Qubits Entanglement: Calculate & Interpret

In summary, the conversation discusses determining which qubits are entangled in a given wavefunction. One approach involves calculating the density operator and using Schmidt rank to identify entangled qubits. Another approach involves separating one qubit from the rest to obtain a product state and observing which qubits remain entangled. The conversation concludes that the first and third qubits are entangled, but there is a question about the validity of the method using partial trace, which resulted in a value of 0.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Determine which qubits are entangled:


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

My idea was to first calculate the density operator
##\rho = |\psi\rangle \langle\psi|##
and then find the partial trace over the second and the third qubit. Then from Schmidt rank I would know whether the first qubit is entangled with the rest of the system. Then I could repeat the procedure for the other qubits. However the result seams to be 0 and I don't even know how to interpret this result, nor how to find which of the three qubits are entangled.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Can you split the wavefunction into a product?
  • #3
Ok, I've tried separating one of the qubits from the rest to obtain a product state and succeded for the second one (B):
##|\psi\rangle = \frac{1}{2}(|0\rangle_B + i|1\rangle_B)(|00\rangle_{AC} + i|11\rangle_{AC})##,
so it seams that qubit A is entangled with C (the first and the third).

However I'm still left with a question why the method with the partial trace gave me 0. I would expect it to give the same result.
  • #4
amgo100 said:
Ok, I've tried separating one of the qubits from the rest to obtain a product state and succeded for the second one (B):
##|\psi\rangle = \frac{1}{2}(|0\rangle_B + i|1\rangle_B)(|00\rangle_{AC} + i|11\rangle_{AC})##,
so it seams that qubit A is entangled with C (the first and the third).
I agree.

Concerning the other method: Can you show your calculations?
  • #5

Your approach is correct. The partial trace over the second and third qubits will give you the reduced density operator for the first qubit. The Schmidt rank of this reduced density operator will tell you whether the first qubit is entangled with the rest of the system. If the Schmidt rank is 1, then the first qubit is not entangled. If the Schmidt rank is greater than 1, then the first qubit is entangled with the rest of the system.

In this case, the result of the partial trace over the second and third qubits is 0, which means that the first qubit is not entangled with the rest of the system. This is because the reduced density operator for the first qubit is a pure state, which means that it can be written as ##|\psi'\rangle \langle\psi'|## for some state ##|\psi'\rangle##. In other words, the state of the first qubit is completely determined by the state of the other two qubits, and there is no entanglement between them.

To find which qubits are entangled, you can repeat the procedure for the other two qubits. The partial trace over the first and third qubits will give you the reduced density operator for the second qubit, and the partial trace over the first and second qubits will give you the reduced density operator for the third qubit. If the Schmidt rank of either of these reduced density operators is greater than 1, then the corresponding qubit is entangled with the rest of the system. In this case, you will find that the second and third qubits are entangled with each other.

FAQ: Qubits Entanglement: Calculate & Interpret

1. What is a qubit?

A qubit, short for quantum bit, is the basic unit of quantum information. It is the quantum analog of a classical bit, which can store and represent two distinct values (0 and 1). Unlike a classical bit, a qubit can exist in a superposition of both states simultaneously, allowing for more complex and powerful calculations in quantum computing.

2. What is entanglement?

Entanglement is a phenomenon that occurs when two or more qubits become correlated with each other, even if they are physically separated. This means that the state of one qubit will affect the state of the other qubit, regardless of the distance between them. Entanglement is a crucial aspect of quantum computing and allows for faster and more efficient calculations.

3. How is entanglement calculated?

The calculation of entanglement involves measuring the correlations between the states of two or more qubits. There are various mathematical techniques, such as the concurrence and Von Neumann entropy, that can be used to quantify the degree of entanglement between qubits. These measurements can provide insight into the strength of the entanglement and how it can be used in quantum algorithms.

4. What is the significance of entanglement in quantum computing?

Entanglement is a key resource in quantum computing as it allows for the creation of more powerful and efficient algorithms. It enables qubits to perform calculations in parallel, leading to faster processing speeds and the ability to solve complex problems that would be impossible for classical computers. Entanglement also plays a crucial role in quantum communication, allowing for secure transmission of information.

5. Can entanglement be observed or measured?

While entanglement itself cannot be directly observed, its effects can be measured through the correlations between qubits. These correlations can be measured using a variety of techniques, such as quantum tomography and Bell tests, which can determine the level of entanglement between qubits. However, entanglement is a delicate phenomenon and can easily be disrupted, making it challenging to observe directly.
