Question about Cambridge and whatnot

  • Thread starter thayes93
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In summary, the speaker is a high school student from Ireland seeking advice on university options. They have strong predicted grades and have won awards in science competitions. They are interested in studying Mathematics with Physics at the University of Cambridge but are considering applying for the Natural Sciences course instead due to difficulty of admission. They are also considering other universities such as Imperial, University College London, and Oxford. They are concerned about the differences between the Irish and British education systems and whether this will affect their application. They are also aware of the STEP exam and rigorous interviews for Cambridge applicants. The speaker is open to considering Oxford's physics program as well.
  • #1
I'm a secondary (high) school student in Ireland and I'd just like some of your advice on regards to some questions I have about universities and things.
I'm in 5th Year now, which means I'll be taking my Leaving Certificate (Final Exams) in 2011, the subjects I'm taking and my predicted grades in them are:
Maths: A1
Physics: A1
Chemistry :A1
Biology: A1
Applied Maths (Mechanics): A1
Geography: A1
English: B1-A2
French: A1
Irish: B2

I won a bronze medal at the International Junior Science Olympiad in Korea in 2008, and am on the Irish team for the EUSO in Sweden this year.

Anyway, you're probably wondering why I'm telling you all this and the reason is this: It's my current dream/whatever you want to call it, to study Mathematics with Physics at the University of Cambridge. However, I think that this will be far more difficult to get into than the Natural Sciences course at said university, and that I, in particular, would have a higher chance of succeeding in getting into the Natural Sciences course than Mathematics with Physics. However, to be frank, I'm far more interested in the mathematical aspect of physics than I am in chemistry or biology and I don't think Natural Sciences would be provide me with this to the same degree. Basically I was wondering if I should apply to Natural Sciences instead of Maths and Physics, because I feel it would be easier to get admitted into..

I know this is rather incoherent and rambling but hear (read?) me out..

In most of the universities colleges, AS Level Further Mathematics, is an essential prerequisite.. however, there is no equivalent in Ireland, and also the Irish school curicullum is much less specialised, i.e. 7 subjects (in my case 9), instead of the 3/4 A-Levels that British students take, and I was wondering whether this would disadvantage my application.

And yes, I know there are other colleges, and I'm still seriously interested in Imperial, and University College London and several others... though Oxford is an impossibility due to the UCAS system. And also Irish colleges such as Trinity College Dublin, and maybe American ones, though they are shockingly expensive.

And there's not really any rush either, I know, UCAS deadlines aren't until October or something so I plan to have my mind properly made up by then.
Physics news on
  • #2
I think most undergrad applicants need to take the "STEP exam" to get into Maths at Cambridge, though I don't know whether the exam is available in Ireland. The test is more difficult than A-level maths exams. Also be prepared for a tough interview. There may even be another tricky test preceding the interview.

I'm sure that the people involved in the admission committee understand the difference between Irish and British education systems. If you are among the top students in the Irish system, you will certainly be considered. Since Cambridge uses the STEP exam and academic interviews to further distinguish between candidates, you don't need to worry about your Irish curriculum as long as you get high grades.

As shown by your record in competitions, you have a very good physics background. If your maths is anywhere as good as your physics, you should have an excellent chance of getting into Cambridge.

Cambridge may not be the ideal place for physics study. Basically the first year contains very little physics, no matter whether you take Maths with Physics or Natural Sciences. If you intend to be a die-hard mathematical physicist and won't mind lacking broader understanding of physics, the Cambridge Maths Tripos is very good. If you want to do inter-disciplinary science and learn about chemistry and biology as well as physics, Cambridge NatSci is a good option. However, if you just want to be a physicist, you might want to consider oxford instead.
  • #3
Thanks for that, actually over the last few days I have been reconsidering the Oxford physics program, and it may actually be more suited to me.
It seems like good advice as I've thought for a while that there is no ideal course for me in Cambridge, and now that I look at it again the Oxford course looks pretty ideal.
  • #4
Although NatSci is very intriguing..
  • #5

Hello, thank you for reaching out with your questions about universities and your academic background. It's great to hear that you are a motivated and high-achieving student with a passion for mathematics and physics. I can understand your interest in pursuing a degree in Mathematics with Physics at the University of Cambridge. It is certainly a prestigious and highly competitive program.

In terms of your chances of getting into the program, it is difficult to say for sure without knowing more about your academic record and extracurricular activities. However, based on your predicted grades and achievements, it does seem like you have a strong chance of being admitted. Your participation in international science competitions and your high grades in relevant subjects will definitely work in your favor.

Regarding your concerns about applying to the Natural Sciences course instead of Mathematics with Physics, I would suggest considering what your ultimate goals are and what you hope to gain from your university education. If your main interest lies in the mathematical aspect of physics, then it may be worth considering applying for Mathematics with Physics. However, if you are also interested in other areas of science and are open to exploring them, then the Natural Sciences course may be a good fit for you. Ultimately, it is important to choose a program that aligns with your interests and goals.

As for the AS Level Further Mathematics prerequisite, it is true that the Irish curriculum may be different from the British curriculum. However, universities are aware of these differences and will take that into consideration when evaluating your application. It may be helpful to highlight any relevant coursework or independent study you have done in mathematics and physics to demonstrate your proficiency in these subjects.

In terms of other universities to consider, I would encourage you to research and explore all of your options. There are many excellent universities around the world with strong programs in mathematics and physics. It's important to find a university that not only has a good academic program, but also a supportive and stimulating environment for your personal and professional growth.

I hope this helps to answer some of your questions. My best advice would be to continue working hard in your studies, stay involved in extracurricular activities, and carefully consider your options before making a decision. Best of luck to you in your academic journey!

Related to Question about Cambridge and whatnot

1. What is the history of Cambridge?

Cambridge is a historic university city located in Cambridgeshire, England. It was founded in the 1st century AD by the Romans and has been an important center for education and learning since the 12th century when the University of Cambridge was established.

2. Is Cambridge only known for its university?

No, Cambridge is also known for its science and technology industry, as well as its rich cultural and historical heritage. It is home to several research institutions, including the famous Cavendish Laboratory, and has a thriving arts and music scene.

3. How does Cambridge University compare to other universities?

Cambridge University is consistently ranked as one of the top universities in the world, along with its rival Oxford University. It is highly respected for its academic excellence and has produced numerous Nobel laureates, scientists, and leaders in various fields.

4. What is the student life like in Cambridge?

The student life in Cambridge is vibrant and diverse. The city has a large student population from all over the world, creating a diverse and international community. There are plenty of social and cultural activities organized by the university and student societies, making it a lively and exciting place to study.

5. Can non-students visit Cambridge University?

Yes, non-students are welcome to visit Cambridge University. The university offers guided tours of its historic buildings and museums, and visitors can also explore the city and its many attractions, such as the famous King's College Chapel and the Fitzwilliam Museum.

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