Question about infinite space and time

In summary, infinite space refers to the idea that the universe has no boundaries or edges and continues infinitely in all directions, while infinite time refers to the concept that time has no beginning or end and extends infinitely into the past and future. The scientific community is still debating whether space and time are truly infinite, with some theories proposing that the universe is finite and others suggesting it is infinite. The notion of infinite space and time raises questions about the origins and fate of the universe, the possibility of other universes, and challenges our understanding of causality and physics. While it may be difficult for the human mind to fully comprehend infinity, ongoing scientific research and exploration can help us expand our understanding of the universe and its infinite nature.
  • #1

I'm looking for books or articles on how to think of time and space. I'm a neophyte-non-scientist & just want to learn how to grasp the issues surrounding the infinity or non-infinity of space & how to think of the nature of time in either an eternal universe or a universe that began with the big bang. Any ideas or suggestions?
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  • #2
Fabric of the cosmos by Brian Greene, or Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking is what I would recommend.
  • #3

Dear reader,

Thank you for your question about infinite space and time. This is a complex and fascinating topic, and there are many resources available to help you understand it better. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

1. "The Fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene: This book explores the concept of space and time in a way that is accessible to non-scientists. It delves into the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, and how they shape our understanding of the universe.

2. "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking: This classic book provides a comprehensive overview of the history of the universe, from the big bang to black holes. It also discusses the concept of time and how it relates to the expansion of the universe.

3. "The Endless Universe: Beyond the Big Bang" by Paul J. Steinhardt and Neil Turok: This book presents a different perspective on the beginning of the universe, proposing a cyclical model where the big bang is just one phase in an infinite cycle of expansion and contraction.

4. "The Order of Time" by Carlo Rovelli: This book explores the concept of time from a philosophical and scientific perspective. It discusses the idea of time as a human construct and how our perception of it may differ from its true nature.

In addition to these books, there are also many online resources available, such as articles and videos on YouTube, that can help you deepen your understanding of infinite space and time. I hope these suggestions will be helpful to you in your quest for knowledge. Happy learning!

FAQ: Question about infinite space and time

What is infinite space?

Infinite space refers to the concept that the universe has no boundaries or edges, and that it continues infinitely in all directions.

What is infinite time?

Infinite time refers to the idea that time has no beginning or end, and that it continues infinitely into the past and future.

How do we know if space and time are infinite?

This is still a subject of debate and research in the scientific community. Some theories suggest that the universe is finite, while others propose that it is infinite. Further research and evidence is needed to determine the true nature of space and time.

What implications does the concept of infinite space and time have on the universe?

The concept of infinite space and time raises questions about the origins and fate of the universe, as well as the possibility of other universes existing beyond our own. It also challenges our understanding of causality and the laws of physics.

Can we ever fully comprehend infinite space and time?

It is difficult for the human mind to fully comprehend the concept of infinity, as it goes beyond our everyday experiences and understanding. However, through scientific research and exploration, we can continue to expand our knowledge and understanding of the universe and its infinite nature.

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