Question about an electron confined in an infinite well

In summary, the well has an infinite length and the electron can only absorb photons of a certain wavelength, which is 1520 nm.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An electron confined in an infinite well (1 dimensional) can absorb a photon with a maximum wavelength of 1520 nm, what is the length of the well?

Homework Equations

E = hf (photon)
E = n^2*h^2/8*m*L^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I honestly don't know what to start with, I solved for the energy of the 1520 nm photon, but I'm not sure what that tells me. Also the fact that this is the maximum wavelength that the electron can absorb is supposed to tell me something which I'm not entirely sure what. I looked around and read my textbook many times but I'm still not sure. Any hint would be great, thanks.

EDIT: I should add, this is a first year physics course intro to quantum mechanics chapters
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  • #2
Suppose the electron is in an initial state with energy ##E_n##. For the electron to absorb a photon, there must be another state with energy ##E_m>E_n##, such that ##E_m-En## is equal to the energy of the photon. This is conservation of energy combined with the quantization of the energy levels of the electron in the well. Use the bound on the wavelength of the photon to construct a bound on the energy of the photon. Is this an upper or lower bound? Does the type of bound suggest anything about which energy eigenstates must be involved in the transition?
  • #3
Right, that makes sense. I would think this is an upper bound because it says "maximum" wavelength. In terms of which energy states are involved, can I assume I'm starting at the ground energy state?
  • #4
lilfinger said:
Right, that makes sense. I would think this is an upper bound because it says "maximum" wavelength. In terms of which energy states are involved, can I assume I'm starting at the ground energy state?

Well, "maximum" wavelength would correspond to minimum energy of the photon. So yes, you want to find two energy states with a minimum of separation.
  • #5
Oh, I see, yes that makes perfect sense, since the photon emitted in the transition from n=2 to n=1 has the highest energy, right?
I thought of this, but rejected this idea because I thought why does it need to go between two consecutive energy states; so what in the wording of the question, or information give, suggests that the energy states involved are consecutive? For example, couldn't the electron absorb a photon and go from n=1 to n=3 (or some other arbitrary levels)?
  • #6
lilfinger said:
Oh, I see, yes that makes perfect sense, since the photon emitted in the transition from n=2 to n=1 has the highest energy, right?
I thought of this, but rejected this idea because I thought why does it need to go between two consecutive energy states; so what in the wording of the question, or information give, suggests that the energy states involved are consecutive? For example, couldn't the electron absorb a photon and go from n=1 to n=3 (or some other arbitrary levels)?

Why do you think the transition from n=2 to n=1 would have the highest energy? This is an infinite square well potential, it's not hydrogen. Look at your equation for the energy.
  • #7
Oh.. that's right. Sorry I'm still a bit rough on quantum. I'm not really sure then what to do here.
  • #8
lilfinger said:
Oh.. that's right. Sorry I'm still a bit rough on quantum. I'm not really sure then what to do here.

That's ok. So think about it. The largest wavelength you can absorb will correspond to the SMALLEST energy gap. What's that?
  • #9
From what I see in my textbook, the smallest energy gap is in between the first and second energy states (n=1 to n=2) and this is for quantized energies for a particle in a box.
  • #10
lilfinger said:
From what I see in my textbook, the smallest energy gap is in between the first and second energy states (n=1 to n=2) and this is for quantized energies for a particle in a box.

Yes, exactly. The energy levels go like n^2=1,4,9,16,25... The smallest gap is between the first two.
  • #11
I see, then to solve for the length of the well I can set the energy of the photon equal to the energy at n=2 minus the energy at n=1 and solve for L. I really appreciate your help, thank you!

FAQ: Question about an electron confined in an infinite well

1. What is an electron confined in an infinite well?

An electron confined in an infinite well is a theoretical model used to study the behavior of electrons in a confined space. It assumes that the electron is trapped within an infinitely deep potential well, meaning it cannot escape from the well.

2. How is an electron confined in an infinite well different from a free electron?

A free electron is not bound to a specific location and can move freely in space, while an electron confined in an infinite well is restricted to a specific region within the well. Additionally, the energy levels of an electron in an infinite well are quantized, meaning they can only have specific discrete values, unlike a free electron which has a continuous range of energy values.

3. What is the significance of studying electrons in an infinite well?

Studying electrons in an infinite well can help us understand the behavior of electrons in confined systems, such as quantum dots and nanowires. It also provides insights into the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and can be used to model various physical phenomena.

4. How does the size of the infinite well affect the behavior of the electron?

The size of the infinite well affects the energy levels of the electron. As the size of the well decreases, the energy levels become more closely spaced, meaning the electron can only have certain discrete energies. This confinement also affects the probability of finding the electron in different regions within the well.

5. Can an electron be confined in a real-world scenario?

While the concept of an electron confined in an infinite well is a theoretical model, it has been observed in experiments using semiconductor materials. These materials have the ability to create potential wells for electrons, leading to quantized energy levels and confined behavior similar to that of an electron in an infinite well.

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