Question about Photon energy in Nuclear/Atomic Physics

Your Name]In summary, the equations E = hν and E = ħω both represent the energy of a photon, with the latter being a more general form. The equation E(keV) = 12.4/λ(Å) from the book is a conversion factor derived from the relationship between energy and frequency of a photon, and the inverse relationship between frequency and wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. These equations do represent the same thing and the book's equation is simply a way to calculate the energy of a photon in keV units when its wavelength is known in Ångstroms.
  • #1
Zacarias Nason
I picked up a book titled "Physics in Nuclear Medicine" that, while a slightly outdated edition, will presumably still have a bunch of valid fundamental information inside. One thing I noticed in it talking about EM radiation behaving as packets of energy was that it states: "The energy of the photon E and the wavelength lambda of its associated electromagnetic field are related by:"

[tex] \text{E(keV)} = 12.4/ \lambda (\text{\AA}) [/tex]

(On another note, how the heck do I get the Angstrom symbol to show up?)

But my confusion was when I think of the energy of a photon or a collection of photons, I think of the formulas [tex] E = h \nu = \hbar \omega [/tex]
or just the De Broglie relations in general where nu is the frequency, omega is the angular frequency, hbar is h/2pi, h is the normal Planck constant, etc; is this just a case of dimensional analysis where these are the same things but units need to be moved around? I can't see how that would be the case. Sure, momentum in the form [tex] P = \frac{h}{\lambda} [/tex] has frequency in the denominator...but energy for a photon doesn't. Do these equations represent the same things?

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  • #2

Dear forum post,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and questions about the relationship between photon energy and wavelength. As a scientist in the field of nuclear medicine, I can offer some insights into this topic.

Firstly, it is important to clarify that the equations you mentioned do represent the same thing – the energy of a photon. The equations E = hν and E = ħω both describe the energy of a single photon in terms of its frequency (ν) or angular frequency (ω), respectively. The equation E = ħω is the more general form, where ħ represents the reduced Planck constant (h/2π). On the other hand, the equation E = hν is a simplified version that only applies to electromagnetic radiation, where the frequency and angular frequency are related by ν = ω/2π.

Now, to address your confusion about the relationship between photon energy and wavelength, let me explain the equation you mentioned in the book: E(keV) = 12.4/λ(Å). This equation is derived from the relationship between the energy and frequency of a photon (E = hν), combined with the fact that the frequency of an electromagnetic wave is inversely proportional to its wavelength (ν = c/λ, where c is the speed of light). By substituting for ν in the first equation, we get E = hc/λ. Then, using the values of h and c in appropriate units, we get E(keV) = 12.4/λ(Å). So, this equation is essentially a conversion factor that allows us to calculate the energy of a photon in keV units when we know its wavelength in Ångstroms.

I hope this explanation helps to clarify your confusion. In short, the equations you mentioned do represent the same thing – the energy of a photon – and the equation from the book is simply a conversion factor derived from the relationship between energy and frequency of a photon, and the inverse relationship between frequency and wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.

FAQ: Question about Photon energy in Nuclear/Atomic Physics

1. What is a photon in nuclear/atomic physics?

A photon is a fundamental particle of light and electromagnetic radiation. It is the smallest unit of light and carries energy and momentum. In nuclear/atomic physics, photons play a crucial role in interactions between atomic nuclei and electrons.

2. How is photon energy related to nuclear/atomic physics?

Photon energy is directly related to the energy of atomic and nuclear processes. In nuclear reactions, photons can be emitted or absorbed, and their energy can be used to determine the energy levels and transitions of atomic particles.

3. What is the equation for calculating photon energy?

The equation for calculating photon energy is E=hf, where E is the energy of the photon, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the light. This equation shows that photon energy is directly proportional to the frequency of the light.

4. How does photon energy affect the stability of atomic nuclei?

Photon energy can affect the stability of atomic nuclei by causing nuclear decay. When an unstable nucleus emits a photon, it loses energy and becomes more stable. On the other hand, photons with high enough energy can also cause nuclear reactions and change the composition of the nucleus.

5. Can photon energy be converted into other forms of energy in nuclear/atomic processes?

Yes, photon energy can be converted into other forms of energy in nuclear/atomic processes. For example, when a photon is absorbed by an electron in an atom, it can cause the electron to move to a higher energy level, converting the photon's energy into potential energy. Additionally, in nuclear reactions, photons can be converted into kinetic energy as a result of nuclear decay or fusion.
