Question about Unitary Operators and symmetry

In summary: Galilei group see Ballentine's textbook as suggested by Bill.In summary, unitary operators are transformations that leave physically relevant quantities unchanged. Symmetry operations are unitary operators that do not change the dynamics of a quantum system, and vice versa. These symmetries correspond to conserved quantities according to Noether's theorem. However, not all unitary operators correspond to symmetries, as there are other types of transformations that can be described as unitary or antiunitary operators. Examples of these include time reversal and parity transformations, which may not conserve physical quantities.
  • #1
We know that for every symmetry transformation, we can define a linear, unitary operator (or antiunitary, anti linear operator) that takes a physical state into another state. My question is if there exists unitary operators that act in this way that do not correspond to any symmetry? Would a parity transformation acting on a physical state that does not conserve it be an example of this?
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  • #2
There are a lot of unitary operators. The transformations described by them all leave the physically relevant quantities unchanged. Strictly speaking there's a larger type of transformations, not only unitary ones, because pure states are not represented by the Hilbert-space vectors but by rays in Hilbert space (or more conveniently and equivalently general quantum states by a statistical operator, with the pure states as the special case where the statistical operator is a projection operator, i.e., of the form ##\hat{\rho}=|\psi \rangle \langle \psi|## with a normalized vector ##|\psi \rangle##), but one can show that any such transformation can be described either as a unitary or an antiunitary operator on Hilbert space. If the transformation can be continuously "deformed" from the identity operator, it's always a unitary transformation. The most important case, where you must (!) use an antiunitary description is "time reversal", i.e.

In detail, a unitary transformation of all Hilbert-space vectors via
$$|\psi \rangle \rightarrow |\psi ' \rangle = \hat{U} |\psi \rangle, \quad \hat{U}^{\dagger}=\hat{U}^{-1},$$
and of the operators (particularly those representing observables) via
$$\hat{A} \rightarrow \hat{A}'=\hat{U} \hat{A} \hat{U}^{\dagger},$$
leaves the probabilities according to Born's rule and also all expectation values of observables invariant:
$$\langle a' |\psi' \rangle=\langle \hat{U} a|\hat{U} \psi \rangle=\langle a |\hat{U}^{\dagger} \hat{U}|\psi \rangle=\langle a|\psi \rangle,$$
$$\langle \psi' |\hat{A}'|\psi' \rangle=\langle \hat{U} \psi |\hat{U} \hat{A} \hat{U}^{\dagger} \hat{U} |\psi \rangle=\langle \psi |\hat{U}^{\dagger} \hat{U} \hat{A} |\psi \rangle=\langle \psi |\hat{A}|\psi \rangle.$$
Also note that with ##\hat{A}## also ##\hat{A}'## is self-adjoint. Also note that ##\hat{U}## can also be time-dependent. Then one calls it a tranformation from one picture of time evolution to another (e.g., from the Schrödinger to the Heisenberg picture).

A symmetry operation is now something special. Under a symmetry we understand a transformation of quantities such that the dynamics of these quantities is unchanged. These have important physical implications. E.g., translation invariance in space means that the outcome of any experiment does not depend on where you do this experiment. E.g., investigating some heavy-ion scattering process at the LHC at CERN would give the same result as investigating the very same process at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at the Brookhaven National Lab (provided you'd run the LHC at the lower energies available at RHIC ;-)).

Formally the demand on a symmetry to lead to the same dynamics of the quantum system under investigation, means that transforming the Hamiltonian with the corresponding unitary (or antiunitary) operator does not change, i.e., you must have
$$\hat{H}'=\hat{U} \hat{H} \hat{U}^{\dagger} = \hat{H},$$
or multiplying the equation with ##\hat{U}## from the right
$$\hat{U} \hat{H}=\hat{H} \hat{U} \; \Leftrightarrow \; [\hat{H},\hat{U}]=0,$$
i.e., a unitary operator represents a symmetry of the system, if it commutes with the Hamiltonian of this system.

Now, on the other hand the commutator of an operator that represents an observable, the commutator of its representing operator with the Hamiltonian represents the time derivative of this observable. Now you can express a unitary operator in terms of a self-adjoint operator via the operator exponential function,
$$\hat{U}=\exp(-\mathrm{i} \hat{A}), \quad \hat{A}^{\dagger}=\hat{A} \; \Rightarrow \; \hat{U}^{\dagger}=\hat{U}^{-1}.$$
Thus, if you have a symmetry operator ##\hat{U}##, the corresponding self-adjoint "generator" ##\hat{A}## is conserved in the sense that the time derivative of the associated observable vanishes:
$$\mathring{\hat{A}}=\frac{1}{\mathrm{i} \hbar} [\hat{A},\hat{H}]=0.$$
That is the quantum version of one of Noether's theorems: Any symmetry implies the existence of a conserved quantity and vice versa.

Note that ##\mathring{\hat{A}}## is only the same as ##\mathrm{d} \hat{A}/\mathrm{d} t##, if you use the Heisenberg picture to describe your system, but that's another story.
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  • #3
vanhees71 said:
Formally the demand on a symmetry to lead to the same dynamics of the quantum system under investigation, means that transforming the Hamiltonian with the corresponding unitary (or antiunitary) operator does not change, i.e., you must have
$$\hat{H}'=\hat{U} \hat{H} \hat{U}^{\dagger} = \hat{H},$$
or multiplying the equation with ##\hat{U}## from the right
$$\hat{U} \hat{H}=\hat{H} \hat{U} \; \Leftrightarrow \; [\hat{H},\hat{U}]=0,$$
i.e., a unitary operator represents a symmetry of the system, if it commutes with the Hamiltonian of this system.

What about Lorentz symmetry? The Hamiltonian is not left invariant in this case.
  • #4
hgandh said:
What about Lorentz symmetry? The Hamiltonian is not left invariant in this case.

He is talking about standard QM which obeys the Galilean transformations.

See chapter 3 Ballentine.

  • #5
hgandh said:
What about Lorentz symmetry? The Hamiltonian is not left invariant in this case.
I've only referred to the most simple case of symmetries, not involving explicit time dependence, which is the case for both Galilei and Lorentz boosts of course. For a full treatment of the Poincare group, see my QFT lecture notes (particularly Appendix B)

FAQ: Question about Unitary Operators and symmetry

What are unitary operators in physics?

Unitary operators are mathematical operators used in quantum mechanics to represent physical transformations that preserve the norm of a quantum state. They are important in studying the symmetry and evolution of quantum systems.

What is the significance of unitary operators in physics?

Unitary operators are significant because they represent fundamental symmetries in quantum systems. These symmetries can help predict the behavior of physical systems and understand the underlying principles of the universe.

How do unitary operators relate to symmetry in physics?

Unitary operators are closely related to symmetry in physics because they represent transformations that preserve the symmetries of a system. For example, a unitary operator can represent a rotation or translation of a quantum system, which preserves its symmetries.

What is the difference between a unitary operator and a Hermitian operator?

Unitary operators and Hermitian operators are both commonly used in quantum mechanics, but they have different properties. A unitary operator preserves the norm of a quantum state, while a Hermitian operator represents a physical observable. Additionally, unitary operators are always invertible, while Hermitian operators may or may not be.

How are unitary operators used in practical applications?

Unitary operators are used in various practical applications, such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography. They are also used in understanding the behavior of quantum systems, such as in the study of quantum entanglement and quantum information theory.
