Quarks are the solution to the GUT

  • Thread starter Terry Giblin
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    Gut Quarks
In summary, if we can accept that Quarks and Leptons are the remnants of the six missing dimensions as described in the M-Theory, our understanding and knowledge of the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) would greatly increase. This concept also offers explanations for several major questions, such as the location of the missing dimensions, the formation of matter during the Big Bang, the half-life of the Proton, the duality of an electron and photon, and the formation of Quasars before Galaxies. By accepting this theory, we can further our understanding of current theorems without changing them and gain a clearer understanding of the universe. Additionally, by answering the fundamental question of "What is an electron?" we can unlock the mysteries
  • #1
Terry Giblin
If we can learn to accept that Quarks and Leptons are the remnants of the six missing dimensions as described in the M-Theory, our understanding and knowledge of the GUT would increase exponentially.

Accepting the concept that Quarks are the missing six dimensions automatically solves several major questions.

Where are the six missing dimensions described in the M-Theory?

How matter (Quarks) was formed during the Big Bang as a by product, when the other six dimsensions collapsed?

Why the half-life of Proton, is what it is.

The Duality of an electron and photon.

Why Quasars (Super Massive Black Holes) formed before Galaxies appeared!

The beauty of this theory, accepting all the evidence which indicates Quarks are the missing six dimensions is that it does not change any currently accepted theorem's it simply explains them in more detail and with clear understanding.


Terry Giblin
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Originally posted by Terry Giblin
If we can learn to accept that...

wow stop right there. I didn't even read further, anything that starts off with: "if we can learn to accept" in science must have something wrong it. In science we should not need to learn to accept anything. We should take a clear look at the data and draw conclusions from that, "learning to accept" something implies that we do not have enough evidence to support our "acceptance." In science one should refrain from making conclusions without conclusive evidence.
  • #3
Originally posted by Terry Giblin
If we can learn to accept that Quarks and Leptons are the remnants of the six missing dimensions as described in the M-Theory, our understanding and knowledge of the GUT would increase exponentially.

Could you elucidate how you identify a dimension with a particle. Before we learn to accept this, it would at least be worth knowing why we're throwing in the towel.
  • #4
A scientist must have an open mind.

You are only safe after you have passed round three corners - CFD.

I only asked a simple question, "What is an electron?"

When you can answer this question, use the other questions I mentioned to test your answer.

Terry Giblin
  • #5
Originally posted by Terry Giblin
A scientist must have an open mind.

Having an open mind does not include accepting a hypothesis as true with no evidence.

We can't even begin to search for evidence supporting your hypothesis anyway, since it is poorly defined. What does it mean for a particle to be a dimension?
  • #6
For the past four years I have been studying the Young's Double Split experiment, involving electrons.

It was only when I realized I was looking at the experiment with my eye's closed, the only unknown in this whole experiment, was the electron itself.

What is an Electron?

Once you can answer this question, you can find the solution.

Which appears to be the only question in physics, you are not supposed to ask.

Only mathematicians are allowed to answer this question.

“How can a particle be a dimension?” – This is the corner stone of the Superstring theory, which in turn complies with the Standard Model – argue with them.

But can either theorem answer, “what is an electron?” and “what is a quark?” – Don't ask you might not like the answer.

You can answer these questions, only if you have your eyes open.

The beauty is its simplicity. Even my children can now understand, it’s so simple and higgsless.

Terry Giblin
  • #7
Originally posted by Terry Giblin
For the past four years I have been studying the Young's Double Split experiment, involving electrons.

It was only when I realized I was looking at the experiment with my eye's closed, the only unknown in this whole experiment, was the electron itself.

What is an Electron?

Once you can answer this question, you can find the solution.

Which appears to be the only question in physics, you are not supposed to ask.

No, asking that question was the key to solving electron diffraction. I'm not sure why you think it is a question that can't be asked.

“How can a particle be a dimension?” – This is the corner stone of the Superstring theory, which in turn complies with the Standard Model – argue with them.

I still don't understand how a particle can be a 'dimension'? What does this mean?

But can either theorem answer, “what is an electron?” and “what is a quark?” – Don't ask you might not like the answer.

I'm all ears. (by the way -- string theory does explain what a quark and electron are).

You can answer these questions, only if you have your eyes open.

Can you elucidate your thinking for us, please.
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  • #8
It is difficult to get electron diffraction, using only one electron at a time.

I'm talking about the experiment, which shows the duality of an electron.

Using one electron, which can pass through two doors, produces an interference pattern - which cannot be explained using any of the current known theorems.

The Standard Model in Physics is equivalent to the Periodic Table in Chemistry.

Physicists and mathematicians should learn from the Chemists and Biologists and try to solve the fundamental questions first.

Remember how the understanding of the hydrogen atom helped to explain the whole periodic table, let's also not forget nature has also been busy over the passed 15 Billion years, and has already applied its own natural selection process.

So let's concentrate on the winners first, a handful of quarks, the electron and photon.

Where did all the matter in the universe come from, can anyone explain that?

Where do rain drops come from in a thunderstorm, everyone can answer that.

Image the big bang as an explosion of a Super Cloud made out of 10 or 11 Dimensions and full of energy and light, just like a cloud in a thunderstorm.

What is an Electron?

Is it a photon, lepton, quark or mediator?

Image what would happen if an electron was reclassified as a quark, the permutations are endless – poor hydrogen atom!

Now run the Young’s Double slit, experiment backwards, in this Super Cloud, we should expect to see electrons forming or at least a high energy laser show.

This is all happening in a Super Cloud, formed from 10 or 11 Dimensions, with a light and laser show, electrons appearing everywhere, caused from all the “interference”.

The Super Cloud of 10 or 11 Dimensions has just been created formed from the Big Bang, it is very unstable, adjusting to its new surroundings, certain dimensions can exist comfortably without a problem, where as the majority of the others are unstable.

Which came first the electron or quarks?

Then just as dust particles in the cloud attract moisture, the electrons in this Super Cloud of dimensions, induce and act like a catalyst, attracting the most suitable and eager candidates, it only takes is two dimensions, up and down, before drops appear.

As the say – “The rest is history – future”

Now can someone please tell me,

What is an electron?

What is a Quark?

Which came first?

So I can either decide to continue to develop this idea of mine further or forget about it and move on.


Terry Giblin

FAQ: Quarks are the solution to the GUT

What are quarks?

Quarks are subatomic particles that are the building blocks of protons and neutrons, which make up the nucleus of an atom. They are the smallest known particles and cannot be broken down into smaller units.

What is the GUT?

The GUT, or Grand Unified Theory, is a theoretical framework that attempts to unify the three fundamental forces of nature - the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, and electromagnetism. It also aims to explain the relationships between particles and their interactions.

How do quarks solve the GUT?

Quarks are believed to be the key to solving the GUT because they have the unique property of carrying all three types of charge - color charge, electric charge, and weak isospin. This makes them a crucial link between the three fundamental forces, and many theories propose that they are the fundamental particles that make up all other particles.

What evidence supports the idea that quarks are the solution to the GUT?

There is currently no definitive evidence that quarks are the solution to the GUT. However, the Standard Model of particle physics, which has been extensively tested and validated, is based on the existence of quarks and their interactions. Additionally, experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have provided evidence for the existence of the Higgs boson, which is a key component of the Standard Model and supports the existence of quarks.

What are the implications of quarks being the solution to the GUT?

If quarks are indeed the solution to the GUT, it would provide a unified understanding of the fundamental forces and particles in the universe. This could potentially lead to a deeper understanding of the universe and its origins, and may also have practical applications in fields such as technology and energy production.

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