Question about Nuclear Binding energy and stability

In summary, the stability of a nucleus is determined by its binding energy per nucleon. The higher the binding energy per nucleon, the more stable the nucleus. However, for large nuclei, other factors such as Coulomb forces may also play a role in determining stability.
  • #1
Hello all

Here's a question I need some help with:

There are two nuclei X and Y [Binding Energy of X = a and Binding Energy of Y = 2a]. Also Binding Energy per nucleon for X = 2b and Binding Energy per nucleon for Y is b. Then which one of the following is true:

(A) X is always more stable than Y
(B) X is more stable than Y if mass number of X is greater than that of Y
(C) Y is always more stable than X
(D) None of the above

I want to know which one (and why) of the two, i.e. Binding Energy or Binding Energy per nucleon decides the criterion for stability. [I know that Binding Energy is the energy released when a nucleus is formed from its constituents, so the lower the energy released the more stable the nucleus should be. From this line of reasoning, the answer is (A). ]

Thanks for your help..

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  • #2
maverick280857 said:
Hello all

Here's a question I need some help with:

There are two nuclei X and Y [Binding Energy of X = a and Binding Energy of Y = 2a]. Also Binding Energy per nucleon for X = 2b and Binding Energy per nucleon for Y is b. Then which one of the following is true:

(A) X is always more stable than Y
(B) X is more stable than Y if mass number of X is greater than that of Y
(C) Y is always more stable than X
(D) None of the above

I want to know which one (and why) of the two, i.e. Binding Energy or Binding Energy per nucleon decides the criterion for stability. [I know that Binding Energy is the energy released when a nucleus is formed from its constituents, so the lower the energy released the more stable the nucleus should be. From this line of reasoning, the answer is (A).
Stability is a measure of the probability of a nucleon being released from the nucleus. So it depends on the binding energy per nucleon. If that binding energy is lower, there is a greater probability that a nucleon will acquire sufficient energy to overcome the nuclear force and escape the nucleus.

  • #3
Hi Andrew

Thanks for your reply.

The way I see it, the stability of the whole nucleus is being talked of here that is, whether the nucleus will remain as such or will it spontaneously undergo an emission (alpha, positron or beta). The answer given is (A) but I can't figure out a very sound explanation for it. So I think I need to understand why per nucleon energies are important rather than the total energies (or the other way round...whichever is correct!)

I think what your reply implies is that X with a higher binding energy per nucleon is more stable. Is this correct? Is this a valid statement always? Why?

  • #4
maverick280857 said:
Hi Andrew

Thanks for your reply.

The way I see it, the stability of the whole nucleus is being talked of here that is, whether the nucleus will remain as such or will it spontaneously undergo an emission (alpha, positron or beta). The answer given is (A) but I can't figure out a very sound explanation for it. So I think I need to understand why per nucleon energies are important rather than the total energies (or the other way round...whichever is correct!)

I think what your reply implies is that X with a higher binding energy per nucleon is more stable. Is this correct? Is this a valid statement always? Why?
The higher the (average) nuclear binding energy per nucleon, the more energy is required to remove a nucleon from the nucleus and, hence, the more stable the nucleus.

It gets complicated with large nuclei whose radii approach the limit of the strong nuclear force. For large nuclei, the average nuclear binding energies per nucleon may not be a reliable basis for determining stability as Coulomb forces start competing with nuclear forces.


FAQ: Question about Nuclear Binding energy and stability

1. What is nuclear binding energy?

Nuclear binding energy is the amount of energy required to hold the nucleus of an atom together. It is the difference between the total mass of the individual protons and neutrons in an atom and the actual mass of the nucleus. This energy is released when the nucleus is formed and is responsible for the stability of the atom.

2. How is nuclear binding energy calculated?

Nuclear binding energy can be calculated using Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2, where E is the energy, m is the mass defect (difference between the actual and expected mass of the nucleus), and c is the speed of light. This equation shows that a small amount of mass is converted into a large amount of energy during nuclear reactions.

3. What is the relationship between nuclear binding energy and stability?

The higher the nuclear binding energy, the more stable the nucleus is. This is because a higher binding energy means that more energy is required to break apart the nucleus, making it more difficult for it to undergo radioactive decay. Therefore, a higher nuclear binding energy leads to a more stable atom.

4. How does nuclear binding energy affect nuclear reactions?

Nuclear binding energy plays a crucial role in nuclear reactions. When two nuclei combine to form a larger nucleus, the difference in binding energy between the two nuclei is released as energy. This is the basis of nuclear fusion reactions, such as those that occur in the sun. On the other hand, in nuclear fission reactions, the nucleus splits into smaller fragments, releasing energy due to the decrease in binding energy.

5. Can nuclear binding energy be used as a source of energy?

Yes, nuclear binding energy can be harnessed as a source of energy through nuclear reactions. Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission reactions to produce electricity. However, these reactions also produce radioactive waste, which must be carefully managed. The development of nuclear fusion technology, which harnesses the energy produced by combining nuclei, is a potential source of clean and abundant energy for the future.
