Question about intrinsic angular momentum

In summary, without intrinsic angular momentum, the ground state of He would be (n=1, l=0) and (n=2, l=0) since the exclusion principle would not apply and the electrons would occupy the lowest potential energy state. This would result in (a) as the answer to the question.
  • #1

Homework Statement

If electrons did not have intrinsic angular momentum, the states occupied by the electrons int he ground state of He would be
a) (n=1, l=0) and (n=1, l=0)
b) (n=1, l=0) and (n=1, l=1)
c) (n=1, l=0) and (n=2, l=0)
d) (n=2, l=0) and (n=2, l=1)
e) (n=2, l=0) and (n=2, l=1)

The Attempt at a Solution

From what I know, the intrinsic angular momentum for the ground state is limited to two electrons due to the exclusion princple. In this case, wouldn't the answer be a? He has only 2 electrons, and they are already in (n=1, l=0) and (n=1, l=0) (one spin up and one spin down)...right?
Physics news on
  • #2
exclusion principle forbidds two identical fermions to occopy the same quantum state. So if electron didnt posess spin the ground state would be (c), since (b) says that n=1 and l=1 is possible, witch is not.

But on the other hand, if electrons didnt posess spin, it would not be a fermion, and hence no exclusion principle to take care of..

ps why did you post this in calculus forum??
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  • #3
So what you are saying is that with the exclusion principle, He would normally have its two electrons in (n=1, l=0) and (n=1, l=0) since you are allowed two electrons in the n=1, l=0 state. Without out the exclusion principle, one electron would instead move up to the n=2 state? Would this not be the lowest possible potential energy? Since the electrons would now be considered bosons, couldn't any number of them occupy the same quantum state?

PS: mistake; I just now realized it (been studying all day for finals)
  • #4
Yes, but withiout spin, they would be bosons and hence no exclusion principle to obey.
  • #5
What I mean is since they would be bosons and would ignore the exlcusion princple, wouldn't they then want to obey "mother nature" and go to the lowest potential energy, i.e. occupie the same quantum state?
  • #6
yeah, but in your first post you didnt motivate for having 2(n=1; l = 0)

and i believe I never said that one electron would move to n=2 state, is that the answer given to you in the textbook or teacher?
  • #7
In your first post, you said "So if electron didn’t possesses spin the ground state would be (c),..." which is (n=1, l=0) and (n=2, l=0).

My thinking is that normally He has its two electrons in (n=1, l=0) (more specific, (n=1, l=0, s=-1/2) and (n=1, l=0, s=+1/2)). Without the spin, there is no exclusion principle to follow, as well as no s values for the electrons. In that case, both electrons would sit in (n=1, l=0), or (n=1, l=0) for e1 and (n=1, l=0) for e2. Therefore, the answer would be a.

You seem/seemed to be suggesting c was the answer (which might have been a misunderstanding on my part). If it was c, that would imply that one electron went from (n=1, l=0), to (n=2, l=0). In this case, one electron was promoted, thereby increasing the amount of energy it has. This would mean that it was not at the lowest potential, which is not that "mother nature" wants.
  • #8
"But on the other hand, if electrons didnt posess spin, it would not be a fermion, and hence no exclusion principle to take care of.."

was my final answer altough;) Beginning with saying "(n=1, l=0) and (n=2, l=0)" science the first state would only be able to occopy one electron, only three quantum numbers (n,l and m_l). BUT without spin, no exclusion principle to follow.

And the answer would be (a), but i thought your motivation for that was not so clear.

FAQ: Question about intrinsic angular momentum

What is intrinsic angular momentum?

Intrinsic angular momentum, also known as spin, is a fundamental property of subatomic particles that causes them to behave like tiny spinning tops. It is a form of angular momentum that is inherent to the particle, meaning it does not arise from its motion or position in space.

How is intrinsic angular momentum different from orbital angular momentum?

Orbital angular momentum is the angular momentum that arises from the motion of a particle around an axis. In contrast, intrinsic angular momentum is a property that is independent of the particle's motion or position in space. Additionally, orbital angular momentum is quantized in discrete values, while intrinsic angular momentum can have any value.

What is the origin of intrinsic angular momentum?

The origin of intrinsic angular momentum is still a topic of debate among physicists. Some theories suggest that it is related to the rotation of the particle on its own axis, while others propose that it is a manifestation of the particle's internal structure.

How is intrinsic angular momentum measured?

Intrinsic angular momentum is measured using a variety of experimental techniques, such as scattering experiments, particle accelerators, and spectroscopy. These methods allow scientists to analyze the behavior of particles and determine their intrinsic angular momentum values.

What is the significance of intrinsic angular momentum?

Intrinsic angular momentum plays a crucial role in the understanding of the atomic and subatomic world. It is a fundamental property that helps explain the behavior and interactions of particles, and it is essential in many areas of modern physics, including quantum mechanics and particle physics.
