering if anyone has any info on "quark seeding" like:
Is it possible to dope the crystal lattice of a solid material by replacing electrons with quarks ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
  • #3
Is the mass of the antiquark negative ?
Are the antiquark charges in the neutron 2, -1, -1 ?
  • #4
No, these questions appear to me as wild speculation only. Is ere a point to this?
  • #5
They shouldn't appear as wild speculation... they were written by Dr F Winterberg in 1975...but maybe quark knowledge was incorrect back then so his work incorrect by today's standards?
Do you have a PhD or doctorate in this field?
  • #6
Do you really think nothing has happened in theoretical particle physics in 40 years? I suggest you pick up a modern textbook instead of reading outdated stuff.
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  • #7
I would read physics manuals or even go to university and study physics if I could afford it... For the moment I can only ask a question on a forum and hope for an educated answer to satisfy my curiosity.

Suppose the magnetic field between quarks is 10^17 gauss...a laser of 10^13 erg, 10^-9 second pulse and focused on an area of 10^-20 sqcm should be enough to achieve the fission of a proton, right?
As in 10^42 erg / sqcm should overcome the 10^17 gauss field, right?
  • #8
Fizica7 said:
I would read physics manuals or even go to university and study physics if I could afford it... For the moment I can only ask a question on a forum and hope for an educated answer to satisfy my curiosity.

Most of your questions in this thread can be answered by reading the wikipedia article on quarks and visiting the other articles linked therein.
Below are a few articles to get you started on the subject.
Fizica7 said:
Suppose the magnetic field between quarks is 10^17 gauss...a laser of 10^13 erg, 10^-9 second pulse and focused on an area of 10^-20 sqcm should be enough to achieve the fission of a proton, right?
As in 10^42 erg / sqcm should overcome the 10^17 gauss field, right?

No. Quarks are not held together through the EM force, but the color force (also known as the strong force). Also, I'm not sure fission is the right term for what would happen to the proton. But I'm also not sure what the right term is... :olduhh:

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  • #9
Free quarks do not exist.
Fizica7 said:
Suppose the magnetic field between quarks is 10^17 gauss...a laser of 10^13 erg, 10^-9 second pulse and focused on an area of 10^-20 sqcm should be enough to achieve the fission of a proton, right?
To focus a laser to a picometer, you would need a gamma ray laser. Good luck building that. High-energetic gamma rays can react with protons independent of the energy, but classical physics does not give a proper description of that interaction, and the results are always hadrons, not free quarks.
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  • #10
So by what means did a Dr. in 1970s manage to calculate the force between quarks in a neutron to be equal to 10^17 gauss?

Anyway.. his paper suggests a few main ideas:
1) breakdown of neutron to obtain quarks with such a powerful laser ( BTW can "erg" be converted into layman like watt or something?)
2) he presumes the spacing of mass in an electric force field is determined by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle depending on the magnitude of the masses regardless if the masses are positive or negative. So a crystal's lattice spacing would be reduced when electrons are replaced with antiquark thanks to the greater, although negative, mass of the quark vs mass of the electron.

He then gives the theoretical strength as:


where e is electron charge and r is Bohr radius which varies inversely with particle mass.
So he says for a replacement of 0.3% of electrons with quarks, the lattice spacing should decrease by a factor of 10 and the strength increases by a factor of 10000.
Also because melting point depends on e^2/r^4 then again a increase in melting point by a factor of 10000.

3) the fission would release double the binding energy per unit mass of proton-antiproton annihilation as calculated with these equations:
Legend: Eb( binding energy), mp(nucleon mass), 3|Maq|(mass of 3 antiquark)


because for antiquarks Maq=-|Maq|


So the huge energy release(double that of matter annihilation) comes from

Mp=3|Maq| , and Eb=2Mp c^2

Have to mention that Dr. Winterberg's work appears to be based on the quark theory of matter from P.A.M. Dirac.

