Quaternion Polynomial Equation

In summary, the Quaternions are a way to represent rotations in three dimensions using two-by-two square matrices. The book gives a way to determine the inverse of a quaternion, and shows that if x^2-1=0, then x=x^{-1}. This implies that the individual components of a quaternion must be equal, which is impossible if they are real. Therefore, it appears that 1 (the quaternion unity) is the only solution.
  • #1
I'm working on the following:

"Prove that [itex]x^2 - 1=0[/itex]" has infinitely many solutions in the division ring Q of quaternions."

The Quaternions are presented in my book in the representation as two-by-two square matrices over ℂ. The book gives that for a quaternion

(sorry for the terrible notation, I wasn't able to figure out how to do a matrix in here and I didn't want to do the tex by hand)
[itex]\stackrel{a+bi\ \ c+di}{-c+di\ \ a-bi}[/itex]

has inverse

[itex]\frac{1}{a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2}\stackrel{a-bi\ \ -c-di}{c-di\ \ a+bi}[/itex].

Now if [itex]x^2-1=0[/itex], then clearly [itex]x=x^{-1}[/itex]. This means that the individual components must be equal, so a+bi is a real multiple of its conjugate, which requires that it is real, and that multiple is one, or that it is imaginary, and that multiple is -1. Since the multiple is identically positive (sum of squares) b=d=0, and since the multiple must equal 1, [itex]a^2+c^2=1[/itex]. This gives us

[itex]\stackrel{a\ \ c}{-c\ \ a}=\stackrel{a\ \ -c}{c\ \ a}[/itex],

so c=-c=0. Therefore, a=1, which seems to imply that 1 (the quaternion unity) is the unique solution.

What am I missing?
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  • #2
Are you sure there isn't a typo in the question? I would expect [itex]x^2 + 1 = 0[/itex] to have infinitely many solutions. [itex]x^2 - 1 = 0[/itex] should have two solutions.
  • #3
if q* is the quaternial conjugate, then qq* is real. note that q-1 = q*/|q|, so from q = q-1, we get q = q*/|q|, implying that q is real.

but x2 -1 = 0 has just two real solutions, 1 and -1.

if it IS a typo, consider (ai + bj + ck)2, where a2+b2+c2 = 1 (which has infinitely many solutions (a,b,c)).
  • #4
In fact, it wasn't a typo at all. The problem just before it references the polynomial [itex]x^2-1[/itex] over an entirely different field, and I misread. Apologies, and thanks for your help!
  • #5

Your approach is correct, but there is a key point missing in your proof. While it is true that x=x^{-1} implies that the individual components must be equal, it does not necessarily mean that the components must be real or imaginary. In fact, in the division ring Q of quaternions, the components can be any combination of real and imaginary numbers.

To prove that x^2-1=0 has infinitely many solutions in Q, we can use the fact that Q is a non-commutative division ring. This means that there exist elements in Q that do not commute, i.e. ab\neq ba for some a,b\in Q. In the case of x^2-1=0, we can choose x to be any quaternion that does not commute with itself, such as i+j or 2i-k. These are all solutions to the equation since (i+j)^2-1=-1-1=2 and (2i-k)^2-1=-3+4i.

Moreover, since Q is a division ring, every nonzero element has an inverse. This means that for every solution x to x^2-1=0, there exists another solution x^{-1} that is its inverse. Therefore, there are infinitely many solutions to this equation in Q.

In conclusion, your proof is correct in showing that the only solution in Q is the quaternion unity, but it does not account for the infinitely many solutions that exist in Q. By considering the non-commutative and division properties of Q, we can see that there are infinitely many solutions to x^2-1=0 in Q.

FAQ: Quaternion Polynomial Equation

What is a quaternion polynomial equation?

A quaternion polynomial equation is an equation that involves quaternions, which are mathematical objects that extend the concept of complex numbers. They have the form a + bi + cj + dk, where a, b, c, and d are real numbers and i, j, and k are imaginary units.

What are some applications of quaternion polynomial equations?

Quaternion polynomial equations have many applications in mathematics and physics. They are used in computer graphics to represent rotations in three-dimensional space, in robotics for orientation and motion calculations, and in quantum mechanics for describing the spin of particles.

How do you solve a quaternion polynomial equation?

Solving a quaternion polynomial equation involves finding the values of the quaternion variables that satisfy the equation. This can be done using methods such as factoring, substitution, or numerical methods. The solutions can also be found graphically by plotting the equation in three-dimensional space.

What is the degree of a quaternion polynomial equation?

The degree of a quaternion polynomial equation is the highest power of the quaternion variable in the equation. For example, the equation 3q + 2q^2 = 5 has a degree of 2. The degree determines the number of solutions to the equation, with a maximum of n solutions for an equation of degree n.

Can a quaternion polynomial equation have complex solutions?

Yes, a quaternion polynomial equation can have complex solutions. Just like with complex numbers, the imaginary units i, j, and k in quaternions can be squared to give -1. This means that the solutions to a quaternion polynomial equation can involve complex numbers, as well as real numbers.

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