Question about the Photoelectric Effect

In summary: So, the bonding doesn't change much, and hence the properties don't change much. In summary, the photoelectric effect is the process where light/photons can knock electrons off a metal surface. The intensity of the light only affects the number of electrons, while the light frequency affects the energy distribution of the electrons. The electrons involved in this process come from the conduction band of the metal, not the atom itself. The chaotic movement of electrons in the metal allows for easy release of electrons without changing the overall bonding structure. The presence of positive ions in the metal does not significantly change its properties.
  • #1
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right forum, so I apologize in advance if I'm not. I just have a question about the photoelectric effect. As I understand it, the photoelectric effect is where light/photons can knock electrons off a metal surface. I think that the intensity of the light gives the electrons more energy and the light frequency can knock more electrons loose. Anyway, my question is this: where do those electrons come from? I understand that most metal elements give up electrons easily, but if electrons are coming off the nucleus of, say, an atom of copper, doesn't this mean that the entire chemical structure of the copper is being changed? Could someone please resolve this question?
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  • #2
Liger20 said:
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right forum, so I apologize in advance if I'm not. I just have a question about the photoelectric effect. As I understand it, the photoelectric effect is where light/photons can knock electrons off a metal surface. I think that the intensity of the light gives the electrons more energy and the light frequency can knock more electrons loose. Anyway, my question is this: where do those electrons come from? I understand that most metal elements give up electrons easily, but if electrons are coming off the nucleus of, say, an atom of copper, doesn't this mean that the entire chemical structure of the copper is being changed? Could someone please resolve this question?

In metals valence electrons of atoms are not strongly bound to their nuclei. They can freely move between nuclei. This is why metals have exceptionally good electric and heat conductivity. The bonding between atoms is provided by this diffuse electron "jelly". So, if you knock a few electrons out of the metal, it wouldn't change its bonding structure at all. In this respect metals are quite different from dielectrics where valence electrons are well-localized on bonds, and removing even a single electron may lead to a permanent damage in the crystal lattice (defect).

  • #3
meopemuk said:
The bonding between atoms is provided by this diffuse electron "jelly". So, if you knock a few electrons out of the metal, it wouldn't change its bonding structure at all.

But why? It just seems to me that the number of electrons would have to remain the same on each atom regardless of whether or not the electrons are moving between different atoms in order to maintain the identity of the element. Does this mean that some of the atoms of the metal will not have the same amount of valence electrons than if if was a single atom of the metal by itself?

Okay, wait a second, I think I'm getting this now, I forget about the fact that protons define the identity of the element, not electrons! Even though valence electrons are missing (or there are more valence electrons than usual) in ions, they still maintain their identity as a certain element because the amount of protons is what really defines the element.

Okay here's how I understand it now: electrons in a metal are darting chaotically between each atom of metal, causing the metal give up electrons easily, but still keeping it bonded together at the same time by a nasty jumble of electrons. A photon comes along with the required amount of energy to knock the electron loose. Since there are still many electrons in that disgustingly chaotic sea of electrons, the atoms of metal remain bonded while still maintaining their elemental structure.

Am I right in saying that? But still would this mean that their are lots of positively charged ions in metal? If so, would this change the properties of the metal at all?
  • #4
Liger20 said:
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right forum, so I apologize in advance if I'm not. I just have a question about the photoelectric effect. As I understand it, the photoelectric effect is where light/photons can knock electrons off a metal surface. I think that the intensity of the light gives the electrons more energy and the light frequency can knock more electrons loose. Anyway, my question is this: where do those electrons come from? I understand that most metal elements give up electrons easily, but if electrons are coming off the nucleus of, say, an atom of copper, doesn't this mean that the entire chemical structure of the copper is being changed? Could someone please resolve this question?

There are a couple of mistakes in your description of the photoelectric effect.

1. the "intensity" only affects the NUMBER of electrons, not the overall energy distribution. If you increase the intensity, the highest energy electrons do not change. You just get more electrons.

2. "light frequency" is the one responsible for getting electrons with different energy.

The electrons in a typical photoelectric effect come from the conduction band of the metal. These are the same electrons that are responsible for electrical conduction. None of these come from the "atom" - you only do that if you use energetic light such as x-ray and do core-level photoemission.

  • #5
Liger20 said:
Okay here's how I understand it now: electrons in a metal are darting chaotically between each atom of metal, causing the metal give up electrons easily, but still keeping it bonded together at the same time by a nasty jumble of electrons. A photon comes along with the required amount of energy to knock the electron loose. Since there are still many electrons in that disgustingly chaotic sea of electrons, the atoms of metal remain bonded while still maintaining their elemental structure.

Am I right in saying that?

Yes, that's about right.

Liger20 said:
But still would this mean that their are lots of positively charged ions in metal? If so, would this change the properties of the metal at all?

I don't quite understand this question. Yes there are positive ions in metal (nucleus + core electrons). They are immobile. When few valence (or conduction band) electrons are removed from the metal, the change in the average density of the electron sea is negligible. So, there is no visible change in the forces that hold positive ions together. Nothing happens to the metal, except it acquires some positive charge.