Would really appreciate a sort of layman explanation on why this might or might not work.
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  • #11
mfb said:
Free quarks do not exist.To focus a laser to a picometer, you would need a gamma ray laser. Good luck building that. High-energetic gamma rays can react with protons independent of the energy, but classical physics does not give a proper description of that interaction, and the results are always hadrons, not free quarks.
There is mention of a "hard X-ray" laser.
  • #12
Gauß is not a unit of force.
1970 is long ago. The gluon was not even experimentally observed back then.
107 erg = 1 J
Fizica7 said:
2) he presumes the spacing of mass in an electric force field is determined by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle depending on the magnitude of the masses regardless if the masses are positive or negative. So a crystal's lattice spacing would be reduced when electrons are replaced with antiquark thanks to the greater, although negative, mass of the quark vs mass of the electron.
That does not make sense at all.
Antiquarks have positive masses, by the way.
Fizica7 said:
Legend: Eb( binding energy), mp(nucleon mass), 3|Maq|(mass of 3 antiquark)

That does not make sense either.

Forget what Winterberg wrote in 1970. I doubt it was reasonable physics back then, but it is certainly not reasonable today.
Fizica7 said:
Would really appreciate a sort of layman explanation on why this might or might not work.
It does not work, because there is no content that would remotely make sense.
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  • #13
Right...ok.. thank you... By the way it was 10^17 erg not ^7.

Edit: just one last question. Is there anything discovered so far that has negative mass?
Edit2: last edit I promise: what are leptons made of, and what are quarks made of? And what's the size ratio of the two? Could there be something hiding inside either of them(sub-quarks particles and sub-lepton particles) ?
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  • #14
Fizica7 said:
what are quarks made of?
quarks are elementary (aka fundamental) particles.
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  • #15
Fizica7 said:
Right...ok.. thank you... By the way it was 10^17 erg not ^7.
I posted the conversion factor, so you can convert whatever energy value you have.
Edit: just one last question. Is there anything discovered so far that has negative mass?
Edit2: last edit I promise: what are leptons made of, and what are quarks made of? And what's the size ratio of the two? Could there be something hiding inside either of them(sub-quarks particles and sub-lepton particles) ?
At least according to current knowledge, they are elementary particles, and do not have a size. It is possible that they are composite particles but that would require really weird physics to explain all the precision experiments that did not find any hint of an internal structure.
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  • #16
So if 10^7= 1 Joule, then 10^17= 10000000 joules? An extra 10 zeroes? So watt=j/s, then 10mil joules/s ...1millionth of a second, 1 million joules... 1 million watts... So that laser given in the example at the beginning would be a hard X-ray of 1 MW pulse for 1 nanosecond?

edit: No wait ...10mil j/s and only 1 millionth of s...10 joules...10watts for 1 nanosecond... I'm lost.
  • #17
10, not 7.
1017 erg = 1010*107 erg = 1010 J = 10 GJ.
Post 3 mentions 1013 erg in 10-9 s, that is 1013 erg / (10-9 s) = 1022 erg/s = 1015 J/s = 1015 W.
  • #18
Oh right... yes it was only 10¹³ for erg.. so you added the -9 to 13 at the powers and got 10²²... Cool.
So that's 10^15 watts if the laser pulse is 1 second.. and if it's only 1ns pulse then the laser needs only be 10^9 Watts= 1bn Watts=1GW.
edit: so hard xray 1 GW pulsed for 1 ns. Is that achievable with q switching? Nd:glass? Nd:yag? Or it requires free electron laser?
  • #19
It is 1015 W (1PW) for 1 nanosecond. The energy is 106 J.

Those numbers have nothing to do with proton-light interactions however. Those happen frequently at high-energetic particle accelerators, for example, with individual high-energetic photons of negligible intensity.
  • #20
Right... one last question... Might be a bit of a leap... is it possible that the Sun is actually a fission reactor at the core and a fusion reactor at the surface... so that the fusion is only a secondary recycling reaction only present at the surface but the main power comes from core fission?
  • #21
No, not at all, and wild speculation does not help.
  • #22
Right.. I was thinking that kind of situation would create a boundary with some really weird physics going on.
  • #23
Fizica7 said:
Right... one last question... Might be a bit of a leap... is it possible that the Sun is actually a fission reactor at the core and a fusion reactor at the surface... so that the fusion is only a secondary recycling reaction only present at the surface but the main power comes from core fission?

