Question about Metric Tensor: Can g_{rr} be Functions of Coordinate Variables?

In summary, the conversation discusses the geodesic equations and their use in determining the coefficients of the metric tensor. The equations contain N equations with N partial derivatives, which can be functions of any of the coordinates. The geodesic equations themselves are used to determine the coordinates of the geodesic, and there are four equations and four unknowns.
  • #1

Say, the metric tensor is diagonal, ##g=\mbox{diag}(g_{11}, g_{22},...,g_{NN})##. The (null) geodesic equations are

##\frac{d}{ds}(2g_{ri} \frac{dx^{i}}{ds})-\frac{\partial g_{jk}}{\partial x^{r}}\frac{dx^{j}}{ds}\frac{dx^{k}}{ds} = 0##

These are ##N## equations containing ##N## partial derivatives ##\frac{\partial g_{rr}}{\partial x^{l}}##.

The question is - does this mean ##g_{rr}## (a total of ##N## of them) can be functions of up to one coordinate variable each?
Say, in cyl. coordinates ##ds^2=g_{11}(r)dr^2+g_{22}(\theta)d\theta^2+g_{33}(z)dz^2+g_{44}(t)dt^2##
What is your understanding - can say, ##g_{22}## be a function of ##t##? Or could ##g_{11}## be a function of ##z##?

It just seems that if in the most general case ##g_{rr}=g_{rr}(x^1,x^2,...,x^N)## the geodesic equations should be at least ##N^2##, to carry the information for all possible partial derivatives...

Any thoughts?
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  • #2
I'm not sure if I understand the question. I think you've confused the coordinate r with the index r in the equation.

Here it is with m replacing r as the surviving index.

\frac{d}{ds}(2g_{mi} \frac{dx^{i}}{ds})-\frac{\partial g_{jk}}{\partial x^{m}}\frac{dx^{j}}{ds}\frac{dx^{k}}{ds} = 0

There is no reason why the metric coefficients should not be functions of all or any of the coordinates.
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  • #3
Then we would have ##N^2## nonzero partial derivatives ##\frac{\partial g_{rr}}{\partial x^l}##, while the geodesic equations are only ##N##.
  • #4
kkz23691 said:
Then we would have ##N^2## nonzero partial derivatives ##\frac{\partial g_{rr}}{\partial x^l}##, while the geodesic equations are only ##N##.

The geodesic equation is for determining [itex]x^\mu(\tau)[/itex] given [itex]g_{\mu \nu}[/itex]. It's not for determining [itex]g_{\mu \nu}[/itex]. There are 4 equations and four unknowns:

[itex]\frac{d^2 x^\mu}{d\tau^2} =...[/itex]
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  • #5
Mentz114 said:
I think you've confused the coordinate r with the index r in the equation.
My bad, should have used something else instead of r.

stevendaryl said:
There are 4 equations and four unknowns
Ah, I see. There are ##N## coefficients of the metric tensor which, through the ##N## geodesic equations output ##N## parametric equations for the geodesic. This makes sense :smile: I shouldn't have looked at the number of derivatives.

FAQ: Question about Metric Tensor: Can g_{rr} be Functions of Coordinate Variables?

1. What is a metric tensor?

A metric tensor is a mathematical object used in the field of differential geometry to measure distances and angles in a curved space. It is represented by a matrix of coefficients that relate to the coordinates of a space.

2. What does g_{rr} represent in the metric tensor?

In the metric tensor, g_{rr} represents the coefficient associated with the radial coordinate r. It is used to measure distances along the radial direction in a curved space.

3. Can g_{rr} be a function of other coordinate variables besides r?

Yes, g_{rr} can be a function of other coordinate variables, such as \theta or \phi, in certain coordinate systems. This is because the metric tensor is dependent on the choice of coordinates and can vary accordingly.

4. Why is it important for g_{rr} to be a function of coordinate variables?

The metric tensor is a fundamental tool in general relativity and is used to describe the curvature of space-time. By allowing g_{rr} to be a function of coordinate variables, we are able to accurately describe the curved geometry of space-time in different coordinate systems.

5. What happens if g_{rr} is not a function of coordinate variables?

If g_{rr} is not a function of coordinate variables, it means that the metric tensor is constant and does not vary with respect to different coordinates. This would imply that the space is flat and has no curvature, which goes against the principles of general relativity.

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