  • #6
Thanks for correcting me on that Zapper, I did get that a little mixed up didn't I?
  • #7
Thank you Eugene, I think I'm understanding this now. In response to the comment about the question that you didn't understand, what I meant was this: if light is constantly knocking electrons off the metal, wouldn't that mean that somewhere in the metal, there are atoms that are missing valence electrons because of this effect, therefore making them positively charged ions?
  • #8
Liger20 said:
Thank you Eugene, I think I'm understanding this now. In response to the comment about the question that you didn't understand, what I meant was this: if light is constantly knocking electrons off the metal, wouldn't that mean that somewhere in the metal, there are atoms that are missing valence electrons because of this effect, therefore making them positively charged ions?

You are forgetting that when we do a photoelectric experiment, the cathode (metal) is grounded.

If not, you'll get a charging effect that will raise the work function as the metal becomes positively charged and after a short while, no more electrons will be given off with that frequency of light.

  • #9
Liger20 said:
there are atoms that are missing valence electrons because of this effect, therefore making them positively charged ions?

Well, yes and no. Ions in metals do not have their "own" valence electrons. A metal is essentially a more or less immobile (negleting temperature for the moment) lattice of ions
surrounded by a "sea" of electrons that move around more or less freely , i.e. they are not bound to specific sites. This is why metals are good conductors. It is also why you can understand many basic properties of metals by considering the electrons (i.e. the "sea") alone,
  • #10
Okay, so the valence electrons are not bonded to any particular place, and when light knocks them out, it doesn't really do anything to the structure of the metal except give it a positive charge since the negatively charged electrons aren't in the metal anymore?
And it doesn't really matter if there are less electrons than before?
  • #11
Liger20 said:
And it doesn't really matter if there are less electrons than before?

Oy vey!

Don't you know what "grounded" means?

  • #12
Liger20 said:
it doesn't really do anything to the structure of the metal except give it a positive charge since the negatively charged electrons aren't in the metal anymore?

Yes, provided that the conductor is insulated so that replacement electrons cannot flow in. In this case, it becomes more and more difficult to eject further electrons because of the electrostatic attraction between the remaining electrons and the positively-charged conductor.

If the conductor is grounded (some parts of the English-speaking world say "earthed" instead :wink:), then new electrons flow into replace the ones that are ejected.
  • #13
jtbell, thanks so much, I think you just answered my question.

Okay, so if the conductor is grounded, electrons come off due to the photoelectric effect, but other electrons come into take their place? I'm not sure I really understand in what context you guys are using the term 'grounded'. Do you mean that the metal is simply uninsulated or that there is literally another object touching it? Sorry if I'm being difficult.
  • #14
Liger20 said:
Okay, so if the conductor is grounded, electrons come off due to the photoelectric effect, but other electrons come into take their place?

That's correct.

  • #15
Liger20 said:
jtbell, thanks so much, I think you just answered my question.

Okay, so if the conductor is grounded, electrons come off due to the photoelectric effect, but other electrons come into take their place? I'm not sure I really understand in what context you guys are using the term 'grounded'. Do you mean that the metal is simply uninsulated or that there is literally another object touching it? Sorry if I'm being difficult.

By the photoelectric effect a space charge ("cloud of electrons") builds up near the conductor. If you turned off the "light" the charges would get pulled back into the conductor.

What you do instead in the experiment is apply an external electric field (a voltage source) between your conductor (minus) and some other plate (plus). This field pulls off the space charge to the positive pole of your voltage source. The voltage source (acting as a "pump") pushes electrons from its negative pole into your conductor again, so the conductor remains neutral. The current you get in this circuit depends on the rate of space charge that is generated by the light quanta.

Generally, connecting a conductor to some specified pole of your voltage source is referred to as grounding. This comes from electrical engineering where the current "back to the power plant" goes through the earth, so there need only be one cable to the house where you live (not two => more economical). In the PE experiment you need not actually connect one pole to the Earth (although this might be necessary to reduce disturbances, don't know).

Edit: I am not so sure about that one-cable-powerplant stuff anymore. Don't bet on it.
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Related to Question about the Photoelectric Effect

1. What is the photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from a material when it is exposed to light of a certain frequency. This effect was first explained by Albert Einstein in 1905 and is an important concept in understanding the behavior of light and matter.

2. What causes the photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect is caused by the interaction between photons (particles of light) and electrons in a material. When a photon with enough energy strikes an electron in the material, it can knock the electron out of its orbit, causing it to be emitted as a free electron.

3. How is the photoelectric effect used in everyday life?

The photoelectric effect has many practical applications in our daily lives. Some examples include solar panels, photocells, and photocopiers. It is also the basis for the functioning of digital cameras and photoelectric sensors used in automatic doors and motion detectors.

4. What is the significance of the photoelectric effect in modern physics?

The photoelectric effect played a crucial role in the development of modern physics. It provided evidence for the particle nature of light and helped to establish the concept of energy quantization. It also led to the development of quantum mechanics, which is essential for understanding the behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic level.

5. How did the photoelectric effect challenge traditional wave theories of light?

Before the discovery of the photoelectric effect, light was thought to behave only as a wave. However, the observation that light could cause the emission of electrons from a material could not be explained by wave theories. This led to the development of the particle theory of light, which eventually led to the concept of wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics.

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