No. Please do some reading on the subject. Also keep in mind that PF rules do not allow wild speculation such as this. We strive to teach mainstream science, and nuclear fusion is the only known energy generation process that could occur given the conditions inside the star during its formation and lifetime.

Some links:
  • #24
Drakkith said:
and nuclear fusion is the only known energy generation process that could occur given the conditions inside the star during its formation and lifetime.
In addition, the neutrinos coming from the various fusion reactions have been measured. We can actually measure how often which fusion reactions happen.
It is even possible to map where the neutrinos come from. From the core, as expected. As neutrinos rarely interact with matter, you can take a picture of the sun during the night, through the Earth.
Another image
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  • #25
So I guess fission doesn't produce neutrinos?!?.. anyway I take your point about the sun being a fusion reactor.

Now about neutrinos, I've never really managed to comprehend how neutrinos can be used by anyone to take a picture of anything when the best detector only gets a few dozens a year.
And say you could capture a million neutrinos with one sensor in 1 second, in effect a 1 megapixel neutrino camera.
The problem I have is that since neutrinos will not interact with millions of miles of solid lead, how could neutrinos ever give a picture of anything.
I mean x rays are affected by soft tissue, bones in different ways...that's how it works, you get like a gradient map... but neutrinos would not care what your hand contains, everything would look the same, so you'd get a blank picture. Or what?
  • #26
Fizica7 said:
So I guess fission doesn't produce neutrinos?!?
It produces antineutrinos. And those also have a different energy spectrum.
Fizica7 said:
Now about neutrinos, I've never really managed to comprehend how neutrinos can be used by anyone to take a picture of anything when the best detector only gets a few dozens a year.
Modern detectors detect several per day. There are many neutrinos, all with a small interaction probability, but if you multiply number and probability you get a reasonable result. Neutrino detectors have sensitive masses in the kiloton to gigaton range for a good reason.

You don't get a picture of Earth*, but you get a picture of the neutrino source.

*for very high-energetic neutrinos (PeV), Earth is not transparent any more. IceCube starts seeing this effect. More high-energetic neutrinos from above than from below.
  • #27
Si if I get this correct... with old detector the only neutrinos detected were those which don't interact much with normal matter, aka earth, but with new detectors you start seeing the types of neutrinos which interact a lot better with normal matter?
Is that information circulating everywhere about neutrinos and solid lead true? If so the new neutrinos which interact even with the Earth are massively different in their ability to interact, right?
  • #28
The interaction probability depends on energy. Higher-energetic neutrinos interact stronger with matter.

In theory, all detectors can measure high-energetic neutrinos. Those are incredibly rare, however, so you need huge detectors to have a reasonable chance to see a few of them. IceCube is such a huge detector (roughly one cubic kilometer of ice at the south pole).

To stop a large fraction of solar neutrinos (low-energetic neutrinos), you would need tens of millions of kilometers of lead. To stop a large fraction of the highest-energetic neutrinos observed so far, the 10000 kilometers of Earth are sufficient.

There are no "new neutrinos".
  • #29
Fizica7 said:
And say you could capture a million neutrinos with one sensor in 1 second, in effect a 1 megapixel neutrino camera.

That's not what 1 megapixel means. A 1 megapixel camera has a sensor with 1 million pixels on it, each of which detects light focused onto it by the optical system. Neutrino detectors use many, may different detectors to image the light emitted by electrons accelerated by interactions with neutrinos in a large tank of liquid (or ice in the case of IceCube). Under these circumstances I don't think you can assign a megapixel-style resolution to the neutrino detector.

Fizica7 said:
The problem I have is that since neutrinos will not interact with millions of miles of solid lead, how could neutrinos ever give a picture of anything.

