Question about the implicit function theorem

In summary: What if it is just a set of points?In summary, the implicit function theorem states that if ##F(x,y) = 0## in a neighborhood of the form ##[x-\delta ,x+\delta ]\times [y- \epsilon ,y+\epsilon ]## and ##\frac{\partial F(x,y)}{\partial y} \neq 0##, then there exists a function ##y=\phi (x)\: s.t. F(x,\phi (x)) = 0 \: \forall x \in [x-\delta ,x+\delta ]##. Additionally, the derivative of ##F(x,\phi
  • #1
I won't post the whole rigorous statement of the theorem, but basically the theorem states that
If ##F(x,y) = 0## on a neighborhood of the form ##[x-\delta ,x+\delta ]\times [y- \epsilon ,y+\epsilon ]## and if ##\frac{\partial F(x,y)}{\partial y} \neq 0##, then there exists a function ##y=\phi (x)\: s.t. F(x,\phi (x)) = 0 \: \forall x \in [x-\delta ,x+\delta ]##. My question is about ##\phi '(x)##, which can be obtained by deriving ##F(x,\phi (x))## w.r.t. x as follows:
\frac{d}{dx}F(x,\phi (x)) = F_x(x,\phi (x)) + F_y(x,\phi (x))\phi '(x) = 0\\\rightarrow \phi '(x) = -\frac{F_x(x,\phi (x))}{F_y(x,\phi (x))}
Why can we set ##\frac{d}{dx}F(x,\phi (x)) = 0##? By definition, by composing F with ##\phi##, we are on a curve where F is 0 for all x(and so it makes sense that all its derivatives w.r.t. x are 0). But ##\frac{\partial F(x,y)}{\partial x}## isn't necessarily equal to 0 in that same neighborhood. What is the difference between the two? Isn't ##F(x,\phi (x)) \in F(x,y)##? I'm quite confused
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  • #2
You can set ##\frac{d}{dx}F(x,\phi (x)) = 0## because, as you said, ##F(x,\phi (x))=0## (in an interval).

Maybe use a trivial example to see what is going on here:
Compute ##\phi(x)##, and verify that ##\phi '(x) = -\frac{F_x(x,\phi (x))}{F_y(x,\phi (x))}## by computing all the terms in this equation.
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  • #3
I see now. Thanks Samy! :)
  • #4
  • #5
zinq said:
Gianmarco, maybe your original F(x,y) is defined on a product neighborhood of the form [x−δ,x+δ]×[y−ϵ,y+ϵ], but it is not a correct statement (or even an informal paraphrase) of the implicit function theorem to assume that F(x,y) = 0 on that product neighborhood.
Hello zinq. For a function on the xy-plane to be implicit, doesn't it mean that it has to be in the form ##F(x,y) = 0##? Thank you for the link btw
  • #6
Gianmarco, yes — in order to have an implicit function, you need to have an equation of the form F(x, y) = 0.

What I am pointing out is that you do not want to assume that F(x, y) is equal to 0 for all (x, y) in an entire product neighborhood, like

[x−δ, x+δ] × [y−ϵ, y+ϵ],​

as you did.

You have a function F defined on some (generally assumed to be) open set of the plane R2.

Let's call that open set — the domain of F — by the name U. Then F is a function

F: U → R

Suppose we make a graph of F(x, y) in 3D:

z = F(x, y)​

which means, of course, the set

G = {(x, y, z) | (x, y) ∈ U and z = f(x, y)}​

which we have called G. Now you are interested in the points (x, y) of U where

F(x, y) = 0.​

One way to picture this is to think of the plane P defined by

z = 0​

and where that plane intersects the graph

z = F(x, y).​

Typically, the intersection

G ∩ P = {(x, y, z) | (x, y) ∈ U and z = F(x, y) = 0}​

of these two surfaces in 3-space (P being just a plane) will be a curve. Not necessarily, but typically.

It would not be a curve if the value of F(x, y) is 0 on an entire product neighborhood such as

[x−δ, x+δ] × [y−ϵ, y+ϵ].​

In that unlikely case, that intersection

G ∩ P = {(x, y, z) | (x, y) ∈ U and z = F(x, y) = 0}​

will contain a set that contains the entire product neighborhood

[x−δ, x+δ] × [y−ϵ, y+ϵ]​

at the level z = 0.

