Question about momentum and kinetic energy.

In summary: I'll try to answer as best as I can. 1. The total momentum after the collision is:-m1 * v1 + m2 * v22. The total energy during the collision is:-k * (m1 + m2)3. The relative velocities are:-v1 * k + v2 * (1-k)4. Yes, you can use total energy and momentum after the spring is again relaxed to compute final velocities.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two blocks with masses 1 kg and 4 kg respectively are moving on a horizontal frictionless surface. The 1 kg block has a velocity of 12 m/s and the 4kg block is ahead of it, moving at 4 m/s. The 4 kg block has a massless spring attached to the end facing the 1 kg block. The spring has a force constant k equal to 1,000 M/m. a) what is the max compression of the spring after the collision b) what are the final velocities of the blocks after the collison has taken place?

Homework Equations

Conservation of momentum
Conservation of kinetic energy (plus energy stored in spring)[/B]

The Attempt at a Solution

I first assumed the collision would be inelastic and I found the velocities of both blocks to be 5.6 m/s. Then I set kinetic energy before collision equal to kinetic energy after collision PLUS the energy stored in the spring.

My answer for the first part was 23 cm (0.23m) and my answer for the second part was 0.8m/s and 7.2 m/s. [/B]
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  • #2
Hi Pie1345,

Welcome to Physics Forums!

In your attempt you should explain your reasoning as to why you first assumed the collision to be inelastic. There's a particular reason why this approach will work for determining the spring constant. Can you make a suitable argument?
(By the way, your result of ~23 cm looks reasonable to me).

For the final velocities, take a look to make sure that the signs of the values are correct. Will both blocks still be moving in the same direction? Again, the magnitudes of your values look okay to me.
  • #3
Absent a picture i don't see how a "collision" can take place. The spring will be compressed to some maximum; is that the definition of the moment of "collision"?
  • #4
rude man said:
Absent a picture i don't see how a "collision" can take place. The spring will be compressed to some maximum; is that the definition of the moment of "collision"?
As I read the question, the "collision" takes place during the interval when the two blocks are close enough so that the spring is compressed.

a) asks for the maximum spring compression during this interval. The term "after" perhaps meaning that this is "after" the collision begins.
b) asks for the final velocities after this interval. This time "after" meaning after the collision ends, the blocks having rebounded due to the spring.
  • #5
jbriggs444 said:
As I read the question, the "collision" takes place during the interval when the two blocks are close enough so that the spring is compressed.

a) asks for the maximum spring compression during this interval. The term "after" perhaps meaning that this is "after" the collision begins.
b) asks for the final velocities after this interval. This time "after" meaning after the collision ends, the blocks having rebounded due to the spring.
OK, let's go with that. Stay tuned!
  • #6
Well, I came up with a solution in terms of v1, v2, m1, m2, k, etc. but I did not crunch the actual numbers.

1. What can you say about total momentum during the entire process?
2. What can you say about the total energy, same process?
3. What can you say about the relative velocities of the two masses when the spring is fully compressed?
4. Can you use total energy and total momentum after spring is again relaxed to compute final velocities?

This problem is challenging IMO.

FAQ: Question about momentum and kinetic energy.

1. What is the relationship between momentum and kinetic energy?

Momentum and kinetic energy are both measures of an object's motion. Momentum is the product of an object's mass and velocity, while kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. The two are related in that an object's momentum is directly proportional to its kinetic energy.

2. How is momentum calculated?

Momentum is calculated by multiplying an object's mass (m) by its velocity (v). The formula for momentum is p = m * v.

3. What is the difference between momentum and kinetic energy?

While both momentum and kinetic energy are measures of an object's motion, they have different units and represent different aspects of motion. Momentum is a vector quantity that takes into account an object's mass and velocity, while kinetic energy is a scalar quantity that only considers an object's speed.

4. How is kinetic energy related to an object's mass and velocity?

Kinetic energy is directly proportional to both an object's mass and velocity. This means that as an object's mass or velocity increases, its kinetic energy also increases.

5. Can an object have momentum but no kinetic energy?

Yes, an object can have momentum without having kinetic energy. This can occur when an object's velocity is zero, but it still has mass. In this case, the object's momentum would be zero, but it would still have potential energy due to its mass.