A simplified explanation is that by watching the light from the accelerated electrons in the tank, the path of the electrons can be computed. This then allows one to compute the direction of the incoming neutrino. Knowing the direction of each incoming neutrino, we can put together an image of their source, which is the Sun in this case.
  • #30
Oh right... So you're not actually detecting the actual neutrino, but it's effect on electrons... okay...I was thinking you detect the actual neutrino, but even then my previous assertion is incorrect cause you'd still need a lens capable of focusing neutrinos onto the sensor.
What about a Bose Einstein condensate... Some lab managed to slow light to a few cm/s...Doesn't it also slow, or block and stack, neutrinos?
  • #31
Fizica7 said:
What about a Bose Einstein condensate... Some lab managed to slow light to a few cm/s...Doesn't it also slow, or block and stack, neutrinos?
If you combine random concepts, you rarely get something useful. Especially if you do not know what you combine, this is pointless.

To answer the question: in the same than other matter.
  • #32
I guess I'm the armchair scientist :)
  • #33
Fizica7 said:
So you're not actually detecting the actual neutrino, but it's effect on electrons

By that logic, an ordinary camera doesn't actually detect actual photons, but their effects on a CCD sensor or on silver atoms in photographic film. :oldsmile:
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  • #34
jtbell said:
By that logic, an ordinary camera doesn't actually detect actual photons, but their effects on a CCD sensor or on silver atoms in photographic film. :oldsmile:
Well what I meant is that a CCD gets hit by photons directly, while the tube amplifiers aren't directly detecting the hits by neutrinos but the hits by photons coming from the water/ice volume.
  • #35
Fizica7 said:
I guess I'm the armchair scientist :)

More like "I'm curious about stuff but I'm not willing to read about it even some introductory explanations such as ones in Wikipedia, and instead I waste other people's time by asking very poorly formulated questions".
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<h2>What is quark seeding?</h2><p>Quark seeding is a process in which scientists inject particles called quarks into a particle accelerator to initiate collisions and study the fundamental properties of matter.</p><h2>What is the purpose of quark seeding?</h2><p>The purpose of quark seeding is to study the behavior and interactions of quarks, which are the building blocks of protons and neutrons. This can help us better understand the fundamental forces and laws of the universe.</p><h2>How does quark seeding work?</h2><p>Quark seeding involves injecting quarks into a particle accelerator, such as the Large Hadron Collider, and accelerating them to nearly the speed of light. The quarks are then collided with other particles, allowing scientists to study the resulting subatomic particles and their properties.</p><h2>What are the potential applications of quark seeding?</h2><p>Quark seeding can help us gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe, which can have implications in fields such as particle physics, cosmology, and even technology. It may also lead to new discoveries and advancements in these areas.</p><h2>Are there any risks associated with quark seeding?</h2><p>As with any scientific experimentation, there are potential risks involved with quark seeding, including equipment malfunctions and safety hazards. However, strict safety protocols are in place to minimize these risks and ensure the safety of scientists and the public.</p>

FAQ: Quark Seeding: Info & Possibilities

What is quark seeding?

Quark seeding is a process in which scientists inject particles called quarks into a particle accelerator to initiate collisions and study the fundamental properties of matter.

What is the purpose of quark seeding?

The purpose of quark seeding is to study the behavior and interactions of quarks, which are the building blocks of protons and neutrons. This can help us better understand the fundamental forces and laws of the universe.

How does quark seeding work?

Quark seeding involves injecting quarks into a particle accelerator, such as the Large Hadron Collider, and accelerating them to nearly the speed of light. The quarks are then collided with other particles, allowing scientists to study the resulting subatomic particles and their properties.

What are the potential applications of quark seeding?

Quark seeding can help us gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe, which can have implications in fields such as particle physics, cosmology, and even technology. It may also lead to new discoveries and advancements in these areas.

Are there any risks associated with quark seeding?

As with any scientific experimentation, there are potential risks involved with quark seeding, including equipment malfunctions and safety hazards. However, strict safety protocols are in place to minimize these risks and ensure the safety of scientists and the public.

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