Question about generators and relations.

In summary: Thank you for pointing it out!In summary, we are discussing the subgroup M ≤ S_5 generated by two transpositions t_1= (12) and t_2= (34). We are also looking at the normalizer N = {g ∈S_5| gMg^(-1) = M}, describing it by generators and relations, and showing that it is a semidirect product of two abelian groups. We are using Sylow's theorems to compute the order of N, which turns out to be 8. We also prove that N contains no 3-cycles and has at least 5 elements of order 2, leading us to the conclusion that N is isomorphic to Z
  • #1
I am trying to use generators and relations here.

Let M ≤ S_5 be the subgroup generated by two transpositions t_1= (12) and t_2= (34).

Let N = {g ∈S_5| gMg^(-1) = M} be the normalizer of M in S_5.

Describe N by generators and relations.

Show that N is a semidirect product of two Abelian groups.

Compute |N|.

How many subgroups conjugate to M are there in S_5 ? Why?

(I think Sylow's theorems should be used here.)
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  • #2
Jack said:
Describe N by generators and relations.

Please, show some work, $\color{red}M\color{black}=\{(1,2)^m(3,4)^n:m,n\in \mathbb{Z}\}$. What do you obtain?
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  • #3
Fernando Revilla said:
Please, show some work, $N=\{(1,2)^m(3,4)^n:m,n\in \mathbb{Z}\}$. What do you obtain?

are you sure about this? it seems to me that g = (1 3)(2 4) is an element of N, since:

gt1g-1 = t2

gt2g-1 = t1

g(t1t2)g-1 = t2t1 = t1t2 (since these are disjoint, and thus commute).

perhaps you meant to use "M", instead of "N", N is the normalizer of M, and we might expect to to be a bit larger than M itself (of course it contains M as a subgroup).

i claim it is obvious that |M| = 4, and that M is non-cyclic. i also claim that no element of N can move 5. so |N| is between 4 and 24, and is a multiple of 4. you should prove these things.

this gives 4 possibilities: |N| = 4,8,12, or 24. since i show an element of N not in M above, 4 is off the table. it can be shown by direct computation that:

t1t2g = (1 4)(2 3) is also in N. this gives a second subgroup of N of order 4:

A = {e, (1 2)(3 4), (1 3)(2 4), (1 4)(2 3)}.

some things for YOU to do: show N doesn't contain any 3-cycles. this means |N| cannot be 24 OR 12 (since the only subgroup of order 12 of S4 is A4 which contains ALL 3-cycles).

so |N| = 8, and furthermore N has at least 5 elements of order 2. which group of order 8 could this be?

abelian possibilities:

Z8 (has only one element of order 2), Z4xZ2 (has 3 elements of order 2), Z2xZ2xZ2 (has 7 elements of order 2).

if it turned out N had an element of order 4, it must be non-abelian. does it?

something that may or may not be relevant: Q8 has 6 elements of order 4, and only 1 element of order 2.

finally, if you arrive at the right choice for N, i hope you will clearly see there is an easy way to see it as a semi-direct product of abelian groups (hint: it has a normal subgroup of index 2).
  • #4
Deveno said:
perhaps you meant to use "M", instead of "N",

Of course, just a typo.
  • #5

I would first clarify the context of the question and make sure I understand the notations and definitions being used. From my understanding, S_5 refers to the symmetric group of order 5, which consists of all permutations of 5 elements. M is a subgroup of S_5 generated by two specific transpositions, and N is the normalizer of M in S_5, which consists of all elements in S_5 that commute with M.

To describe N by generators and relations, we can use the fact that N is generated by the set of all elements in S_5 that are conjugate to M. In this case, we have two generators t_1 and t_2, which correspond to the transpositions (12) and (34), respectively. As for relations, we can use the fact that t_1 and t_2 are both of order 2 and commute with each other, so t_1^2 = t_2^2 = (t_1t_2)^2 = e, where e is the identity element in S_5.

To show that N is a semidirect product of two Abelian groups, we can use the fact that N is generated by two commuting elements t_1 and t_2. This implies that N is Abelian, as any two elements in N commute with each other. Furthermore, since t_1 and t_2 generate N, we can write N as the direct product of the cyclic subgroups generated by t_1 and t_2. Since both of these subgroups are Abelian, N must also be Abelian.

To compute |N|, we can use the fact that |N| = |S_5|/|M|, where |S_5| = 5! = 120 and |M| = 2. Therefore, |N| = 120/2 = 60.

Using Sylow's theorems, we can determine the number of subgroups conjugate to M in S_5. Since M is a subgroup of order 2 in S_5, by Sylow's third theorem, the number of subgroups conjugate to M must divide 5!. However, since M is not a normal subgroup of S_5, the number of subgroups conjugate to M cannot be 5! itself. Therefore, by Sylow's second theorem, the number

FAQ: Question about generators and relations.

1. What are generators and relations in mathematics?

Generators and relations are mathematical objects used to describe the structure of a group or a ring. Generators are elements that can be combined to create all other elements in the group or ring, while relations are equations or rules that must hold true for the elements in the group or ring.

2. How are generators and relations used in group theory?

In group theory, generators and relations are used to define a group by specifying its elements and the rules that govern their combinations. This allows for a concise and efficient way to describe the structure of a group, and can be used to prove properties and theorems about the group.

3. Can you give an example of generators and relations in action?

One example is the presentation of the symmetric group of degree n, denoted as Sn. This group can be described by the generators σ and τ, where σ represents a transposition (i.e. swapping two elements) and τ represents a rotation (i.e. shifting all elements to the right by one), along with the relation σ2 = τn = (τσ)3 = e (the identity element). This presentation captures the essential properties of the symmetric group and allows for its structure to be understood and analyzed.

4. How are generators and relations related to group presentations?

Group presentations are a way of describing a group using a set of generators and relations. The generators represent the building blocks of the group, while the relations define the relationships between these elements. Group presentations can be used to study and classify groups, and are an important concept in algebraic topology and geometric group theory.

5. Are generators and relations unique for a given group?

No, generators and relations are not unique for a given group. In fact, there can be many different presentations for the same group, each capturing different aspects of its structure. However, there are certain "canonical" presentations that are commonly used and studied, such as the Todd-Coxeter presentation for finitely generated groups and the Coxeter presentation for Coxeter groups.

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