Question about light intensity and resistance

Additionally, you will need to use a multimeter to measure the resistance of the LDR in different light conditions. In summary, a student needs help understanding how to obtain light intensity measurements from an LDR in an experiment for their physics coursework. They will need to refer to the technical data sheet for their specific LDR part number and use a multimeter to measure resistance in varying light conditions.
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Homework Statement

For my physics coursework, I have to design a laboratory experiment using an LDR to investigate how intensity of light emitted from a lamp varies with wavelength. In the procedure I will use diffraction gratings to separate light into wavelengths. The problem I am having is "How a measure of light intensity can be obtained from the LDR" please can anybody show me how to obtain intensity from an LDR.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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You need the technical data sheet for the particular LDR part number you will be using. The data sheet will tell you how the LDR resistance changes with light intensity, and how the sensitivty of the LDR varies with the wavelength of the light.
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To obtain a measure of light intensity from an LDR, you can use the equation I = V/R, where I is the intensity of light, V is the voltage across the LDR, and R is the resistance of the LDR. In order to use this equation, you will need to calibrate your LDR by measuring the voltage across it at different light intensities. This can be done by placing the LDR at a fixed distance from a light source and measuring the voltage at different distances from the source. Once you have a calibration curve, you can use it to determine the intensity of light at any given voltage reading from the LDR. Additionally, you may also want to consider the sensitivity of the LDR and any potential sources of error in your experiment, such as ambient light or temperature changes, in order to obtain accurate and reliable measurements.

Related to Question about light intensity and resistance

1. How does light intensity affect resistance?

The relationship between light intensity and resistance is inverse. This means that as light intensity increases, resistance decreases. This is due to the photoelectric effect, where photons from light can knock electrons off of atoms, making it easier for electricity to flow and decreasing resistance.

2. What is the unit of measurement for light intensity?

The unit of measurement for light intensity is the candela (cd). This measures luminous intensity, or the amount of visible light emitted per unit solid angle in a particular direction. Other units for light intensity include lux, which measures the amount of light falling on a surface, and foot-candle, which is the imperial unit for lux.

3. How is light intensity measured?

Light intensity can be measured using a device called a photometer, which measures the amount of light in a given area. This can also be done using a light meter, which measures the amount of light in a specific location. Light intensity can also be measured indirectly by measuring the voltage or current in a circuit that is affected by light.

4. How does temperature affect light intensity and resistance?

Temperature can affect both light intensity and resistance. As temperature increases, the atoms in a material vibrate more, making it harder for electrons to flow and increasing resistance. This can also affect light intensity, as changes in temperature can cause changes in the material's ability to absorb and emit light. For example, as temperature increases, the amount of light emitted by a heated object also increases.

5. How does the type of material affect the relationship between light intensity and resistance?

The type of material can greatly affect the relationship between light intensity and resistance. For example, materials with a higher number of free electrons, such as metals, will have a stronger photoelectric effect and therefore a greater decrease in resistance with increasing light intensity. On the other hand, materials with a lower number of free electrons, such as ceramics, will have a weaker photoelectric effect and a smaller change in resistance with changing light intensity.
