Question about Lorenz invariance and cluster decomposition

In summary, Lorenz invariance and cluster decomposition are two fundamental concepts in physics that relate to the behavior of physical systems. Lorenz invariance states that the laws of physics should remain unchanged under certain transformations, while cluster decomposition refers to the ability to break down a system into smaller, independent parts. These concepts are essential in understanding the behavior of particles and their interactions, and have been extensively studied in fields such as quantum field theory and particle physics. Overall, the principles of Lorenz invariance and cluster decomposition play a crucial role in our understanding of the fundamental laws of nature.
  • #1
From Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 1, there is the statement that "the only way" to merge Lorentz invariance with the cluster decomposition property (a.k.a. locality) is through a field theory.

He uses this argument basically to justify that any quantum theory at low energies will be an (effective) field theory.

But this leaves out string theory: string theory is not a field theory, but it is thought as a candidate for a quantum theory. Is string theory not respecting Lorentz invariance and / or the cluster decomposition property?

Edit: from , Weinberg states "(...) the whole formalism of fields, particles, and antiparticles seems to be an inevitable consequence of Lorentz invariance, quantum mechanics, and cluster decomposition, without any ancillary assumptions about locality or causality."
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  • #2
jordi said:
From Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 1, there is the statement that "the only way" to merge Lorentz invariance with the cluster decomposition property (a.k.a. locality) is through a field theory.

He uses this argument basically to justify that any quantum theory at low energies will be an (effective) field theory.

But this leaves out string theory: string theory is not a field theory, but it is thought as a candidate for a quantum theory. Is string theory not respecting Lorentz invariance and / or the cluster decomposition property?

Edit: from , Weinberg states "(...) the whole formalism of fields, particles, and antiparticles seems to be an inevitable consequence of Lorentz invariance, quantum mechanics, and cluster decomposition, without any ancillary assumptions about locality or causality."

I don't see that string theory is a counter-example, because at low energies, string theory is equivalent to regular field theory. You don't see the strings at low energy.
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  • #3
stevendaryl said:
I don't see that string theory is a counter-example, because at low energies, string theory is equivalent to regular field theory. You don't see the strings at low energy.

This is not the point. The argument of Weinberg is (should) be true irrespective of the energy.
  • #4
jordi said:
This is not the point. The argument of Weinberg is (should) be true irrespective of the energy.

So you think that the phrase "low energies" in "any quantum theory at low energies will be an (effective) field theory" was unnecessary?
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  • #5
stevendaryl said:
So you think that the phrase "low energies" in "any quantum theory at low energies will be an (effective) field theory" was unnecessary?
No. What I am saying is he never states his general argument is valid only at low energy. He states that at any energy, the only way to reconcile relativistic invariance with the cluster decomposition property is through fields.
  • #6
jordi said:
No. What I am saying is he never states his general argument is valid only at low energy. He states that at any energy, the only way to reconcile relativistic invariance with the cluster decomposition property is through fields.

Well, every energy level is low-energy compared to higher energy levels. :smile:

I'm sort of serious. If the energies being considered are bounded above, then you can approximate the theory by an effective field theory that is good for that energy range, but might break down at higher energies.
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  • #7
stevendaryl said:
Well, every energy level is low-energy compared to higher energy levels. :smile:

I'm sort of serious. If the energies being considered are bounded above, then you can approximate the theory by an effective field theory that is good for that energy range, but might break down at higher energies.
You are right. But your point does not address the goal of this post.
  • #10
jordi said:
You are right. But your point does not address the goal of this post.

Well, if Weinberg is saying that every relativistic quantum theory looks like quantum field theory in a certain range of energies, I don't see that string theory is a counterexample. It looks like quantum field theory in a certain of energies, as well.

The point (as I understand it, which is pretty shallow) is that at any energy range, a relativistic quantum theory will look like a quantum field theory. But you change the range, it might start looking like a DIFFERENT quantum field theory, with different particles (maybe), different coupling constants, etc.
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  • #11
jordi said:
From Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 1, there is the statement that "the only way" to merge Lorentz invariance with the cluster decomposition property (a.k.a. locality) is through a field theory.

Is that an actual Weinberg quote? I couldn't find "only way" in his book, and indeed I found the following lecture by him where he points out that string theory is a counterexample:

He does mention a "folk theorem" equivalent to what is being said above - it appears that all such theories will at least look like QFTs at long enough distances.
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  • #12
jordi said:
From Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 1, there is the statement that "the only way" to merge Lorentz invariance with the cluster decomposition property (a.k.a. locality) is through a field theory.

He uses this argument basically to justify that any quantum theory at low energies will be an (effective) field theory.

