Question about Gelfand-Naimark

  • Thread starter neworder1
  • Start date
In summary, the Gelfand-Naimark theorem states that every commutative C-* algebra is isometric to $C(M)$, the ring of continuous functions over its spectrum.
  • #1
Gelfand-Naimark theorem states that every commutative C-* algebra is isometric to $C(M)$, the ring of continuous functions over its spectrum. Is the theorem true for ordinary commutative Banach semisimple algebras, i.e. without *? Every proof that the Gelfand transform is an isometry uses the fact that in C-* algebra $|xx^{*}| = |x|^{2}$, so I wonder whether it is true when we don't have the * and that identity. If it is not isometric, is it isomorphic?
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  • #2
Well, my first thought is just to think of interesting algebras. The simplest 'interesting' one I can think of is the ring of polynomials with complex coefficients. I'd expect that you could make this into a normed algebra -- how do things work out for this example?
  • #3
No, it won't work for non-C* algebras.

It can't be isometric for anything else, because C(M) is always a C* algebra.
For example, consider the set of integrable functions f:R->C with convolution as the 'multiplication' operator.
This is a Banach algebra with the L1 norm, [itex]\Vert f\Vert = \int |f(x)|\,dx[/itex]. However, ||a* a|| <= ||a||2, and equality doesn't always hold, so it isn't a C*-algebra.
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  • #4
Also, in my example, you can see that the Gelfand transform is a Fourier transform, so C(M) is isomorphic to C(R) and the original algebra maps to those elements of C(R) which can be written as a Fourier transform of an integrable function.
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  • #5
I think the way you phrased your question, you were only talking about unitial alegebras (otherwise you should replace C(M) by the continuous functions vanishing at infinity).
In that case, you could let A be the alegebra of functions f:Z->C such that [itex]\sum_n |f(n)| < \infty[/itex], again with convolution as the multiplication operator.

Using Fourier series, C(M) is (isomorphic to) the set of continuous functions f:R->C of period 1 or, equivalently, C(S1). However, the Gelfand transform maps A only to those elements whose Fourier series is absolutely convergent.Interesting to note that in both my examples, C(M) is isomorphic to the C*-algebra generated by the Banach alegebra. Wouldn't be surprised if that is always the case.
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  • #6
Thanks. What do you mean by "C* algebra generated by a Banach algebra"?

If B is semisimple, then its Gelfand transform f(B) is dense in C(M) - so if Gelfand transform isn't "onto", f(B) isn't closed in C(M)?
  • #7
neworder1 said:
Thanks. What do you mean by "C* algebra generated by a Banach algebra"?
I'm not sure if this is standard terminology. You could try taking the completion w.r.t. the largest continuous C*-norm, which should give a closed subspace of C(M), and maybe is isometric to C(M).

neworder1 said:
If B is semisimple, then its Gelfand transform f(B) is dense in C(M) - so if Gelfand transform isn't "onto", f(B) isn't closed in C(M)?

It isn't closed in my examples above. It is closed (and complete) under the original Banach norm, but not the C*-norm on C(M).
Do you need the semisimple condition?
  • #8
What do you mean by C-* norm? $C(M)$ is equipped naturally with standard supremum norm.

I need semisimplicity only to assure that the translation is injective.
  • #9
Given any Banach *-algebra A, you could consider the C* seminorms on A. That is, F is a seminorm satisfying F(a* a) = F(a*) F(a). If F is continuous then it follows that F(a) <= ||a||. So, the maximum of all such seminorms exists and gives a unique maximum C* seminorm. Then, A can be completed with respect to this, to give a C* algebra.
That's what I meant by the C* algebra generated by A.
If this C* algebra is B, then the map A -> C(M) extends uniquely to a continuous homomorphism B->C(M), which I was suggesting gave an isometry.

However, you've already stated that semisimple => map is injective, and that the map is dense, so it seems that you know quite a bit already.

FAQ: Question about Gelfand-Naimark

What is the Gelfand-Naimark theorem?

The Gelfand-Naimark theorem is a fundamental result in functional analysis that states that every commutative C*-algebra has a faithful *-representation on a Hilbert space. This means that every commutative C*-algebra can be represented as a set of linear operators on a Hilbert space, with the operators satisfying certain algebraic and topological properties.

Who are Gelfand and Naimark?

Israel Gelfand and Mark Naimark were two prominent mathematicians who formulated and proved the Gelfand-Naimark theorem in the 1940s. They made significant contributions to the fields of functional analysis, topology, and algebra, and their names are associated with many important theorems and concepts in mathematics.

What is a C*-algebra?

A C*-algebra is a type of algebraic structure that is used to study operators on a Hilbert space. It is named after the properties it satisfies: "C" for being closed under taking complements, "*" for being closed under taking adjoints (conjugate transposes), and "norm" for being equipped with a norm that satisfies certain conditions. C*-algebras have a wide range of applications in mathematics and physics.

Why is the Gelfand-Naimark theorem important?

The Gelfand-Naimark theorem is important because it provides a powerful tool for studying and understanding C*-algebras. It allows for the representation of C*-algebras in terms of concrete operators on a Hilbert space, which makes them more accessible for analysis and computation. The theorem also has significant implications in other areas of mathematics, such as representation theory and harmonic analysis.

What are some applications of the Gelfand-Naimark theorem?

The Gelfand-Naimark theorem has numerous applications in mathematics and physics, particularly in the study of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. It is also used in the study of topological spaces and their properties, as well as in the development of spectral theory. In addition, the theorem has practical applications in signal processing, control theory, and other areas of engineering.
