Question about electrons moving from ground state

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of electrons in quantum physics and how they move between energy levels. The electron is described as a probability distribution and its location cannot be pinpointed at any given time. When an electron becomes excited, its probability distribution shifts and it is more likely to be found in a higher energy level. This means that there is a chance the electron could be in a lower energy level or even in a completely different location. The conversation also mentions that all electrons are identical and cannot be individually tracked. The concept of probability is emphasized and it is compared to a lost dog where its location cannot be determined until it is found. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and uncertainty of quantum mechanics and the limitations of fully understanding it."
  • #1
Ok, I am currently taking chemistry, and the course involves some aspects of quantum physiscs, such as bohr models, quarks, and orbitals. My teacher taught us that when the elcetrons become excited they move up an energy level. However they do not move in the traditional sense, "they are here, and than they are there." He does not know much more about the topic, seeing as he is a chemistry teacher and not physics. Could somebody please clear up how the electron "teleports" between the energy levels and how we know that it is the same electron.

Thank you for your time.
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  • #2
It helps if you drop the notion of an electron as a small localized ball. Consider the electron as a probabliity distribution. We cannot specify its location at any given time, only the probability that it will be found in a region. When an electron is excited to a higher energy level, its probability distribution shifts, it is now more likely to be found in the higher level. There does exist a finite probability that it could be in the lower energy level, or on Jupiter. It is all a matter of probability.
  • #3
Also: You never know which electron you're looking at. All electrons are identical. Suppose you have only two of them. You cannot put a tag on one of them and follow it around. After a short time they might have interchanged (or not) without you ever noticing.
As integral said it is al probability.
The only difference between two energy levels is the form of the probability distribution. In an atom for instance the groundstate is a sphere centered around the nucleus, while the frist excited state sort of looks like an 8 with zero probability at the nucleus.

Bohr did not say: "He who claims to fully understand Quantum Mechanics, does not understand a single bit of it" for nothing.

Good luck in your studies
  • #4
Think of the electron as a dog you lost. In the ground state, he is your tired old dog. He probably hasn't gone far. If a poodle in heat walks by, he becomes excited. In an excited state, it is much more likely that he could be farther away. In either case, he might be in Pittsburgh, or he might be in the crawlspace under your house, but until you find him, you can only talk about probabilities.


FAQ: Question about electrons moving from ground state

1. What is the ground state of an electron?

The ground state of an electron is its lowest energy state, where it is closest to the nucleus of an atom. It is also known as the n=1 energy level.

2. How does an electron move from the ground state to an excited state?

An electron can move from the ground state to an excited state by absorbing energy, either through heat, light, or collisions with other particles. This extra energy causes the electron to move to a higher energy level.

3. What happens when an electron returns to the ground state from an excited state?

When an electron returns to the ground state from an excited state, it releases the extra energy it gained in the form of a photon. This release of energy is what we see as light.

4. Can an electron stay in an excited state indefinitely?

No, an electron cannot stay in an excited state indefinitely. Eventually, it will return to the ground state, releasing the extra energy it gained.

5. How does the movement of electrons impact the properties of an atom?

The movement of electrons greatly impacts the properties of an atom. The number and arrangement of electrons determine an atom's size, shape, and reactivity. It also determines an atom's ability to bond with other atoms, which plays a crucial role in the formation of molecules and compounds.
