Question about F.Reif page 66 (thermal interaction of systems)

  • #1
It was described that the thermal interaction changes average energy of each system by a different amount and the external parameters do not change at all in a thermal interaction. I do not understand how energy of a system changes without a change in external parameters.
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  • #2
Yathindra said:
It was described that the thermal interaction changes average energy of each system by a different amount and the external parameters do not change at all in a thermal interaction. I do not understand how energy of a system changes without a change in external parameters.
Can you please provide more context or a direct quote regarding this?
  • #3
Sure, the explanation in reif proceeds as follows:
The quantum energy levels of a system Er depend on external parameters like Volume, Magnetic field, etc. Er(x1,x2,x3...) In a purely thermal interaction ( only heat is exchanged and work done is zero), these external parameters are not altered. And yet we see a change in the overall energy of the system. But, this change is due to the relative number of systems of an ensemble being on those energy levels alters. Whereas in a mechanical interaction, external parameters do change and so Er which is a function of those would obviously change.
What confuses me is the idea of an ensemble here. It looks like in some cases even though a hotter and colder system is in contact, energy transfer would not take place.!

PFA. (page 66, chapter 2)


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  • #4
If a hotter and a colder system are brought into contact, the distribution of energy levels within each of them changes as a result of the heat transferred from the hotter system to the colder system.
  • #5
Chestermiller said:
If a hotter and a colder system are brought into contact, the distribution of energy levels within each of them changes as a result of the heat transferred from the hotter system to the colder system.
I'm going through Reif and had the same question. This is how I understand it:

When a system ##A## with mean energy ##\bar{E}=\varepsilon## interacts (only) thermally with a system ##A^{'}## by transfering heat ##\Delta E = \varepsilon / 3##, the proportion of systems ##A## of the ensemble in various energy levels (of system ##A##) changes such that the mean energy of a system ##A## in this ensemble is ##\frac{2}{3}\varepsilon##, but the energy levels themselves are the same. Also there should be a similar shift in the proportions of systems ##A^{'}## over various energy levels (of ##A^{'}##) such that the mean energy of an ##A^{'}## in the ensemble is ##\frac{1}{3}\varepsilon##

On the other hand if these two systems interacted mechanically the energy levels of both systems would change as a result of a change in external paramaters. As I understand it , external parameters are those that appear in the Hamiltonian, which is the reason for the energy levels changing (different Hamiltonian ##=## different quantum system ##\implies## different energy eigenstates ##=## different energy levels. The proportion of systems should also shift accordingly to change the mean energies of the system in line with macroscopic thermodynamics.

Am I correct in understanding it this way?