Question about observable universe.

In summary, the observable universe does not diminish because there are regions outside of it where the expansion of space is faster than the speed of light. When looking at galaxies that are farther away, we can see them because the light from them has had more time to reach us.
  • #1
If the unobservable universe is defined by the region in which light originated in it is incapable of reaching Earth due to having the expansion of space rate faster than c, the speed of light, thus causing light unable to travel to earth, than under this definition would not our observable universe diminish since light sources located on the edge of our observable universe is constantly outspeed by the expansion of space, and if our observable universe is not diminishing than i must got something wrong here, can someone explain?

thanks in advance
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Space news on
  • #2
f24u7 said:
If the unobservable universe is defined by the region in which light originated in it is incapable of reaching Earth due to having the expansion of space rate faster than c, the speed of light, thus causing light unable to travel to earth, than under this definition would not our observable universe diminish...

thanks in advance

That's not the definition of the boundary of the observable universe. It doesn't matter that the "expansion speed" is greater than c. The reason why we can't see things from outside of our observable universe is because the light from them has not yet had time to reach us in the age of the universe. As more time passes, light from more and more distant things eventually reaches us. For this reason, our observable universe (or horizon) is actually expanding, not "diminishing."
  • #3
If the farthest thing we can see is the 3 degree microwave background which was cosmolgically redshifted from 3700 degrees Kelvin( a redshift of over 1000), why can't we see eveything (All galaxies, etc) with red shifts smaller than 1000 if we have a large enough telescope?
  • #4
Surface of last scattering is the short answer. The universe was optically opaque before the CMB was emitted. A neutrino telescope could penetrate the haze almost back to the big bang. The aperature required is, however, unimaginably large.
  • #5
Thecla said:
If the farthest thing we can see is the 3 degree microwave background which was cosmolgically redshifted from 3700 degrees Kelvin( a redshift of over 1000), why can't we see eveything (All galaxies, etc) with red shifts smaller than 1000 if we have a large enough telescope?

We have to wait 4 more years."
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  • #6
Hmmm... So basically, you have a star on the edge of the expanding universe. And you are saying that because the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light, that we shouldn't be able to see the light from that star? Did I get that correctly?
  • #7
IanTBlack said:
Hmmm... So basically, you have a star on the edge of the expanding universe. And you are saying that because the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light, that we shouldn't be able to see the light from that star? Did I get that correctly?

Not quite. If we take Hubble's law V=HD, we can calculate distance at which recession speed becomes superluminal using V=C, thus D= C/H. This defines so called Hubble sphere. Things outside that sphere are receding faster than light, but it is not horizon of any kind.

If object outside of Hubble sphere emits photon towards us, that photon is going with local velocity of c, but since recession velocity is greater than c , total velocity is away from us.

Now interesting part. Radius of Hubble sphere is increasing with time. So, some of the photons that were on the superluminal side, cross to the subluminal side, and eventually find their way to us. Thus we can observe things that are receding faster than light.
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  • #8
I wanted to make a point(It is really a question)
Can every galaxy in the universe be seen by us if we have a large enough telescope obseving at right wavelengths(visible, infrared and microwave)?
I think the answer is yes.

My thinking: We can see the universe before the galaxies were formed - the microwave background radiation.
Any galaxy was formed shortly after that and would also be visible,i.e. the light has reached the earth. There is no galaxy whose light hasn't reached us.

The only way a distant galaxy's light could not have reached the Earth is if it is very distant , say 1 billion light years away AND formed more recently than a billion years ago.
However, I think, except for collisions, all galaxies were formed in the early universe.
  • #9
Thecla said:
However, I think, except for collisions, all galaxies were formed in the early universe.

Galaxy I Zwicky 18 is less than a billion years old. New galaxies continue to be formed.

Related to Question about observable universe.

1. How big is the observable universe?

The observable universe is estimated to be around 93 billion light years in diameter. This means that light from the edge of the observable universe takes 93 billion years to reach us.

2. What is the observable universe made of?

The observable universe is primarily made up of dark matter and dark energy, which make up about 95% of its total composition. The remaining 5% is made up of regular matter, such as galaxies, stars, and planets.

3. How do we know the age of the observable universe?

Scientists estimate the age of the observable universe to be around 13.8 billion years old. This is determined through various methods, including measuring the expansion rate of the universe and studying the radiation leftover from the Big Bang.

4. Is the observable universe the same as the entire universe?

No, the observable universe is a small portion of the entire universe. The universe is believed to be much larger than what we can observe, as there may be regions of space that are expanding faster than the speed of light, making them impossible to see.

5. Can we ever see beyond the observable universe?

It is currently impossible for us to see beyond the observable universe, as the speed of light is the fastest speed at which information can travel. This means that anything beyond the observable universe is too far away for light to reach us, making it impossible to see.

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