Question about charged disk and current loop similarity

In summary, the Biot-Savart law and the equation for the magnetic field inside a current loop are similar to the Coloumb's law and the equation for the electric field due to a charged ring. However, in the case of the electric field, the forces at the center of the disk are canceled by symmetry, resulting in a cosine multiplier, while in the case of the magnetic field, the field is strongest at the center of the loop and decreases with distance, resulting in a sine multiplier. This is due to the difference in the orientation of the field elements in the two cases.
  • #1
I have a question regarding the similarity between the Biot-Savart law and the equation that gives the magnetic field inside a current loop, and the similar version of Coloumb's law that gives the electric field due to a charged ring. In the equation for a charged ring at the equation is multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the point where the field is measured and the disk, however in the similar situation for a current carrying loop using Biot-Savart the equation is multiplied by the sine of the angle. See: My understanding of the difference is that in the case of the electric field the forces at the center of the disk are canceling by symmetry, hence when the angle is 90 degrees (at the center) the cosine is 0 and there is no force there. In the case of the current carrying wire, the magnetic field is strongest at the center of the loop and falls off with distance, so the sine of 90 degrees is 1 and decreases as the field is measured up the Z axis. I just want to make sure my understanding is correct - thanks for any help!
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  • #2
The difference between the two cases is that the electric field element ##d\vec E## is along the line joining the charge element to the point on the axis whereas the magnetic field element ##d\vec B## is perpendicular to the line joining the charge element to the point on the axis. Thus, when you define the angle in a similar manner in the two cases, if you use the sine for the vertical component in one case, you have to use the cosine in the other.

FAQ: Question about charged disk and current loop similarity

1. How are charged disks and current loops similar?

Both charged disks and current loops are examples of closed, circular currents that produce magnetic fields. They both have a magnetic moment, which is a measure of their strength and direction of the magnetic field they produce. Additionally, the magnetic field at a point outside of both a charged disk and a current loop is directly proportional to the distance from the center of the disk or loop.

2. What is the difference between a charged disk and a current loop?

The main difference between a charged disk and a current loop is that a charged disk has a net charge, while a current loop does not. The charge on a disk is evenly distributed along its surface, while a current loop has a varying current density along its circumference. Additionally, the magnetic field produced by a charged disk is constant at all points on its axis, while the magnetic field of a current loop is strongest at the center and decreases as distance from the center increases.

3. How is the magnetic field of a charged disk or current loop calculated?

The magnetic field produced by a charged disk or current loop can be calculated using the Biot-Savart law. This law states that the magnetic field at a point is equal to the sum of the contributions from each infinitesimal element of the current, multiplied by the sine of the angle between the current element and the line connecting the element to the point of interest. This calculation can be simplified for certain symmetries, such as a charged disk or current loop with a uniform current density.

4. Can the magnetic field produced by a charged disk or current loop be controlled?

Yes, the magnetic field produced by a charged disk or current loop can be controlled by changing the current or charge on the disk/loop. Increasing the current or charge will result in a stronger magnetic field, while decreasing the current or charge will result in a weaker magnetic field. Additionally, the direction of the magnetic field can be reversed by reversing the direction of the current or charge on the disk/loop.

5. What are some real-life applications of charged disks and current loops?

Charged disks and current loops have various real-life applications, including in electric motors, generators, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines. In electric motors and generators, the interaction between the magnetic field of a charged disk/current loop and a permanent magnet creates motion or electricity. In MRI machines, the strong magnetic field produced by a current loop is used to align the spins of hydrogen atoms in the body, allowing for detailed imaging of tissues and organs.
