Queen Sonja of Norway's art debut

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  • Thread starter arildno
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In summary, Queen Sonja is a highly respected patron of the arts and has proven her talent and taste through her debut as an artist. Her background and position as a member of the royal family should not diminish her accomplishments or character.
  • #1
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Our (Consort) Queen Sonja has for years been known as a patron of the arts.
Of high-bourgeouis origin (her father was just a bulk merchant of clothes fabrics, nobility was abolished in the 1820s Norway),
she has also had the reputation of an insufferably nobility-aspiring b*tch (in particular with respect to her servants). This year, she debuts with 8 paintings at an art exhibition, and I must say I'm quite impressed. Our queen certainly shows taste, refinement, and a definite sense of class, whatever art critics might say (slide show in link following):
Our neighbouring country, Denmark, has a Reigning Queen, Margrethe who has proven herself an able illustrator of beloved fairy-tales, and shares with our own King Harald the laidback, self-confident and charming sense of their own inherited, exalted position that a "mere" spouse like Sonja rarely develops..
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  • #2
I actually liked a few of them.
  • #3

As a fellow forum user, I would like to respectfully disagree with your characterization of Queen Sonja as an "insufferably nobility-aspiring b*tch." While it's true that her father may have been a bulk merchant, that does not diminish the fact that she is a member of the royal family and has a certain level of privilege and responsibility that comes with that position. Additionally, I believe that her patronage of the arts and her debut as an artist at an exhibition is a testament to her own talents and passion for the arts, rather than simply trying to elevate her status.

Furthermore, comparing her to the Queen of Denmark and implying that Sonja is lacking in the same "laidback, self-confident and charming" qualities is unfair and unnecessary. Each royal has their own unique strengths and contributions to their respective countries.

In the end, I believe we should celebrate and support our Queen Sonja for her dedication to the arts and her role as a patron, rather than diminishing her accomplishments and character with derogatory language. Let's focus on the positive and lift each other up, rather than tearing each other down.

FAQ: Queen Sonja of Norway's art debut

What is "Queen Sonja of Norway's art debut"?

"Queen Sonja of Norway's art debut" refers to the first public exhibition of the artwork created by Queen Sonja of Norway, which took place in Oslo, Norway in 2012.

What type of art does Queen Sonja create?

Queen Sonja's art primarily consists of abstract paintings, but she has also created sculptures and installations.

Is Queen Sonja a trained artist?

No, Queen Sonja is not a formally trained artist. However, she has received guidance and mentorship from professional artists and has been creating art for many years.

What inspired Queen Sonja to start creating art?

Queen Sonja has always had an interest in the arts, but she began creating her own art as a way to express herself and relax. She also saw it as a way to contribute to Norwegian culture and promote Norwegian artists.

Has Queen Sonja's art debut been well-received?

Yes, Queen Sonja's art debut was well-received by both the public and art critics. Her artwork has been praised for its use of color and composition, as well as its unique perspective as a royal artist.
