Quarks to Infinity: How Many Quarks Before Space Shrinks?

In summary, the conversation revolves around the interaction between quantum mechanics and general relativity, specifically in regards to the behavior of particles near a gravitational singularity. The question is whether a single, composite particle could create new quarks when subjected to extreme gravitational forces, and how many times this process could occur before confinement is restored. Researchers are interested in this topic, but it requires a theory of quantum gravity. Some factors to consider are the nature of quarks, the number of quarks in each hadron or meson, and the singularity of a black hole. There are papers on this topic, such as Zomorrodian M.E. et al.'s study on the stability of mesons near a black hole's event horizon
  • #1
Gold Member
If I toss a single, composite particle toward a gravitational singularity, would the quarks inside it be tidally rip apart from their confinement with enough energy to create another pair of quarks? And if so, how many times can that process happen before space gets small enough so that confinement is restored? In other words, how many quarks would be created from that single, original hadron before the space shrinks enough for the process to stop?
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  • #2
What we are looking at is the interaction between QM and GR ... which would strictly need a theory of quantum gravity.
So it's the kind of question researchers are interested in.

Which means we'll need some idea about your education level to know how to pitch any possible answers.

Meantime, some things to consider:
1. quarks are not well understood in terms of classical particles.
2. there are already lots of quarks in each hadron or meson ... we see the net effect as 2 or 3 quarks.
3. the "singularity" of a black hole is a quirk of the mathematics rather than a physical object - you are more interested in the region close to the event horizon, and you'd need a pretty small black hole to get the gradient to produce tides in the range of the strong nuclear force over the dimensions of a single particle.

It will help to narrow it down a bit ... let's pick the simplest composite: a meson ...
There are papers on this, i.e.
Zomorrodian M.E. et al. (2010) The stability of mesons near the event horizon of a black hole [IJPS Vol.5(7) pp1050-3 ]
... which may go some way to approaching your question.
  • #3
Hmm.. It appears to be more complicated than I thought, and my knowledge of Physics is amateurish. But thanks anyways, Simon :)

FAQ: Quarks to Infinity: How Many Quarks Before Space Shrinks?

1. What are quarks?

Quarks are fundamental particles that make up protons and neutrons, which in turn make up the nucleus of an atom.

2. How many quarks are there?

There are six known types, or flavors, of quarks: up, down, charm, strange, top, and bottom. Each flavor also has an anti-quark counterpart, making a total of 12 known quarks.

3. What is the relationship between quarks and space shrinking?

In theory, as more and more quarks are added together, the strong nuclear force that binds them becomes stronger and eventually overpowers the force of gravity. This could potentially cause space to shrink, creating a "quark-gluon plasma" state.

4. How many quarks are needed for space to shrink?

The exact number of quarks needed for this phenomenon to occur is still unknown and is a topic of ongoing research. Some theories suggest it could happen with as few as 200 quarks, while others propose a much higher number.

5. Is there evidence of this happening in the universe?

Currently, there is no direct evidence of space shrinking due to the accumulation of quarks. However, scientists have observed the existence of quark-gluon plasma in high-energy collisions, providing some support for this theory.

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