Question About The Stars -- Can they have died before we see their light?

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In summary: The star is about 20 times the size of our sun and is located about 1400 light years from Earth. No one knows for sure, but it is not inconceivable that it could go supernova in the next few thousand years.
  • #1
Stars have always interested me, I view them every night with my telescope. One thing really interested me though, if star's light can take thousands of years to reach our planet. I was wondering, does this mean that the light we see could be the light of a star that has died, maybe for hundreds of years?
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  • #2
Yes and we would find out when the light reaches us.
  • #3
Yes, however, every star you can see now is still there. Space is so huge that almost every visible star is actually fairly close to us, and we can determine where they are in their life cycles. Most are middle aged and we know that they'll continue to live for billions of years. As far as I know, the only star that you can see with the naked eye that might not be there anymore is Betelgeuse, and that's still very unlikely. Most estimates give it at least another hundred thousand years or so to live and it's only 700 light years away.

We'll actually know it's exploded a couple of hours before we actually see the light from the explosion. When the core collapses, it creates a blast of neutrinos and gamma radiation. The gamma radiation heats up the outer layers of the star and causes the explosion, but it takes time for that energy to trudge through the millions of miles of dense plasma to escape. The neutrinos, on the other hand, went straight through the plasma like it wasn't even there and gets a head start on the faster photons, so they make it here first.
  • #4
newjerseyrunner said:
Yes, however, every star you can see now is still there.

Remember that the OP has a telescope. :wink:

newjerseyrunner said:
As far as I know, the only star that you can see with the naked eye that might not be there anymore is Betelgeuse, and that's still very unlikely. Most estimates give it at least another hundred thousand years or so to live and it's only 700 light years away.

Indeed. I can't decide if I want to see Betelgeuse go supernova in my lifetime or not. It would be an absolutely stunning sight, but at the same time I really like the Orion constellation. :cry:
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  • #5
We see dead stars on a regular basis with large telescopes like the HST. The Hubble deep field image [HDF] includes numerous galaxies out to a redshift of z=6 or more. Galaxies at redshift z=6 are believed to be sources of photons that were emitted around 12 billion years ago, much older than the life expectancy of an average size star like the sun. Such stars would have long ago used up their original fuel reserves and are now faint corpses. Of course bright stars, the easiest ones to detect at great distances, are more massive and have much shorter life spans than the sun, so they too are long gone. In short, most of the stars comprising galaxies in the Hubble deep field are no longer emitting detectable photons. If we could see them as they are today, the HDF galaxies would look significantly different than at present. Cosmologists use images of galaxies at different redshifts to formulate models of how stars and galaxies have evolved over the history of the universe.
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  • #6
Eta Carinae has been visible to the naked eye in historical times and it is not unreasonable to think it has already gone supernova.
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FAQ: Question About The Stars -- Can they have died before we see their light?

1. Can stars die before we see their light?

Yes, it is possible for stars to die before we see their light. This is because light travels at a finite speed, and it takes time for the light from a star to reach us. So, if a star dies before its light reaches us, we will not be able to see it.

2. How far back in time can we see the light from a star?

The farthest back in time we can see the light from a star is determined by the age of the universe. Since the universe is estimated to be around 13.8 billion years old, the farthest back we can see is around 13.8 billion light years.

3. What happens to a star when it dies?

When a star dies, it can go through various stages depending on its initial mass. Small stars, like our sun, will eventually become a white dwarf after burning through all of their fuel. Larger stars can become neutron stars or even black holes after they go through a supernova explosion.

4. Can stars be reborn after they die?

Technically, stars cannot be reborn after they die. However, some stars can go through multiple stages of death and rebirth. For example, a star that becomes a white dwarf can later merge with another white dwarf to form a new star.

5. How do we know when a star has died?

We can determine when a star has died by observing changes in its luminosity and temperature. For example, when a star runs out of fuel, it will start to cool down and become fainter. We can also detect supernova explosions, which are a clear indication that a star has died.

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