Question about MCNP output table of burn card

In summary, the conversation discusses the output table of a MCNP calculation, which includes neutronics and burnup data. The FLUX column represents the system-averaged energy integrated flux, which can be multiplied by the cross sections to determine reaction rates and total power. The calculation was run with constant power and four time steps, but smaller steps may be needed for more accurate results. To calculate the total source, one can multiply the flux by the macroscopic cross section and total volume of fissionable material. The correct macroscopic cross section that has been averaged over all energy and space should be used for this calculation.
  • #1
neutronics and burnup data

step duration time power keff flux ave. nu ave. q burnup source
(days) (days) (MW) (GWd/MTU) (nts/sec)
0 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 4.800E+02 1.06832 2.200E+15 2.933 209.103 0.000E+00 4.203E+19
1 5.000E+02 5.000E+02 4.800E+02 1.03163 2.328E+15 2.934 209.107 2.901E+01 4.204E+19
2 5.000E+02 1.000E+03 4.800E+02 0.99949 2.460E+15 2.935 209.109 5.803E+01 4.205E+19
3 5.000E+02 1.500E+03 4.800E+02 0.97140 2.604E+15 2.936 209.108 8.704E+01 4.207E+19
4 2.240E+02 1.724E+03 4.800E+02 0.95903 2.661E+15 2.937 209.108 1.000E+02 4.207E+19

After running the calculation associated with a burn card, MCNP shows this table in the output file. What is the meaning of the FLUX column (2.200E+15)? The manual says that it is an system averaged energy integrated flux, but I don't really get it nor can I link it to other values from this table or elsewhere.

As can be seen from the table, I have run the calculation with 4 time steps of 500, 500, 500, 224 days with constant power of 480 MW (pfrac = 1 for each time step) to get to a maximum burnup of 100 GWd/MTU. I know the relation between power, average ν, average Q and source. However, I cannot relate the flux to the other quantities.

Thank you
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  • #2
The flux is the neutron density times the neutron velocity. You can multiply the neutron flux by the cross sections to determine the reaction rates (find the number of absorptions, number of fissions, etc.). The number of fissions times the Q value will give you the total power.
Was there another type of relationship you were expecting?

You don't mention anything about what type of system you are solving, but your depletion step size seems large. You will need to run smaller steps to get more accurate results.
  • #3
So if i multiply the flux calculated by MCNP in this table by the macroscopic XS for fission and by the total volume of fissionable material i should get the total neutron source, that is the last column from my table?
Φ [n/cm2s] × Σm[1/cm] (= σn) × V [cm3] = S (Total source)

Is that correct? Using the XS value of Pu-239 (one of the heavy nuclides present in the fuel in higher amount) fission by 1 MeV neutrons (kcode source = Watt spectrum, no moderator) in the above calculation gives a value pretty close to the 4.207E+19 n/s that MCNP shows in the last column (I get 1 order of magnitude higher but maybe that is due to improper approximation value of the fission XS).

Thanks for your answer btw.
  • #4
Yes, that sounds correct. You will need the correct macroscopic cross section that has been averaged over all energy and space.
But if you had the one-group cross section, it would be correct.

FAQ: Question about MCNP output table of burn card

1. What is a burn card in MCNP?

A burn card in MCNP is a table that contains information about the isotopes present in a material, their initial and final number densities, and their corresponding burnup values. It is used to track the depletion of isotopes during a simulation.

2. How is the burn card table generated in MCNP?

The burn card table is automatically generated by MCNP during a depletion calculation. It can also be created manually by using the BURN option in the MCNP input file.

3. Can I modify the burn card table in MCNP?

Yes, the burn card table can be modified by using the BURNMOD option in the MCNP input file. This allows the user to change the initial number densities of isotopes or add new isotopes to the table.

4. What information can be extracted from the burn card table?

The burn card table provides information such as the final number densities of isotopes, their corresponding burnup values, and the total burnup of the material. It can also be used to calculate the depletion rate of specific isotopes.

5. How can I visualize the data from the burn card table in MCNP?

The data from the burn card table can be plotted using the MCBURN utility in MCNP. This allows the user to visualize the depletion behavior of isotopes over time and analyze the results of a simulation.

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