Question about the start of a cosine fourier series

In summary, the a_{0} term of the cosine series is only needed if the function being Fourier analyzed is even. If the function is odd, the a_{0} term is not needed and the series starts at n = 0.
  • #1
Question about the "start" of a cosine Fourier series

Hey. I was just looking through Paul's Online Notes to teach myself Fourier Series and I had a question about the a[itex]_{0}[/itex] term of the cosine series.

In the online lesson, it says assume an even function has the series f(x) = [itex]\Sigma[/itex]a[itex]_{n}[/itex]cos(n[itex]\pi[/itex]x/L) where -L≤x≤L. The series starts at 0, and the way Paul gave a prove of it was to multiply the series by cos(m[itex]\pi[/itex]x/L) and then integrated and used the fact that cos(m[itex]\pi[/itex]x/L) and cos(n[itex]\pi[/itex]x/L) were orthogonal if m!=n.

So that for example, for the Fourier series of x[itex]^{2}[/itex], he got a[itex]_{0}[/itex] = L[itex]^{2}[/itex]/3, where -L≤x≤L.

However, my question is, why do we need to start at n = 0? The proof using orthogonality would work just as well if n were to start at 1 or 100, and the formula for the coefficients would remain the same. In addition, I'm not sure convergence explains it, since the beginning terms of a infinite series have no effect on the convergence of an infinite series. So I was hoping someone could clear this up for me.

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2

Changing or deleting a finite number of terms will not change whether or not the series converges but it surely changes what it converge to!
  • #3

You're making use of the fact that the set of [itex]{ \cos \frac{n \pi x}{L} } [/itex] for all integers n serves as a complete basis for even functions on the interval L. Without the [itex] n = 0 [/itex] term, you don't have a complete basis and thus can't span the space of even continuous on this interval (in reality, the space this set spans is a little bigger than just continuous even functions, but for brevity of the conversation, I've cut it down).

At its heart the Fourier expansion is based in applications of linear algebra, hence why my explanation is based in linear algebra terms. If you struggle with the explanation, you should look into some basic linear algebra concepts and definitions. These expansions are one of my favorite examples of "hidden" linear algebra.
  • #4

Thanks for the answers guys! It helped clear up my confusion a lot.
  • #5

Hi there,

As a scientist, it is important to understand the reasoning behind mathematical concepts and not just blindly accept them. In this case, the reason why the cosine Fourier series starts at n = 0 is due to the nature of even functions.

An even function is symmetric about the y-axis, meaning that for every value of x, there is a corresponding negative value that gives the same y-value. Therefore, when we consider the Fourier series for an even function, we only need to consider the even terms (cosine terms) since the odd terms (sine terms) will cancel out due to the symmetry. This is why the series starts at n = 0, as the first term (a0) represents the constant term in the Fourier series for an even function.

You are correct that the proof using orthogonality would work for any starting value of n, but starting at n = 0 simplifies the calculations and makes the formula for the coefficients more concise. As for convergence, it is true that the beginning terms of an infinite series have no effect on its convergence. However, in this case, we are not just looking at the convergence of the series, but also the accuracy of the Fourier approximation. Starting at n = 0 gives the best approximation for an even function, as the odd terms would only add unnecessary error.

I hope this helps clarify the reasoning behind starting the cosine Fourier series at n = 0. Keep exploring and questioning mathematical concepts, it will only enhance your understanding as a scientist.

FAQ: Question about the start of a cosine fourier series

1. What is a cosine Fourier series?

A cosine Fourier series is a mathematical representation of a periodic function using a series of cosine terms. It is a type of Fourier series, which is a way to express a function as a sum of sine and cosine functions. The cosine Fourier series specifically uses only cosine terms in its representation.

2. How is a cosine Fourier series calculated?

To calculate a cosine Fourier series, you need to first determine the period of the function you want to represent. Then, using the period, you can determine the coefficients of the cosine terms by integrating the function over one period. The final cosine Fourier series is the sum of all these coefficients multiplied by the corresponding cosine terms.

3. What is the importance of the start of a cosine Fourier series?

The start of a cosine Fourier series is important because it determines the initial value of the function being represented. This initial value, along with the coefficients of the cosine terms, allows us to approximate the function at any point within its period. Without a proper start, the cosine Fourier series would not accurately represent the original function.

4. Can a cosine Fourier series represent any function?

No, a cosine Fourier series can only represent periodic functions. This means that the function must repeat itself over and over again, with the same pattern, for the series to accurately represent it. If a function is not periodic, a cosine Fourier series cannot be used to represent it.

5. What are some real-life applications of cosine Fourier series?

Cosine Fourier series have many applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and signal processing. They are used to analyze and approximate the behavior of periodic phenomena, such as sound waves, electrical currents, and vibrating systems. They are also used in image compression and data compression algorithms.
