Quaternions and hypercomplex numbers are incompatible

In summary, the conversation discusses the extension of the complex number system to 4-D hypercomplex numbers and the resulting multiplication tables. It also mentions the introduction of quaternions and octonions by Sir W. Hamilton and Sir A. Cayley, respectively. The concept of division rings and the preference for quaternions over other 4-D real algebras are also mentioned. The speaker, Owen, argues that these hypercomplex numbers are not actual entities but rather concepts expressed through different algebraic systems.
  • #1
Owen Holden
Extending the number system from complex numbers, (a+bi), to 4-D
hypercomplex numbers, (a+bi+cj+dk), leads to a multiplication
table such as:

(A) i^2=j^2=-1, ij=ji=k, k^2=+1, ik=ki=-j, jk=kj=-i.

Note that these hypercomplex numbers are commutative and have elementary functions.

We can extend this idea to hypercomplex numbers to any dimension.

Sir W. Hamilton introduced 'quaternions' by presenting the
multiplication table;

(B) i^2=j^2=-1, ij=k, ji=-k, k^2=-1, ik=-j, ki=j, jk=i, kj=-i.

Clearly list (A) is incompatable to list (B).

Is k^2=-1 or is k^2=+1, it cannot be both. k cannot be the
same entity in both cases. I believe Hamilton's algebra
would be consistent with hypercomplex numbers if he had
introduced a Hamilton (H) product such that;

iHi=jHj=-1, iHj=k, jHi=-k, kHk=-1, iHk=-j, kHi=j, jHk=i, kHj=-i

where i,j,k are the same hypercomplex numbers as in (A).

It was misleading and incorrect for Hamilton to consider that
quaternions are entities at all. There are no such things as
quaternions. There is a Hamilton algebra which deals with
the concepts that Hamilton wanted to deal with but they are using
hypercomplex numbers in the context of the Hamilton product (H).

In the 8-D case, (a1+a2i2+a3i3+a4i4+a5i5+a6i6+a7i7+a8i8)
multiplication leads to the entries;

(C) (i2)^2=(i3)^2=(i5)^2=-1, (i2)(i3)=i4, (i2)(i5)=i6, (i3)(i5)=i7,
(i4)(i5)=i8, (i4)^2=+1, (i6)^2=+1, (i7)^2=+1, (i8)^2=-1.

Sir A.Cayley introduced 'octonions' by presenting a multiplication
list containing;

(D) (i2)^2=(i3)^2=(i4)^2=(i5)^2=(i6)^2=(i7)^2=(i8)^2=-1.

Again (C) and (D) are incompatible. (i6)^2=+1 from list (C),
contradicts (i6)^2=-1 from list (D). Cayley makes the same
mistake for 'octonions' that Hamilton made for 'quaternions'

There are no such things as octonions. There is a Cayley algebra,
with a Cayley product (Ca), dealing with 8-D hypercomplex numbers
which expresses what Cayley means.


Any opinions?

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  • #2

Anyways, I don't follow your objection to considering the quaternions "entities". Clearly, models of the quaternions exist in other happy domains. Even you speak about a particular model! I suspect you are ascribing a fairly unusual definition to the term "entity".
  • #3
All you've done, Owen, is define a *different* 4-dimensional Real Algebra from the one that Hamilton considered. The quartenions have the benefit of being naturally isomorphic to a 2-dimensional complex algebra [tex]\mathbb{C}[j][/tex]

1. Prove your algebra is also a division ring (as the quarternions are) - that is, as it is commutative, show it is actually a field.

2. Realize that your opinion of what things *ought* to be is no more important that anyone elses. Hamilton provided an example of a division ring that extends C, that was all - in order to do so he had to drop commutativity, but that isn't a big deal.
  • #4
Davenport's commuataive hypercomplex algebra was proabably investigated by Hamilton anyway, though he would of preferred the quartenions as an extension of the complex numbers as they form a divison ring like rational numbers, real numbers and complex numbers whereas Davenport's algebra does not.

Mathematics is an abstartc subject so sattements like "there are no such things as octonions" don't have anything to do with maths. Even if you are a Platonists you'd proabably prefer the quaretnions to other 4-D real algebras as they have many more obvious physical applications.

Related to Quaternions and hypercomplex numbers are incompatible

1. What are quaternions and hypercomplex numbers?

Quaternions and hypercomplex numbers are mathematical concepts that extend the idea of complex numbers. Quaternions have four components and can be written in the form a + bi + cj + dk, where a, b, c, and d are real numbers and i, j, and k are imaginary units. Hypercomplex numbers have more than four components and include quaternions as a subset.

2. Why are quaternions and hypercomplex numbers considered incompatible?

Quaternions and hypercomplex numbers are incompatible because they cannot be fully represented in the same mathematical space. This means that operations on quaternions and hypercomplex numbers cannot be performed on each other without losing information. For example, multiplying two quaternions would result in a hypercomplex number, but the reverse is not true.

3. Can quaternions and hypercomplex numbers be used interchangeably?

No, quaternions and hypercomplex numbers cannot be used interchangeably. They have different properties and follow different rules and operations. Trying to use one in place of the other would result in incorrect calculations and potentially invalid solutions.

4. What applications use quaternions and hypercomplex numbers?

Quaternions and hypercomplex numbers have various applications in mathematics, physics, computer graphics, and engineering. They are used to represent rotations in three-dimensional space, describe electromagnetic fields, and model complex systems.

5. Are there any advantages of using quaternions over hypercomplex numbers?

There are advantages of using quaternions over hypercomplex numbers in certain applications. Quaternions have a simpler algebraic structure and are more efficient for representing rotations in three-dimensional space. They also have a unique property of being able to interpolate smoothly between two rotations, making them useful in computer graphics and animation. However, hypercomplex numbers have a wider range of applications and can represent more complex systems.

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