Question about the Null Space for this Zero Matrix

In summary, this problem is asking you to determine the null space for a 2 x 6 matrix. You can determine the null space for this matrix by using the rank equation.
  • #1
How can I determine the null space for the 2 x 6 zero matrix as precisely as I can?

Clearly N(A) = {x: Ax = 0, x in R^n},

So if A is this 2x6 matrix, wouldn't virtually any vector x that is in R^6 work?

This is supposed to be a "conceptual" problem, and I KNOW it can't be this easy for the bonus problem on the HW assignment!

Can anyone tell me what I am missing? THANKS A LOT!
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  • #2
it's been a long time but check out

Basically you need to get A into row reduced echelon form. You have 2 equations, 6 unknowns (so you have 4 free parameters.)

x1 and x2 will be your piviots and your equation for x (your general vector which describes the set of all vectors in your null space is:

x = x3*a+x4*b+x5*c+x6*d

where a,b,c,d are your column vectors which give the coefficents of your x3,x4,x5,x6 when you solve for these variables. So for example, you should be able to get it down to where x1 is out of your system of equations and x2 is solved by all the other variables. So we can take the coefficient of this to also be zero. So we should have a vector in terms of the free variables only. Now solve this equation in terms of the remaining variables. X3=x3(x4,x5,x6), x4=x4(x3,x5,x6), and so on. So youll have zeros for x1,x2 in all a,b,c,d vectors, and 1s in the values for the variables you solve for, for "a" above, the 3rd element will be 1, because you're dealing with x3 here.

I'm too tired, and I'm sure there are some errors in this bad explaniation. But I hope it helps.
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  • #3
If A is the zero matrix (the matrix with all zero entries), then every vector x in R^6 will give Ax=0.
It's pretty trivial.
You could also use the rank equation.
  • #4
Did they really say zero matrix? That doesn't even seem like a problem.
  • #5
Theelectricchild said:
How can I determine the null space for the 2 x 6 zero matrix as precisely as I can?

Clearly N(A) = {x: Ax = 0, x in R^n},

So if A is this 2x6 matrix, wouldn't virtually any vector x that is in R^6 work?

This is supposed to be a "conceptual" problem, and I KNOW it can't be this easy for the bonus problem on the HW assignment!

Can anyone tell me what I am missing? THANKS A LOT!

Yes, this is a "conceptual" problem. What is the definition of "null space"??
  • #6
but did he not define it ?

FAQ: Question about the Null Space for this Zero Matrix

What is a null space?

A null space, also known as a kernel, is a subspace of a vector space where the linear transformation of all vectors in that subspace result in the zero vector.

What is a zero matrix?

A zero matrix is a matrix where all of its elements are equal to zero. It is also known as a null matrix or a matrix of all zeros.

What is the relationship between the null space and a zero matrix?

The null space for a zero matrix is the entire vector space. This is because when a zero matrix is multiplied by any vector, the resulting vector will always be the zero vector. Therefore, all vectors in the vector space are part of the null space for a zero matrix.

Can a non-zero matrix have a null space?

Yes, a non-zero matrix can have a null space. However, the null space for a non-zero matrix will always be a subspace of the vector space, whereas the null space for a zero matrix is the entire vector space.

How is the null space of a zero matrix represented mathematically?

The null space of a zero matrix is represented as {0}, where 0 is the zero vector. This indicates that the null space contains only the zero vector.

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