Question about Cosmic Bagground Radiation

  • Thread starter Sahota
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In summary: It would have appeared as a uniform glow, similar to what we would see at the outer atmosphere of the sun, but without the presence of any stars as the universe was still too uniform to have formed clumps of matter at that time. This period is known as 'decoupling' and occurred around 300,000 years after the big bang. The radiation was visible at this time, but as the universe expanded and cooled, the frequency of the radiation shifted to the microwave range that we see today.
  • #1
Hello there :)
Been thinking about something for a while and i didn't really know where to seek out the answer, so i hope there is someone out there, whom might be able to answer it for me :) It's simply just something I've been wandering about, but here goes :)

If i am to be correct, then the Microwave Bagground Radiation once used to be gamma radiation insted, right? If so would that meen that once upon a time, the Bagground Radiation would have been in the visible spectre? If so, what would it have looked like? and would we have been able to see it when we looked up upon the stars in the sky then?

Hope it's okay i post here, didn't really know where else to put the post :)

Best regards a curious Danish guy :)
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  • #2
Yes, at one time the CMB was visible radiation. Before a redshift of about 1000 (about 300,000 years after the big bang), the universe was made primarily of charged particles and radiation in thermal equilibrium with them. At this time the universe was opaque. As the universe cooled below a few thousand degrees K, the charged particles combined to form neutral atoms, and at this time the universe became transparent and the radiation propagated without scattering until we see it today. If we could have seen it at that point (this point is called 'decoupling'), it would have been a uniform visible glow. It would have looked more or less like what you would see (before you were incinerated!) if you were placed inside the outer atmosphere of the sun. However, at that point there were no stars, since the universe was still too uniform to have clumped up into stars. The first stars did not form until much later - how much later is a topic of current research, but probably at least hundreds of millions of years later.
  • #3
Hi Sahota, great question!
There was definitely a time when the CMB was the COB (the Cosmic 'Optical' Background ;). The frequency of radiation changes as [itex] \nu \propto \frac{1}{1+z}[/itex] for the cosmological redshift 'z'. The CMB is currently at a wavelength of about a millimeter, so the redshift for an optically-peaked CMB would be something like z~2500. This is in the very very early universe, long long before the first stars, galaxies, etc etc; and even before the first atoms had formed (everything was in a plasma). Because of this, the ambient medium of plasma was very 'optically thick' or 'opaque' (it absorbs the light, keeping it from free-streaming out, like it does now). I think this would mean everything would be in a warm, gaseous glow.

and at the time every point in the sky would look like surface of the sun----exc
  • #4
The CMB radiation was around 3000K when originally emitted so it was considerably cooler than the surface of our sun.
  • #5

Hello curious Danish guy,

You are correct, the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) was once in the form of gamma radiation, but as the universe expanded and cooled, it shifted to the microwave spectrum. This occurred about 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

If the CMB were in the visible spectrum, it would have appeared as a bright, uniform glow across the entire sky. This is because the CMB is the leftover radiation from the Big Bang, and at that time, the universe was filled with hot, dense plasma that would have emitted visible light.

However, even if the CMB were in the visible spectrum, we would not have been able to see it when looking up at the stars. This is because the CMB is a type of background radiation that is evenly distributed throughout the universe and is not associated with any specific objects or sources in the sky. It would have been too faint for us to see against the brightness of the stars.

I hope this answers your question. If you have any further inquiries, please don't hesitate to ask. Happy exploring!

Best regards,

FAQ: Question about Cosmic Bagground Radiation

1. What is Cosmic Background Radiation?

Cosmic background radiation, also known as CMB, is the leftover radiation from the Big Bang. It is a type of electromagnetic radiation that permeates the entire universe and is considered to be the oldest light in existence.

2. How is Cosmic Background Radiation measured?

Cosmic background radiation is measured using specialized instruments, such as satellites and telescopes, that can detect microwave radiation. Scientists also use mathematical models to analyze the data collected from these instruments to understand the properties of CMB.

3. What does Cosmic Background Radiation tell us about the universe?

Cosmic background radiation provides important clues about the origins and evolution of our universe. It confirms the Big Bang theory and helps us understand the age, composition, and expansion of the universe.

4. Is Cosmic Background Radiation dangerous?

No, Cosmic Background Radiation is not dangerous to humans. It is a very low-energy form of radiation and is present everywhere in the universe, including on Earth. In fact, we are constantly being exposed to CMB without even realizing it.

5. Can Cosmic Background Radiation be used for anything?

Yes, Cosmic Background Radiation has many practical applications in fields such as astrophysics, cosmology, and particle physics. It can also be used to study the structure and formation of galaxies, as well as to improve our understanding of the early universe.

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