Question about the Banach–Tarski paradox.

  • Thread starter cragar
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In summary, the Banach-Tarski theorem is a paradox that states that a sphere can be divided into 5 pieces and then reassembled to form two identical spheres, using simple motions such as translations and rotations. This is much stronger than the concept of a line segment forming a square. The theorem highlights the concept of non-measurable sets, where the notion of volume does not have any meaning. This paradox forces people to acknowledge these non-measurable sets and the issues with measuring them, and has led to different theories of set theory.
  • #1
I was reading a little bit about the Banach–Tarski theorem. Is this similar to a line segment of length 1 having the same points as a square with side lengths of 1. And then also a cube with sides of length 1. So then I should be able to take a square and pick out all the points and construct a cube with the same side length. And I should be able to construct as many cubes as I want from that square just by picking out points and constructing my cube. Is this related to the Banach–Tarski theorem or am I crazy.
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  • #2
cragar said:
I was reading a little bit about the Banach–Tarski theorem. Is this similar to a line segment of length 1 having the same points as a square with side lengths of 1. And then also a cube with sides of length 1. So then I should be able to take a square and pick out all the points and construct a cube with the same side length. And I should be able to construct as many cubes as I want from that square just by picking out points and constructing my cube. Is this related to the Banach–Tarski theorem or am I crazy.

Hi cragar! :smile:

The Banach-Tarski paradox is a little bit stronger. When you have a line, you can indeed form a square out of this line. However, what we do there is we take every point separately and map it to a point in the square. So we have to cut our line into an infinite number of pieces and then reassemble it.
Banach-Tarski is a lot stronger: it says we can cut our sphere into [itex]\mathbf{5}[/itex] pieces, and then reassemble it to form two balls. You can't do this with the line: you can't take 5 line pieces and reassemble it to form a square! But you can do it with a ball.
  • #3
so we can do it with a ball but not a line or square.
  • #4
cragar said:
so we can do it with a ball but not a line or square.

Indeed, it has been proven that we can't do this in one or two dimensions.
  • #5
thanks for your answers by the way. Ok let's say I have a sphere of radius 1, can i view the points as infinitesimally small cubes? Then from these cubes I could construct 2 other spheres of radius 1. You said that the theorem cuts the sphere into 5 parts. Why can't I just say when I pick my little cubes from the sphere that I do it 2, 3, or how ever many ways and I put these cubes in a box. So I have an infinite amount of cubes in each box and I might have 3 boxes, then I use these 3 boxes to construct 2 other spheres of radius 1, And the boxes represent my finite area partitions of the original sphere.
  • #6
The two key qualitative facts of the Banach-Tarski paradox are:
  • The motions are simple -- it uses Euclidean translations and rotations (volume-preserving operations) on finitely many objects
  • The sets involved are so "complicated" that the notion of volume doesn't have any meaning for them (they're called non-measurable sets)

(aside: there are lots of "measures" -- notions like "how many", "length", "area", and "volume" are all different sorts of measures)

The first point is rather important -- without it (or something similar), there's no reason to believe that such an argument would preserve measure. As you point out, it's a rather simple matter to take the points of a line and rearrange them into a square -- but the way you do it gives us no reason to think that it should preserve measure*

Previous pseudo-paradoxes that properly use measure-preserving transformations had other factors against them that make it easy for people to mentally brush off the use of non-measurable sets and simply ascribe any poor behavior of measure to the ways in which the argument is complicated.

The Banach-Tarski (pseudo-)paradox is significant because there is pretty much no room to rationalize things away -- it really does a good job of forcing people to acknowledge non-measurable sets and just how badly the idea of measure behaves in their presence.

(Of course, this acknowledgment leads some people to adopt versions of set theory in which non-measurable sets don't exist)

*: well, we have reason to believe the counting measure is preserved, and it is. ([itex]+\infty[/itex] for both a line and for a square)
  • #7
I guess I need to read more about the theorem and measure.
  • #8
cragar said:
I guess I need to read more about the theorem and measure.

Maybe read my blog post about it:
It might help...
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Related to Question about the Banach–Tarski paradox.

What is the Banach-Tarski paradox?

The Banach-Tarski paradox is a mathematical theorem that states a solid ball can be divided into a finite number of disjoint subsets, which can then be rearranged using rigid motions to form two identical copies of the original ball.

How is this possible?

This paradox challenges our intuition about the properties of geometric objects, such as volume and surface area. It relies on the concept of non-measurable sets, which are sets that cannot be assigned a finite or countable measure.

What are the implications of the Banach-Tarski paradox?

This paradox has significant implications in the field of mathematics, as it highlights the limitations of our current understanding of geometric objects. It also has implications in other areas, such as physics and philosophy, as it raises questions about the nature of space and matter.

Is the Banach-Tarski paradox a real-life phenomenon?

No, the Banach-Tarski paradox is a purely mathematical concept and cannot be replicated in the physical world. It requires infinitely precise manipulations and non-measurable sets, which do not exist in the real world.

Are there any real-world applications of the Banach-Tarski paradox?

While the paradox itself has no practical applications, the mathematical concepts and techniques used to prove it have been applied in other fields, such as computer science and cryptography. It also serves as a thought-provoking example for exploring the limits of our understanding of mathematics and the physical world.

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