But this leaves out string theory: string theory is not a field theory, but it is thought as a candidate for a quantum theory. Is string theory not respecting Lorentz invariance and / or the cluster decomposition property?

Edit: from , Weinberg states "(...) the whole formalism of fields, particles, and antiparticles seems to be an inevitable consequence of Lorentz invariance, quantum mechanics, and cluster decomposition, without any ancillary assumptions about locality or causality."

Can you provide a quote for the second paragraph. QED is valid at low energies, but it is presumably not an effective field theory (depending on what you mean). Also its worth pulling out specific quotes here, b/c he is very careful about what he says, and if memory serves in volume 1, he was talking about the necessity of the field formalism in constructing relativistic lagrangians that satisfy Poincare invariance and the C.D.P.

Perturbative String theory (and string field theory) incidentally, can be thought of like a sort of field theory with an infinite amount of fields all constrained by a tower of extra 'gauge' symmetries. In any event, it satisfies clustering and lorentz invariance (essentially by construction).
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  • #13
king vitamin said:
Is that an actual Weinberg quote? I couldn't find "only way" in his book, and indeed I found the following lecture by him where he points out that string theory is a counterexample:

He does mention a "folk theorem" equivalent to what is being said above - it appears that all such theories will at least look like QFTs at long enough distances.

That's it, then. The paragraph about the folk theorem explains that string theory is a counterexample of his "theorem", but he sees his "theorem" as only applying to low energies. My question is then answered. I believe it is better explained in the paper than in the book.
  • #14
Haelfix said:
Can you provide a quote for the second paragraph. QED is valid at low energies, but it is presumably not an effective field theory (depending on what you mean). Also its worth pulling out specific quotes here, b/c he is very careful about what he says, and if memory serves in volume 1, he was talking about the necessity of the field formalism in constructing relativistic lagrangians that satisfy Poincare invariance and the C.D.P.

Perturbative String theory (and string field theory) incidentally, can be thought of like a sort of field theory with an infinite amount of fields all constrained by a tower of extra 'gauge' symmetries. In any event, it satisfies clustering and lorentz invariance (essentially by construction).

From the paper quoted above:

"(...) it is very likely that any quantum theory that at sufficiently low energy and large distances looks Lorentz invariant and satisfies the cluster decomposition principle will also at sufficiently low energy look like a quantum field theory. Picking up a phrase from Arthur Wightman, I’ll call this a folk theorem. At any rate, this folk theorem is satisfied by string theory, and we don’t know of any counterexamples. This leads us to the idea of effective field theories. When you use quantum field theory to study low-energy phenomena, then according to the folk theorem you’re not really making any assumption that could be wrong, unless of course Lorentz invariance or quantum mechanics or cluster decomposition is wrong, provided you don’t say specifically what the Lagrangian is. As long as you let it be the most general possible Lagrangian consistent with the symmetries of the theory, you’re simply writing down the most general theory you could possibly write down. This point of view has been used in the last fifteen years or so to justify the use of effective field theories, not just in the tree approximation where they had been used for some time earlier, but also including loop diagrams "
  • #15
Cluster decomposition in string theory was also discussed here.
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  • #16
Has anyone gone through all of Weinberg's 3 QFT books?
Just wonder.
It reminds me of principia mathematica of Russell though not as thick.

Related to Question about Lorenz invariance and cluster decomposition

1. What is Lorenz invariance?

Lorenz invariance, also known as Lorentz symmetry, is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the laws of nature are the same for all observers in uniform motion. This means that the laws of physics remain unchanged regardless of the observer's frame of reference.

2. How does Lorenz invariance relate to special relativity?

Special relativity is based on the principle of Lorenz invariance, which means that the laws of physics must be the same for all observers in uniform motion. This principle is essential in formulating the theory of special relativity, which describes the behavior of objects moving at high speeds.

3. What is cluster decomposition in physics?

Cluster decomposition is a principle in quantum field theory that states that the scattering amplitude of a system can be written as a sum of products of smaller scattering amplitudes. This allows for the calculation of complex interactions between particles in a simpler way.

4. How does cluster decomposition relate to Lorenz invariance?

The cluster decomposition principle is closely related to Lorenz invariance because it is based on the idea that the laws of physics must be the same for all observers. This allows for the separation of the scattering amplitude into smaller, Lorentz-invariant components, making calculations more manageable.

5. What are the implications of violating Lorenz invariance?

If Lorenz invariance is violated, it would mean that the laws of physics are not the same for all observers, which would have significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It could lead to a breakdown of fundamental theories such as special relativity and quantum field theory and would require a new framework to explain the behavior of particles and their interactions.

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