Question about relating basis of curvilinear coordinate systems.

In summary, the relationship between a cartesian and curvlinear coordinate system is given by gi=(partial)x1/(partial)zi +(partial)x2/(partial)zi, where gi is the i'th basis in the curvlinear coordinate system, x1 and x2 are the cartesian coordinates, and zi is the i'th curvlinear coordinate. This relationship can be understood geometrically by visualizing the basis vectors g1 and g2 and using the partial derivatives of x1 and x2 to determine the lengths of the lines from the origin to a given point in the curvilinear coordinate system.
  • #1
Wikipedia gives the relationship between a cartesian and curvlinear coordinate system as
gi=(partial)x1/(partial)zi +(partial)x2/(partial)zi

Where gi is the i'th basis in the curvlinear coordinate system, x1 and x2 are the cartesian coordinates, zi, is the i'th curvlinear coordinate. Taking i as 1 or 2 in the two dimensional case.

I am having trouble deriving a proof for why this is true. Despite being a first year mathematics student i still feel that this is something within my grasp (I am currently studying vector calculus). Could someone please provide me with some geometric intuition for this identity?
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  • #2
The easiest way to think about this relationship is by visualizing it graphically. Consider a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system (x1, x2). In this system, a point P can be represented by its coordinates (x1, x2). Now imagine that you want to represent the same point using a curvilinear coordinate system (z1, z2). To do this, you first need to define the basis vectors g1 and g2 of the curvilinear coordinate system. These basis vectors are the unit vectors along the two axes of the curvilinear coordinate system. Now to represent point P in the curvilinear coordinate system, you need to determine how much of each basis vector g1 and g2 is required to reach the point P. To do this, you can draw lines from the origin of the curvilinear coordinate system to the point P, such that each line is parallel to one of the basis vectors. The lengths of these lines represent the amount of each basis vector required to reach the point P. These lengths can then be calculated using the relationship given in the question, where the partial derivatives of x1 and x2 with respect to z1 and z2 respectively give the amounts of g1 and g2 required to reach point P. This is why the relationship between the cartesian and curvilinear coordinate systems is as stated in the question.

FAQ: Question about relating basis of curvilinear coordinate systems.

What is a curvilinear coordinate system?

A curvilinear coordinate system is a coordinate system where the coordinate lines are curved instead of straight. This type of coordinate system is commonly used in mathematics and physics to represent points in space that do not have a simple Cartesian representation.

What is the basis of a curvilinear coordinate system?

The basis of a curvilinear coordinate system is a set of vectors that define the coordinate lines. These vectors are typically tangent to the coordinate lines and are used to measure distances and angles in the system.

How is the basis of a curvilinear coordinate system related to the coordinate lines?

The basis of a curvilinear coordinate system is directly related to the coordinate lines. The vectors that make up the basis are tangent to the coordinate lines, meaning they are always perpendicular to the lines. This allows for measurements of distances and angles along the coordinate lines.

Can the basis of a curvilinear coordinate system change?

Yes, the basis of a curvilinear coordinate system can change depending on the choice of coordinate lines. Different sets of coordinate lines will result in different basis vectors, which in turn will affect the measurements and calculations made in the system.

What are some common examples of curvilinear coordinate systems?

Some common examples of curvilinear coordinate systems include polar coordinates, cylindrical coordinates, and spherical coordinates. These systems are often used in mathematics, physics, and engineering to represent points in space in a more convenient way than Cartesian coordinates.