In order to make sense of this, it would be best to draw pictures of what is going on.
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  • #7
zinq said:
Gianmarco, yes — in order to have an implicit function, you need to have an equation of the form F(x, y) = 0.

What I am pointing out is that you do not want to assume that F(x, y) is equal to 0 for all (x, y) in an entire product neighborhood, like

[x−δ, x+δ] × [y−ϵ, y+ϵ],​

as you did.

You have a function F defined on some (generally assumed to be) open set of the plane R2.

Let's call that open set — the domain of F — by the name U. Then F is a function

F: U → R

Suppose we make a graph of F(x, y) in 3D:

z = F(x, y)​

which means, of course, the set

G = {(x, y, z) | (x, y) ∈ U and z = f(x, y)}​

which we have called G. Now you are interested in the points (x, y) of U where

F(x, y) = 0.​

One way to picture this is to think of the plane P defined by

z = 0​

and where that plane intersects the graph

z = F(x, y).​

Typically, the intersection

G ∩ P = {(x, y, z) | (x, y) ∈ U and z = F(x, y) = 0}​

of these two surfaces in 3-space (P being just a plane) will be a curve. Not necessarily, but typically.

It would not be a curve if the value of F(x, y) is 0 on an entire product neighborhood such as

[x−δ, x+δ] × [y−ϵ, y+ϵ].​

In that unlikely case, that intersection

G ∩ P = {(x, y, z) | (x, y) ∈ U and z = F(x, y) = 0}​

will contain a set that contains the entire product neighborhood

[x−δ, x+δ] × [y−ϵ, y+ϵ]​

at the level z = 0.

In order to make sense of this, it would be best to draw pictures of what is going on.
Actually, your explanation was very clear. My mistake was not thinking of ##F(x,y)## in terms of a 3D function intersected with the plane z = 0. I have another question though. When could this theorem be useful? I see that you could study the level curves of any 3D function of the form ##F(x,y) - z = 0##, with z fixed, provided that either of its partial derivatives is not zero. But since the theorem only guarantees you that, given ##\frac{\partial F(x_0,y_0)}{\partial y} \neq 0## and ##F(x_0,y_0) = 0## for some point ##(x_0, y_0)##, the graph of the level curve IS a function, but it doesn't say that you can algebraically express y in terms of x (for instance in ##F(x,y)=y^2+x-e^y## which, at the point ##(1,0)## satisfies ##F(x,y) = 0## and has ##\frac{\partial F}{\partial y} \neq 0##), then how can this be useful? Is it because it makes it possible to study the critical points w.r.t. a certain axis?
  • #8
When you have an equation like

F(x, y) = 0​

and the derivative condition is satisfied so you know that (at least locally) there exists a function

y = φ(x)​

that the implicit function satisfies:

F(x, φ(x)) = 0,​

then to actually find an algebraic expression for φ(x) is not as important in practical applications as being able to solve for φ(x) numerically, to a sufficient degree of accuracy for whatever the purpose is.

Of course, it's always nice if you can get an explicit expression for φ(x), but it is usually not necessary.
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  • #9
I see what you mean! You could numerically approximate the ##\phi (x)## with a taylor expansion. That's why we care about finding the value of ##\phi '(x)##. Thanks a lot zinq, that was enlightening :D

FAQ: Question about the implicit function theorem

1. What is the implicit function theorem?

The implicit function theorem is a mathematical theorem that allows us to solve for one variable in a system of equations, given that the system is differentiable. It is commonly used in multivariable calculus and optimization problems.

2. How does the implicit function theorem work?

The theorem states that if a system of equations is differentiable, then the solution for one variable can be expressed as a function of the other variables. This means that we can solve for one variable in terms of the others, without explicitly having to solve the entire system.

3. What is the importance of the implicit function theorem in mathematics?

The implicit function theorem is important in mathematics because it allows us to solve for variables in systems of equations without having to explicitly solve the entire system. This is a useful tool in many fields, including economics, physics, and engineering.

4. Can the implicit function theorem be used in real-life applications?

Yes, the implicit function theorem has many real-life applications. For example, it can be used in economic models to analyze the relationship between different variables, or in engineering to optimize a system with multiple variables.

5. Are there any limitations to the implicit function theorem?

Yes, there are some limitations to the implicit function theorem. It only applies to systems that are differentiable, which means that the equations must have continuous derivatives. Additionally, the theorem does not always give unique solutions, and it may not work for all types of equations.
