Question about a paralell-like RC circuit

In summary, the conversation discusses a circuit problem where the initial current passing through the battery needs to be found, given certain values for voltage, charge, resistances, and capacitance. Kirchoff's Laws are used to create equations for solving for the current, but the problem is ambiguous due to not specifying the orientation of the voltage across the capacitor. It is determined that the direction of current flow depends on the initial potential difference between the battery and the capacitor.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have the circuit that's attached as a .bmp image. I'm asked to find the initial current that passes trough the battery (V=60 V) knowing that the capacitor is initially charged with charge q_{0}=0.1 C. The resistances are R_1=R_2=R_3=1 Ohm and C=1/1000 F.

Homework Equations

The relevant equations are given by Kirchoff's Laws:

\oint \vec{E}\cdot d\vec{l}=0


The Attempt at a Solution

My attempt to the solution was to use Kirchoffs first law. Making two closed loops: One passing trough V, then resistance R_1, C and finally trough resistance R_3 and the other loop passing trough V, resistance R_2, and finally resistance R_3. With this we get the two equations:



From here we get:



And we finally use Kirchoffs second law, I_{1}+I_{2}=I_{3} and get:

And you finally solve for I_3, which gives I_3=6.7 Amperes. My question is that if you replace the data on I_1 you get I_1=-46.7 A. I'm unsure about the current going in the opposite way of what i tought. Anyways, I tought it would have some phyical meaning like all current flowing into the capacitor, but I'm not sure. What do you think?


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  • #2
The letter I stands for current, not intensity.

The problem is ambiguous because it doesn't specify how the voltage across the capacitor is oriented. The end with the higher potential could be connected to R1 or it could be connected to R3.

Calculate the initial voltage across the capacitor and you'll see why the current flows in the direction it does.
  • #3
vela said:
The letter I stands for current, not intensity.

The problem is ambiguous because it doesn't specify how the voltage across the capacitor is oriented. The end with the higher potential could be connected to R1 or it could be connected to R3.

Calculate the initial voltage across the capacitor and you'll see why the current flows in the direction it does.

Oh, sorry, my bad. I'm a spanish native speaker and i confused terms.

In my work I assumed that the initial positive charge was on the left side of the capacitor thus leaving the negative 0.1 C on the right. If that's the case, then it DOES make sense that current flows in the opposite direction that i was expecting, right?
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  • #4
It depends on the initial voltage across the capacitor. Did you calculate it?
  • #5
The initial voltage across the capacitor is:


\Delta V=\frac{Q}{C}=\frac{0.1}{10^{-3}} V=100 V


So if there is an initial potential difference of 100 V, and positive charge is distributed on the left side, then current will flow to the left on R1, because of the electric field produced by the capacitor, right?
  • #6
Not exactly. If the battery weren't present in the circuit, what you said would be correct. But say the battery was 1000 V, not 60 V, then the current through R1 would flow to the right. It's the difference between the battery and the capacitor that's important.
  • #7
Right! Thanks for you reply :)!

Related to Question about a paralell-like RC circuit

1. How does a parallel-like RC circuit work?

A parallel-like RC circuit is a type of electrical circuit that contains both a resistor (R) and a capacitor (C) connected in parallel. This means that the components are connected side by side with the same voltage applied across them. The resistor and capacitor work together to allow an alternating current (AC) to flow through the circuit, while also filtering out certain frequencies.

2. What is the purpose of a parallel-like RC circuit?

The purpose of a parallel-like RC circuit is to filter out specific frequencies in an AC signal. This is useful in electronic devices where certain frequencies may interfere with the performance or cause damage. The resistor and capacitor work together to create a low-pass filter, allowing lower frequencies to pass through and blocking higher frequencies.

3. How do I calculate the time constant of a parallel-like RC circuit?

The time constant (τ) of a parallel-like RC circuit can be calculated using the formula τ = R x C, where R is the resistance in ohms and C is the capacitance in farads. This value represents the time it takes for the capacitor to charge to 63.2% of its maximum charge when a voltage is applied.

4. What is the relationship between resistance and time constant in a parallel-like RC circuit?

There is an inverse relationship between resistance and time constant in a parallel-like RC circuit. This means that as the resistance increases, the time constant also increases, resulting in a slower charging and discharging of the capacitor. Conversely, a lower resistance will result in a shorter time constant and faster charging and discharging.

5. How does the frequency of the AC signal affect a parallel-like RC circuit?

The frequency of the AC signal has a significant impact on the behavior of a parallel-like RC circuit. As the frequency increases, the capacitor has less time to charge and discharge, resulting in a decrease in impedance and a decrease in the amount of filtering. At lower frequencies, the capacitor has more time to charge and discharge, resulting in a higher impedance and more effective filtering. The cutoff frequency of the circuit, where the impedance is equal to the resistance, is given by the formula fc = 1 / (2πRC).

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