Question about Uncertainty Principle

In summary, the Uncertainty Principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute precision. This principle, proposed by physicist Werner Heisenberg, is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and has major implications for our understanding of the physical world. It suggests that at the subatomic level, there is inherent uncertainty and randomness in the behavior of particles, challenging our traditional notions of determinism and causality. While the Uncertainty Principle has been proven through numerous experiments, its implications and interpretations continue to be debated among scientists.
  • #1
In the Infinite Square Well problem, an energy eigenstate is in an equal superposition of two momentum eigenstates with eigenvalues that are opposite in sign(like standing waves that are formed by two wavefunctions corresponding to "opposite momentums").
So, for every energy eigenstate, we always have two possible outcomes for the momentum in a momentum measurement.
So, the question is, why does the uncertainty in the momentum change(increase) for different energy eigenstates if each eigenstate has exactly two outcomes?
Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
What is an expression for momentum uncertainty in terms of expectation values?
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  • #3
Since in the infinite-wall example you cannot define a momentum operator and thus no momentum uncertainty the question is misleading to begin with. It's an important exercise to figure out that for this geometry no self-adjoint operator that generates translations exists! Look for the topic in this forum. I've once posted a discussion on it.
  • #4
George Jones said:
What is an expression for momentum uncertainty in terms of expectation values?
<p^2>-<p>^2. So, two opposite in sign momentums give <p>=0 but not <p^2>=0. But again, i can't quite get the intuition behind being more uncertain about the momentum in eigenstates of higher energy. Mathematically, i understand it in the way i explained it. But the intuition is unclear for me. We always have two possible values of momentum.
  • #5
vanhees71 said:
Since in the infinite-wall example you cannot define a momentum operator and thus no momentum uncertainty the question is misleading to begin with. It's an important exercise to figure out that for this geometry no self-adjoint operator that generates translations exists! Look for the topic in this forum. I've once posted a discussion on it.
What do you mean by you can't define a momentum operator? Can't we act on a wavefunction with the momentum operator in just the same way as in any other problem? We can also find the expectation value of the momentum. I am feeling that i am getting something fundamental wrong and that's a bad thing! Help, SOS! :D
  • #6
The higher the energy the greater the momentum. Since you don't know which direction the particle is traveling in there is more uncertainty due to the bigger gap between +p and -p.
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  • #7
Adam Landos said:
<p^2>-<p>^2. So, two opposite in sign momentums give <p>=0 but not <p^2>=0. But again, i can't quite get the intuition behind being more uncertain about the momentum in eigenstates of higher energy. Mathematically, i understand it in the way i explained it. But the intuition is unclear for me. We always have two possible values of momentum.

Suppose you had a job and you knew that next week you would be paid either $99 or $101. Well, the average is $100 and there is some uncertainty.

Suppose you knew that next week you would be paid either $50 or $150? The average is still $100 and you still have only two possible values.

Would you say that the "uncertainty" (technically, it's the "variance" we should be talking about) is more, less or the same in the second case?

On a more general point, you are going to run into all sorts of problems in physics if you start with a priori "intuitive" ideas about what certain words mean. For example, the term "expected" value in stats and QM is not really a good word. It really should be the "mean" value. The "expected value" for the roll of a die is 3.5, which is, of course, an impossible outcome.

Words (and your a priori expectations of what you think they should mean) will lead you astray, where the maths and the mathematical definition of those words will not.
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  • #8
Adam Landos said:
What do you mean by you can't define a momentum operator? Can't we act on a wavefunction with the momentum operator in just the same way as in any other problem? We can also find the expectation value of the momentum. I am feeling that i am getting something fundamental wrong and that's a bad thing! Help, SOS! :D

For a short answer, see

For the mathematical details, see
  • #9
vanhees71 said:
Wow, lot's of great stuff there! As a beginner on QM, i find these to be very enlightening and subtle!
But, i have one more question. In order for an observable to be attributed to an operator, the operator must be Hermitian or self-adjoint and why? Also, what is their difference? Because there is a lot of confusion among people.
Also, how to detect if an operator is not a good one(not self-adjoint or not Hermitian) in a problem(or in general)?
  • #10
George Jones said:
What is an expression for momentum uncertainty in terms of expectation values?

vanhees71 said:
For the mathematical details, see

Mea culpa! I was more careful in

George Jones said:
I think this is a bit subtle. What is the momentum operator for the square well? See

Adam Landos said:
what is their difference? Because there is a lot of confusion among people.?

I don't think that there is a completely standard usage of the term "Hermitian"; see the discussion at
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Related to Question about Uncertainty Principle

What is the Uncertainty Principle?

The Uncertainty Principle, also known as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that states that the more precisely the position of a particle is known, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa.

Who came up with the Uncertainty Principle?

The Uncertainty Principle was first proposed by German physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927.

What is the mathematical formulation of the Uncertainty Principle?

The mathematical formulation of the Uncertainty Principle is ∆x * ∆p ≥ h/4π, where ∆x represents the uncertainty in position, ∆p represents the uncertainty in momentum, and h is Planck's constant.

What is the significance of the Uncertainty Principle?

The Uncertainty Principle has significant implications for our understanding of the behavior of particles at the quantum level. It shows that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty, and that there will always be a level of uncertainty present in measurements.

How does the Uncertainty Principle relate to everyday life?

While the Uncertainty Principle may seem abstract and only applicable to the microscopic world, it can also be observed in everyday life. For example, the uncertainty in measuring the position and velocity of a moving car, or the uncertainty in predicting the weather, are all examples of the Uncertainty Principle in action.

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